Proposes to attempt to explain why this situation of marketing as a significant specialism will change within the next few years. Discusses the three main items having a bearing…
Proposes to attempt to explain why this situation of marketing as a significant specialism will change within the next few years. Discusses the three main items having a bearing on university education possibilities: The Crick Report; the White Paper of May 1966; and the Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA). States a general indication of subjects taken in a business studies degree with marketing as a major specialism and recommends various universities for varying courses within this specialism. Summarises that for marketing in particular, the new system is ideally placed as long as some kind of authoritative and constructive brief can be given it by the exponents of the subject, for whose successors the degrees have been designed.
Peter Spillard, Matthew Moriarty and John Woodthorpe
An essential component of the marketing audit of an enterprise is thequality of the organization itself. Without an effective structure forplanning, selecting, executing and…
An essential component of the marketing audit of an enterprise is the quality of the organization itself. Without an effective structure for planning, selecting, executing and controlling marketing decisions there is a risk that competitive advantage is sacrificed. Outlines a new method for analysing the structure of marketing decision making within a business enterprise. Describes in detail the technique called the role matrix and its application. Provides guidelines for carrying out the research successfully. The results of an investigation within one particular firm are then displayed, analysed and interpreted. Finally, gives information about the ways in which the findings were actually used to encourage change in the way the enterprise was structured to make it more market‐led.
States that, owing to major change in the field of marketing in the past 20 years, there has been an increase in the use of sales promotion. Proposes that managers in local…
States that, owing to major change in the field of marketing in the past 20 years, there has been an increase in the use of sales promotion. Proposes that managers in local authorities, who are responsible for the marketing of recreation and leisure services should understand the role that astute use of sales promotion can play in their marketing campaigns. Examines the meaning of sales promotion and gives a list of commonly used promotions given by local government. Reveals that careful planning, execution and evaluation of sales promotion can make it a useful tool for the recreation and leisure service manager.
M.J. Baker, C.D. Black and S.J. Hart
Tightly controlled studies of competitiveness such as this one find few detectable differences between above and below‐average firms. This casts doubt on the validity and…
Tightly controlled studies of competitiveness such as this one find few detectable differences between above and below‐average firms. This casts doubt on the validity and reliability of previous work claiming to have identified correlates of success. A wide range of these so‐called differentiating success factors are covered and concludes that only long‐term planning, the length of long‐term plans and some strategic options are associated with success.
Links two views in what has been labelled a strategic marketing perspective – this is defined as having the dual task of providing a marketplace perspective to the process of…
Links two views in what has been labelled a strategic marketing perspective – this is defined as having the dual task of providing a marketplace perspective to the process of determining corporate direction, and guidelines for the development and execution of marketing programmes that assist in attaining corporate objectives. Implies that a marketplace perspective is an important, but not the only, ingredient in setting a firm's objectives. Concludes that the study has attempted to clarify how marketing and corporate planning could be linked by a strategic marketing perspective.
Introduction All people of responsibility in marketing need to plan for the future. The marketing manager has to ensure that his company has the resources and products that will…
Introduction All people of responsibility in marketing need to plan for the future. The marketing manager has to ensure that his company has the resources and products that will be needed in the 1980s and beyond. The marketing educator is training the marketing executives of the future. To do this they need to be aware of the direction of change of the total environment in which they operate and the organisations in which they work. The alternative to planned change toward a target in an identified future is to drift aimlessly or to make changes to suit crises as they arise.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into seven sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Marketing Strategy;…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the Marketing Intelligence & Planning is split into seven sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Marketing Strategy; Customer Service; Sales Management; Promotion; Marketing Research/Customer Behaviour; Product Management; Logistics and Distribution.
For western companies pursuing, or considering pursuing competitive strategy through Keiretsus recent indications from Japan of problems between Keiretsu partners will provide…
For western companies pursuing, or considering pursuing competitive strategy through Keiretsus recent indications from Japan of problems between Keiretsu partners will provide food for thought.
John Driver and Panos Louvieris
Soft systems methodology (SSM) is a procedure for achieving improvement in human activity systems which has been applied in a wide variety of practical instances. POSIT ‐ a…
Soft systems methodology (SSM) is a procedure for achieving improvement in human activity systems which has been applied in a wide variety of practical instances. POSIT ‐ a marketing mnemonic ‐ is a conceptual approach to marketing and its components, which also has been employed to analyse both practical situations and the subject of marketing itself. SSM and POSIT, although distinct, have features in common which are explored in this paper. A reader‐friendly simulation of SSM is taken as an example to show the relationships of the two methodologies in the analysis of marketing as an indicative human activity system.
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Public Sector Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Culture…
This special “Anbar Abstracts” issue of the International Journal of Public Sector Management is split into six sections covering abstracts under the following headings: Culture, Strategy and Organizational Structure; Leadership, Management Styles and Decision Making; Personnel and HR Management; Training and Development; Information Technology; Marketing and Customer Service Strategy.