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Publication date: 10 June 2024

Jorge Peña and Percy Caruajulca

Considering the entrepreneurship nature and the high number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Latin American region, this study seeks to empirically test the…



Considering the entrepreneurship nature and the high number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Latin American region, this study seeks to empirically test the relationship between organizational culture (OC), transformational leadership (TF) and organizational performance (OP) to support their long-term survival.


Under a post-positivism paradigm, quantitative approach and correlational scope, this research analyzed the interrelationship between OC, TF and OP across Peruvian SMEs. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to test the hypotheses based on the responses of 276 SMEs’ top executives from the commerce, services, manufacturing, construction and agriculture industries.


OC fully mediates the relationship between TL and OP. Although TF solely does not drive OP, the mediating effect of OC is crucial for SMEs’ long-term survival, especially considering their contribution to employment, poverty reduction and GDP in developing countries. Entrepreneurial transformational leaders inspire their followers to achieve goals, strive to develop individual skills, transmit confidence and leave aside their own interests to focus on the common goal of growing their entrepreneurship competitively.


The three variables under analysis have been applied to large companies and SMEs. However, this research enriches previous findings, highlighting the necessity for an adequate OC derived from an entrepreneur with TL, contributing to the survival of SMEs, whose results are critical for developing countries’ economies.


Considerando la naturaleza emprendedora y el elevado número de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) en Latinoamérica, este artículo busca probar empíricamente la relación entre cultura organizacional (OC), liderazgo transformacional (TF) y desempeño organizacional (OP), con el fin de contribuir a su sobrevivencia en el largo plazo.


Bajo el paradigma post-positivista, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un alcance correlacional, esta investigación analiza la interrelación entre las variables OC, el TF y el OP en PYMES peruanas. Para ello se utilizó análisis factorial confirmatorio (CFA) y modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) considerando las respuestas de 276 altos ejecutivos de PYMES provenientes de las industrias de comercio, servicios, manufactura, construcción y agricultura.


La cultura organizacional media completamente la relación entre el liderazgo transformacional y el desempeño organizacional. Aunque el liderazgo transformacional por sí solo no influye en el desempeño organizacional, el efecto mediador del TF es clave para la supervivencia a largo plazo de las PYMES, especialmente si se tiene en cuenta su contribución al empleo, su impacto en la reducción de la pobreza y el PBI, en los países en desarrollo. Los emprendedores con liderazgo transformacional inspiran a sus seguidores para alcanzar objetivos, se esfuerzan por desarrollar las habilidades de cada individuo, transmiten confianza y dejan de lado sus intereses personales para centrarse en el objetivo común del crecimiento de su emprendimiento con competitividad.


Las tres variables en estudio han sido aplicadas en empresas grandes y PYMES. Sin embargo, esta investigación enriquece los hallazgos previos, destacando la necesidad de contar con una adecuada cultura organizacional derivada de un emprendedor con liderazgo transformacional, contribuyendo con la supervivencia de las PYMEs, cuyos resultados son críticos para la economía de los países en desarrollo.

Publication date: 30 July 2024

Percy Caruajulca and Mohammad Khalilzadeh

The construction of infrastructure projects for extracting natural resources is vital to the economies of countries and the strategies of mining companies. Project performance…



The construction of infrastructure projects for extracting natural resources is vital to the economies of countries and the strategies of mining companies. Project performance success (PJPF) means achieving the planned scope, cost, schedule and quality. This study aims to analyze if PJPF is influenced by the team’s psychological empowerment (PEMP) and structural empowerment (SEMP), the project manager’s transformational leadership (TLD) and shared leadership (SLD) styles and the cultural power distance (CPDT). The study also examined the mediating roles of TLD and CPDT.


This paper tested its hypotheses through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in AMOS. Data were collected using the online survey platform SurveyMonkey. Owners, contractors and consultants from 24 countries across the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia contributed a total of 222 responses. All participants were involved in construction projects owned by a mining company listed in the S&P 500.


PEMP has a positive impact on PJPF, SEMP and CPDT. PEMP fosters engaged and autonomous employees with agility and problem-solving skills. TLD mediates the relationship between PEMP and SLD. The results indicated that SEMP, TLD and SLD, on their own, do not directly contribute to project success. In contrast to prior studies, CPDT does not mediate the effects of PEMP on PJPF.


Although construction projects remain labor-intensive, research on measuring PEMP, SEMP, TLD, SLD and CPDT in this field is limited. This document is notable for incorporating the perspectives of owners, EPC contractors and consultants.


Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1726-0531


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