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1 – 10 of 141Stephanie Halbrügge, Paula Heess, Paul Schott and Martin Weibelzahl
The purpose of this paper is to examine how active consumers, i.e. consumers that can inter-temporally shift their load, can influence electricity prices. As demonstrated in this…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how active consumers, i.e. consumers that can inter-temporally shift their load, can influence electricity prices. As demonstrated in this paper, inter-temporal load shifting can induce negative electricity prices, a recurring phenomenon on power exchanges.
The paper presents a novel electricity-market model assuming a nodal-pricing, energy-only spot market with active consumers. This study formulates an economic equilibrium problem as a linear program and uses an established six-node case study to compare equilibrium prices of a model with inflexible demand to a model with flexible demand of active consumers.
This study illustrates that temporal coupling of hourly market clearing through load shifting of active consumers can cause negative electricity prices that are not observed in a model with ceteris paribus inflexible demand. In such situations, where compared to the case of inflexible demand more flexibility is available in the system, negative electricity prices signal lower total system costs. These negative prices result from the use of demand flexibility, which, however, cannot be fully exploited due to limited transmission capacities, respectively, loop-flow restrictions.
Literature indicates that negative electricity prices result from lacking flexibility. The results illustrate that active consumers and their additional flexibility can lead to negative electricity prices in temporally coupled markets, which in general contributes to increased system efficiency as well as increased use of renewable energy sources. These findings extend existing research in both the area of energy flexibility and causes for negative electricity prices. Therefore, policymakers should be aware of such (temporal coupling) effects and, e.g. continue to allow negative electricity prices in the future that can serve as investment signals for active consumers.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive background on the recent legislative, regulatory, and prosecutorial scrutiny of mutual funds and underlying issues such as…
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive background on the recent legislative, regulatory, and prosecutorial scrutiny of mutual funds and underlying issues such as the level and transparency of fees and costs, distribution and sales practices, and fund governance.
Provides a detailed chronology of events since January 2003 concerning mutual fund scandals such as trading abuses and questionable sales practices and related issues such as revenue sharing, directed brokerage, soft dollars, market timing, late trading, and selective disclosure. The chronology in this issue of JOIC will be followed an article in the next issue that describes reform initiatives that have taken place in response to the scandals.
Despite criticism and scrutiny of equity mutual funds following poor performance in 2001 and 2002, meaningful efforts to achieve reform began to lose momentum in mid‐2003. Then concern with mutual fund abuses was reignited in September 2003 when New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer announced a settlement with Canary Capital that involved market timing, late trading, and selective disclosure. Since then there have been numerous disclosures of fund trading abuses and questionable trading practices, and the resulting uproar has triggered significant efforts to reform the manner in which funds and their service providers conduct business.
This comprehensive chronology provides an essential reference by bringing together all the events and underlying issues related to mutual fund scandals, abuses, regulation, compliance, and reform efforts since January 1, 2003.
To describe the broad range of reform initiatives that has been undertaken in response to a series of mutual fund scandals that have become apparent starting in 2003. This is the…
To describe the broad range of reform initiatives that has been undertaken in response to a series of mutual fund scandals that have become apparent starting in 2003. This is the second of a two‐part article. The first part, in Volume 7, Number 1, is a chronology of developments related to the fund scandals since 1 January 2003.
Describes SEC reforms, including governance reforms; compliance reforms; SEC‐directed expanded disclosure regarding fund expenses and costs; reforms with respect to share distribution practices; reforms addressing market timing, selective disclosure, and fair value pricing; other reform initiatives including codes of ethics for investment advisers and a requirement that hedge fund advisers register with the SEC; an enhanced surveillance and inspection program for mutual funds; and enforcement activities. Describes private civil suits brought against fund companies, legislative proposals, the roles of NASD and New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, the development of “best practices” guides by industry groups, and measures being promoted by institutional investors.
A broad range of reform initiatives has been undertaken by the SEC; NASD; and the New York, Massachusetts, and California Attorneys General. Both the US House of Representatives and the Senate have held hearings and proposed legislation, which at the moment appears dormant. Independent directors of only one mutual fund have been implicated in the trading abuse scandals. Hundreds of private civil lawsuits have been brought by fund shareholders against fund groups but virtually none has resulted in substantial restitution to plaintiffs.
A detailed and comprehensive analysis of reform initiatives in response to mutual fund scandals since 2003.
Benjamin J. Haskin, Barry P. Barbash and Brian M. Hall
This paper seeks to describe the recent SEC Roundtable on Money Market Funds and Systemic Risk and the context behind the roundtable.
This paper seeks to describe the recent SEC Roundtable on Money Market Funds and Systemic Risk and the context behind the roundtable.
The paper discusses the SEC's roundtable on money market funds. Context to the roundtable is provided by describing recent steps taken by regulators to address risks posed by money funds. The paper also examines the principal topics discussed at the roundtable, including the debate on the systemic risks posed by money funds and potential regulatory changes that could mitigate those risks.
A number of regulatory proposals that were raised at the roundtable could, if adopted by the SEC, significantly alter the operation of money market funds as we know them, including requiring money market funds to institute market‐based net asset value (“NAV”) instead of stable NAV, be subject to banking regulations, create an industry‐funded private liquidity bank, or maintain liquidity reserve requirements.
Practical implications
The roundtable is significant as it is likely to influence the future discussion of the regulation of money market funds, which has potential implications for both the money management industry and entities financed by money market funds.
The paper provides information on money market reform for investment advisers, broker‐dealers, regulatory lawyers, institutional investors, and investment companies.
James R. Burns, James E. Anderson, Kimberly Beattie Saunders and Charles F. Gyer
To describe the steps taken by the SEC to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer transactions from three business days to two business days after the trade…
To describe the steps taken by the SEC to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer transactions from three business days to two business days after the trade date.
Provides insight into a recent area of focus for SEC regulators and describe the SEC’s efforts to improve the efficiency of and reduce risks associated with the US national clearance and settlement system.
Industry participants must continue to work toward an migration date from T+3 to T+2 on September 5, 2017. In addition, numerous corresponding rule changes have been made or are expected across other regulatory regimes, including other federal regulators and self-regulatory organizations. Industry participants should monitor communications from these organizations closely for guidance about regulatory updates related to T+2.
Practical regulatory guidance regarding SEC operational requirements for the US national clearance and settlement system and the impact on related SEC regulations from experienced securities lawyers.
Brandon Becker, Elizabeth K. Derbes, Russell J. Bruemmer, Franca Harris Gutierrez and Martin E. Lybecker
The purpose of this paper is to summarize and provide commentary on the US Department of Treasury's Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure, issued on March 31…
The purpose of this paper is to summarize and provide commentary on the US Department of Treasury's Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory Structure, issued on March 31, 2008.
The paper summarizes and comments on the short‐, intermediate‐, and long‐term recommendations laid out in the Blueprint. The short‐term recommendations are to modernize the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, principally by broadening its focus to include the entire financial sector; to address gaps in mortgage origination oversight, principally though creating a federal Mortgage Origination Commission; and to enhance the Federal Reserve Board's current temporary liquidity provisioning process. The Treasury's intermediate‐term recommendations are intended to modernize the regulatory structure and to eliminate duplication. They are to phase out and transition the thrift charter to the national banking charter; to merge the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC); to establish a uniform, comprehensive regulatory system for, and create a federal charter for, “systemically important” payment and settlement systems; and to create an optional federal charter for insurers. The Blueprint's long‐term optimal regulatory structure envisions an “objectives‐based” regulatory approach in which three primary regulators would be established to focus individually on market stability regulation, prudential financial regulation and business conduct; three types of charters for financial institutions: federal insured depository institutions, federal insurance institutions, and federal financial services providers; the Federal Reserve Board assuming the role of market stability regulator; a prudential federal regulatory agency to regulate financial institutions with some type of explicit government guarantee associated with their business operations; and a conduct‐of‐business regulatory agency to regulate the business conduct of all financial institutions. In addition to the three objectives‐based regulators, the Blueprint recommends establishing two other regulatory entities: a federal insurance guarantee corporation and a corporate finance regulator.
The Blueprint finds that substantial regulatory reform is necessary to respond to significant developments including globalization of the capital markets, innovative and sophisticated new financial products and trading strategies, growing institutionalization of the capital markets, and convergence of financial service providers and financial products. Among the areas where one may see action and debate in the near future are: broadening the scope and membership of the President's Working Group on Capital Markets, adoption of uniform minimum licensing standards and the creation of a mortgage origination commission, further discussion of the terms and conditions attached to non‐depository institutions' access to the Federal Reserve discount window, continuing debate around the possible merger of the SEC and the CFTC, and updating by the SEC of the self‐regulatory organization (SRO) rule‐making process.
The paper is a clear and concise summary with commentary from expert securities lawyers.
Erik M. Hines, James L. Moore, Renae D. Mayes, Paul C. Harris, Paul Singleton, Christian M. Hines, Chris J. Harried and Bobbi-Jo Wathen
Rural students encounter challenges such as the achievement gap; racial inequality; little or no college counseling; higher rates of poverty; limited accessibility to college…
Rural students encounter challenges such as the achievement gap; racial inequality; little or no college counseling; higher rates of poverty; limited accessibility to college preparatory courses; and recruitment and retention of quality teachers. Moreover, Black males tend to experience the same issues; however, there is a dearth of literature around this population in rural areas. The authors describe the implications of the unique intersection of Black males in rural settings and discuss the unique challenges and opportunities presented. Specifically, academic achievement, college and career readiness, and access to employment and higher education for Black males are highlighted in this chapter. The authors provide recommendations on research and practice for educators to best serve Black males in rural settings.
January 2016 saw the final release of Numinous Games’ crowdfunded linear adventure game That Dragon, Cancer. An impactful independent title which subverts many of gaming’s…
January 2016 saw the final release of Numinous Games’ crowdfunded linear adventure game That Dragon, Cancer. An impactful independent title which subverts many of gaming’s traditional and valued norms. In less than two hours of abstracted adventure, players are transported through a series of vignettes documenting one family’s struggle with cancer, and the battle faced by their terminally ill child, Joel. Digital memorialisation has been documented by scholars since the late 1990s. This has come in the form of sites specifically created for memorialisation, social networking sites repurposed by their users for memorialisation (MySpace and more recently Facebook), and online virtual worlds (Second Life and World of Warcraft). However, within That Dragon, Cancer the productive nature of grief has created and envisioned a gaming experience purpose-built for memorialisation. This chapter begins by documenting memorialisation within virtual environments. From here, the author turns to consider the way in which That Dragon, Cancer provides a purpose-built space for grief, memorialisation and understanding, focussing on key stylistic and mechanic-based decisions undertaken in the games design. Finally, the author considers the way in which That Dragon, Cancer, through the use of crowdfunding in late 2014, transformed from a project memorialising one child to the memorialisation of many across the globe.
Donna Y. Ford, James L. Moore and Ezekiel Peebles
This chapter focuses on two aspects of the achievement gap – underachievement and low achievement among Black males in urban school contexts. More specifically, the authors…
This chapter focuses on two aspects of the achievement gap – underachievement and low achievement among Black males in urban school contexts. More specifically, the authors explain several problems/issues confronting Black male students in P-12 gifted and talented, advanced placement, and special education programs, along with the school-to-prison pipeline – inequitable discipline in the form of suspensions and expulsions. We parse underrepresentation and overrepresentation for this student group. A central part of this discussion is grounded in the achievement gap literature on Black students in general with implications for Black males in particular. Another fundamental aspect of this discussion is the need for educators to adopt an anti-racist (social justice or civil rights) and cultural competence approach to their work, which means being equity-based and culturally responsive in philosophy and action. Suggestions for closing the achievement gap and otherwise improving the achievement of Black males are provided for educators. We also compel educators to go beyond talking about equity by setting quantifiable equity goals for minimum and maximum percentages (and numbers).
Part II and last MECHETTI. Vienna FOUNDED in 1795 by Carlo Mechetti as a dealer; since 1807 in partnership with his nephew, Pietro; the publishing firm styled Carlo Mechetti &…
Part II and last MECHETTI. Vienna FOUNDED in 1795 by Carlo Mechetti as a dealer; since 1807 in partnership with his nephew, Pietro; the publishing firm styled Carlo Mechetti & Neffe in 1809; after Carlo's death in 1811, Pietro became sole owner; he was succeeded in 1850 by his widow, Therese; c. 1855 the firm was taken over by A. Diabelli & co. (cp. Peter Cappi).