With the rapid growth of the video and VCR market since the 1980s, librarians have increasingly used videos for staff training and development, as well as for instructional…
With the rapid growth of the video and VCR market since the 1980s, librarians have increasingly used videos for staff training and development, as well as for instructional purposes. As a medium, video provides a potentially stimulating and accessible alternative to other training approaches. In many training and instructional situations, video can clarify technical procedures, step‐by‐step, using such functions as slow motion and replay. For training programs emphasizing soft skills development (including communication, supervisory, and management skills), video can enhance role playing and behavior modeling. It can also provide opportunities for self‐observation and evaluation through the taping of simulated or actual interactions.
In a celebrated article, published in 1990, McSean and Law described CD‐ROM as a ‘transient technology’. This paper provides a starting point for a general discussion on the…
In a celebrated article, published in 1990, McSean and Law described CD‐ROM as a ‘transient technology’. This paper provides a starting point for a general discussion on the future role of CD‐ROMs in libraries. An examination of the CD‐ROM market and the range of applications available highlights the popularity of the medium. Technical limitations remain, however, and in some subject areas the lack of currency of the data is a significant drawback. Alternative sources of electronic information, including online, tape leasing, BIDS and storage on hard disc, are explored. Although these alternatives are superior to CD‐ROM in some respects, the latter has a promising future particularly for small full‐text applications, multimedia, and small specialised databases. CD‐ROM should be seen, in general terms, as a replacement for printed material rather than a competitor to other forms of electronic information.
Concentrates on the organisational and indexing aspects of software collections. Unique problems are posed by: 1. the complexities of the nature of software; 2. rapid changes…
Concentrates on the organisational and indexing aspects of software collections. Unique problems are posed by: 1. the complexities of the nature of software; 2. rapid changes taking place in the software industry. One needs to decide if the collection is to be current or historical. The organisation of the material and level of indexing should be matched to the use being made of the system. Evaluates different levels of indexing. Discusses the indexing decisions that are unique to the software/information technology field. References are given to more detailed information.
The Commercial Invoice is the first EDI message to gain worldwide acceptance, and it has been registered as a standard by the United Nations. The action was hailed by the…
The Commercial Invoice is the first EDI message to gain worldwide acceptance, and it has been registered as a standard by the United Nations. The action was hailed by the Commission of European Communities (CEC) as a significant step towards the international agreement on technical standards needed in order for electronic communications to gradually replace paperwork in world trade.
Telecoms Ministers get ready for 1992. An important step towards the Common Market of 1992 was taken last summer by the Council of Telecommunications Ministers, the first formal…
Telecoms Ministers get ready for 1992. An important step towards the Common Market of 1992 was taken last summer by the Council of Telecommunications Ministers, the first formal council devoted to the telecommunications sector since the creation of the European Community. Meeting in Luxembourg, the Ministers gave strong support to the major policy objectives set out in the EC's Green Paper on the telecommunications industry and then added further objectives of their own that could have an immediate impact on European citizens and telecommunications organisations.
Discusses digital libraries and their threat to traditional libraries. Posits there is consistent demand on all sides for electronic full text. Gives the origin of “ebrary”…
Discusses digital libraries and their threat to traditional libraries. Posits there is consistent demand on all sides for electronic full text. Gives the origin of “ebrary” founded by Chris Warnock and Kevin Sayar, with the vision, business and other relevant items.