Ghassan Yacoub, Paulami Mitra, Tiago Ratinho and Faustine Fatalot
Sustainable entrepreneurs face additional challenges in fundraising. Crowdfunding is emerging as a compelling alternative to traditional sources of capital with a growing body of…
Sustainable entrepreneurs face additional challenges in fundraising. Crowdfunding is emerging as a compelling alternative to traditional sources of capital with a growing body of research outlining its characteristics and discussing mainly its antecedents. Yet little is known about the crowdfunding behaviour of sustainable entrepreneurs. The purpose of this paper is to explore sustainable entrepreneurs' crowdfunding landscape namely the relation between motivation and different crowdfunding types.
Based on a unique dataset of French sustainable entrepreneurs, this paper adopts a qualitative case study approach by conducting in-depth interviews with the entrepreneurs. This was complemented by secondary data collected from company websites and crowdfunding platforms.
This study presents a conceptual framework that outlines and maps the drivers that lead sustainable entrepreneurs to engage with different crowdfunding types (donation, reward, mixed and equity) by unravelling a more granular understanding of the key and condition-based additional drivers within the context of sustainable entrepreneurial crowdfunding.
Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of crowdfunding in order to raise funds. This manuscript offers empirical insights into the under-investigated question of what drives sustainable entrepreneurs to engage in crowdfunding and to what ends. This research also adds texture to prior findings about general motivations of entrepreneurs to seek crowdfunding. These insights inform research and practice on sustainable entrepreneurial crowdfunding, and entrepreneurial crowdfunding in general.
Paulami Mitra, Jill R. Kickul and Colleen Robb
Extant literature on entrepreneurship highlights the importance of the entrepreneurs' social network in mobilizing resources for their ventures. Over the last few years…
Extant literature on entrepreneurship highlights the importance of the entrepreneurs' social network in mobilizing resources for their ventures. Over the last few years, entrepreneurial crowdfunding opportunities have become a subject of growing research interest as it acts as a tool to mobilize financial resources. However, many of these studies are limited within the scope of new ventures, creative industries, and commercial entrepreneurship. In this study, we examine crowdfunding within the context of social entrepreneurship in order to gain a deeper understanding of the motivation and the characteristics of the pool of individuals that contribute to social entrepreneurial crowdfunding. Data for this study have been collected from four cases of social entrepreneurial crowdfunding campaigns. The campaigners, who raised the funds in France for social ventures based in India, shared their knowledge of 157 individuals that contributed to their crowdfunding campaign. The findings inform that crowdfunders mainly originate from the crowdfunding campaigner's helper network, such as family, friends, and colleagues. A small percentage were also acquaintances and strangers. This network of individuals was motivated to support the campaigner achieve her/his goal or was attracted to the social cause that triggered them in creating a social impact. Moreover, the crowdfunders were generally open-minded and well-traveled individuals accustomed to participating in social and voluntary activities. Our study reveals that some members of the helper network are likely to disappoint by not supporting the crowdfunding campaign, thus emphasizing a twist to the existing literature on entrepreneurship. This has practical implications that prompt social entrepreneurs to exercise their social capital, networking skills, and communication strategies to attract and expand their community of helpers in order to trigger individuals from both their helper network as well as individuals outside their current network toward crowdfunding.