Describes the FAST system, developed by CSIRO for quality control and assurance of fabrics. FAST, or Fabric Assurance by Simple Testing, consists of a series of instruments and…
Describes the FAST system, developed by CSIRO for quality control and assurance of fabrics. FAST, or Fabric Assurance by Simple Testing, consists of a series of instruments and test methods which are inexpensive, robust and simple to use. It measures properties which are closely related to the ease of garment making‐up and the durability of worsted finishing. FAST‐1 gives a direct reading of fabric thickness over a range of loads with micrometre resolution. FAST‐2 measures the fabric bending length and its bending rigidity. FAST‐3 measures fabric extensibility at low loads as well as its shear rigidity. FAST‐4 is a quick test for measuring fabric dimensional stability, including both the relaxation shrinkage and the hygral expansion.
A test method and instrumentation have been developed to facilitate the identification of potential appearance problems and for the development of improved fabric pressing…
A test method and instrumentation have been developed to facilitate the identification of potential appearance problems and for the development of improved fabric pressing performance. The method determines the fabric pressing performance with a greater degree of certainty than using a steam press. The weft “pressing performance” crease angle, as measured by the test method developed by CSIRO, in cooperation with IWS (Biella Technical Centre) and the Italian industries, combined with warp formability, as measured by SIROFAST, were found to be the two fabric properties most important for the prediction of the acceptability and appearance of a range of high quality men’s suits. It also appears that a good pressing performance can partly compensate for the seam pucker symptoms of low formability.