Roy Guy, Fiona Holden and Phil Dickinson
Three consultants in ICL′s corporate HRD unit speak from theirexperience of self‐managed learning. They ask “Can self‐developmentprovide people with sufficient confidence in their…
Three consultants in ICL′s corporate HRD unit speak from their experience of self‐managed learning. They ask “Can self‐development provide people with sufficient confidence in their own future to engender a positive attitude to corporate change?” Three key points are illustrated with examples taken from their own experience in ICL: develop yourself to develop others; help others learn the values of self‐managed learning – don′t tell them; be flexible at all times, including the design of solutions. Concludes that self development has a lot to offer – real, relevant, individual development dovetailed into the business needs of the developing organization. There is still much to learn, but their experience in ICL is positive and encouraging. They believe it is right for these “empowering” times, and can indeed help people develop sufficient confidence in their own future to engender a positive attitude towards the inevitable and essential corporate change.
Phil Picheng Lee and Gary Kleinman
The public accounting sector of the accounting profession has long been very concerned with the problem of employee recruitment and retention. As early as the 1970s, the then Big…
The public accounting sector of the accounting profession has long been very concerned with the problem of employee recruitment and retention. As early as the 1970s, the then Big 8 firms funded extensive studies of the determinants of employee turnover. The problem is no less real today. Indeed, much has been written about the problem of the vanishing accounting student. If reducing employee turnover and dissatisfaction becomes important in order for the public accounting firms to fulfill their mission of helping to assure the quality of information that investors receive, then having tools that foster an understanding of the determinants of employee dissatisfaction, stress, and turnover is vital. Sheds light on these issues by demonstrating how sophisticated statistical techniques can illuminate the underlying determinants of employee turnover and other important job attitudes. Applies structural equation modeling to Collins and Killough's dataset in order to demonstrate how it can provide important additional substantive insights about relationships between the stressors and job outcomes in public accounting. This important interpretive information is not available, or is available in only limited fashion, in the comparison method of canonical correlation analysis.
In a rapidly changing world, organisations are constantly presented with threats and opportunities and the need to be responsive and resilient. This necessitates developing risk…
In a rapidly changing world, organisations are constantly presented with threats and opportunities and the need to be responsive and resilient. This necessitates developing risk and uncertainty management capabilities within organisations. This article aims to consider risk and uncertainty competence, knowledge, skills, attitudes and the behaviours required by contemporary managers to protect their organisations from threat and harm, whilst seizing opportunity and reward.
This article presents answers to three fundamental questions: (1) Do all managers (those not specialising in risk management) need to be competent in risk and uncertainty management? (2) What does risk competence mean? and (3) How can managers develop the capabilities to become risk competent? The content can be used by practicing managers or educators to develop individual and ultimately organisational risk competence.
All contemporary managers should have some degree of risk competence. Risk competence behavioural indicators and requisite risk knowledge and skills are identified and discussed.
This article provides a contemporary view on risk and uncertainty management competence, drawing on relevant competence frameworks and the existing risk literature.
W.R. Maxwell, W. Dickinson and E.F. Caldin
AN equation of state is derived for a system consisting of a perfect gas containing solid particles in suspension. It is assumed that temperature‐equilibrium is maintained…
AN equation of state is derived for a system consisting of a perfect gas containing solid particles in suspension. It is assumed that temperature‐equilibrium is maintained throughout. The results are applied to calculate the kinetic energy obtainable from the adiabatic expansion of a stream of such a system, and related quantities. The assumptions of the treatment are critically examined.
Apart from those research workers who are directly connected with the canning industry, the corrosion of cans by their contents has received practically no attention from…
Apart from those research workers who are directly connected with the canning industry, the corrosion of cans by their contents has received practically no attention from scientists. The subject might appear at first sight to be of comparatively little interest, but, as will be shown in the following article this month and next, the corrosion phenomena involved are complicated and to a large extent unexplained.
The Management Systems Training Council was a co‐operative organization which was developed in the UK in the 1970s to support training and development activity in organization and…
The Management Systems Training Council was a co‐operative organization which was developed in the UK in the 1970s to support training and development activity in organization and methods and related topics. Charts the history of the Council from its origins in the 1950s until its demise in 1994, and highlights its achievements using comments from members of the Council. Also relates the work of the Council to more recent developments in quality and re‐engineering.
The total number of samples analysed in 1911 was 103,221, an increase of 2,472 samples over the number for the previous year. The principal increases were the following: Milk…
The total number of samples analysed in 1911 was 103,221, an increase of 2,472 samples over the number for the previous year. The principal increases were the following: Milk, 2,954; flour, 405; bread, 291; and spirits, 255. The principal decreases occurred in lard, 973; cheese, 285; and margarine, 208.
ASTM D01.56 on Printing Inks, a subcommittee of standards‐writing Committee D‐1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials, has announced the approval of five standard test…
ASTM D01.56 on Printing Inks, a subcommittee of standards‐writing Committee D‐1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials, has announced the approval of five standard test methods for the evaluation of printing inks and prints.
The area of leadership and management of the Indiancollege/university environment is discussed. The various styles ofadministration are referred to, with special emphasis on the…
The area of leadership and management of the Indian college/university environment is discussed. The various styles of administration are referred to, with special emphasis on the need to build up a professional open relationship with the teachers. The need for special training to assist principals of educational institutions attain the leadership skills required is expressed.