Paul N. Bloom and James E. Pailin
Learning about whether target markets face search, experience, orcredence situations when assessing a company′s product or service canhelp in formulating more effective marketing…
Learning about whether target markets face search, experience, or credence situations when assessing a company′s product or service can help in formulating more effective marketing strategies. Depending on the information situation of the targets, a company may want to vary the information content and amount of its advertising, its use of brand names and warranties, its emphasis on personal selling, and other elements of its marketing program. Offers several propositions to guide marketing decision making.
Analyses the strategy of ingredient branding and its implicationson the distribution channel members, in addition to its potential foraiding product introduction and adoption…
Analyses the strategy of ingredient branding and its implications on the distribution channel members, in addition to its potential for aiding product introduction and adoption. Considers the benefits and the drawbacks for the supplier, manufacturer, retailer and consumer. Concludes that the appropriateness of ingredient branding depends on manufacturer‐supplier relationship, the need to differentiate the brand, and the ability to implement the new branding strategy.
There are distinct differences between professional services and other services which affect the way consumers make purchase decisions about them. This paper discusses the…
There are distinct differences between professional services and other services which affect the way consumers make purchase decisions about them. This paper discusses the differences using the consumer decision process as a framework. Strategy implications for the professional service provider are presented, and specific suggestions are offered to improve the efficiency of the exchange — thereby benefiting both the buyer and the service provider.
Notes how marketing philosophy and practices have becomeincreasingly important in the financial services industry. Uses asegmentation approach to understanding consumer…
Notes how marketing philosophy and practices have become increasingly important in the financial services industry. Uses a segmentation approach to understanding consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction and choice behaviour in relation to affluence in the financial services market. Offers guidelines from this segmental approach for devising appropriate marketing strategies. Concludes that deregulation in the financial services industry has led to a lack of operation differentiation on several levels.
The attitudes and perceptions of New Zealanders toward current consumerism issues are outlined and compared with four other countries. Many of the opinions expressed are critical…
The attitudes and perceptions of New Zealanders toward current consumerism issues are outlined and compared with four other countries. Many of the opinions expressed are critical of the existing practices of business and appear to be common in the other four countries. The theory of consumer product life cycle suggesting the development of national consumer movements was not supported by the data obtained in New Zealand.
Dale F. Duhan, Pamela L. Kiecker, Charles S. Areni and Cari Guerrero
The purpose of this study is to investigate how origin information for wine products influences retail sales. The growing variety of products and the generally singular origin of…
The purpose of this study is to investigate how origin information for wine products influences retail sales. The growing variety of products and the generally singular origin of wine products makes this market particularly sensitive to origin information. The origin of wine is often perceived as an indicator of quality and is used as the basis of decision making when purchasing wine products. This study empirically tests a portion of Johansson's framework for the use of origin information through both a market survey and a field experiment to determine the predictive value on market position for a group of wine products from the Texas region. The results of the survey and the field experiment were consistent and found that emphasizing the origin of Texas wine significantly influenced retail sales. These results also indicate that special displays and increased retail shelf space do not always have a positive effect on sales of the displayed products. Therefore, it is important for retail managers to first identify whether the image of the wine's origin is perceived positively or negatively before using origin information in store displays.
Edward G. Thomas, S.R. Rao and Rajshekhar G. Javalgi
Considers the proliferation of products and services in thefinancial services industry aimed at different market segments.Highlights the affluent and nonaffluent market segments…
Considers the proliferation of products and services in the financial services industry aimed at different market segments. Highlights the affluent and nonaffluent market segments. Employs statistical analysis of survey data to evaluate the financial services needs, attitudes, and information‐seeking behaviour of these segments. Suggests implications for the managers of financial institutions, based on the study findings. Includes appendices on methodology and discriminant analysis used in the study.
A relevant, timely issue in the professional services area is that of marketing. Should professional service providers actively market their services? And, if so, how? Many…
A relevant, timely issue in the professional services area is that of marketing. Should professional service providers actively market their services? And, if so, how? Many professionals have already stepped into the marketing arena, but without first understanding the nature of their target market(s). This article concentrates on one area of the user market that should be known and understood by all professional service marketers: What level of consumer interest or perceived personal importance typifies the purchase of a professional service?
Ann T. Kuzma and William L. Shanklin
Examines the position of medium‐market‐share companies in relationto their smaller and larger counterparts and compares the inherentcompetitive advantages and disadvantages…
Examines the position of medium‐market‐share companies in relation to their smaller and larger counterparts and compares the inherent competitive advantages and disadvantages. Highlights the options available to such companies attempting to change their position, e.g. increasing market share or concentrating on specific profitable core accounts. Considers the relationship between market share and profitability. Concludes that such companies require product differentiation and a high‐level of customer orientation in order to compete successfully.
Jon M. Hawes and C.P. Rao
Stagflation and persistent balance of trade deficits during the 1970's encouraged government policy makers in many countries to seek improvements in export market performance…
Stagflation and persistent balance of trade deficits during the 1970's encouraged government policy makers in many countries to seek improvements in export market performance. Another significant development during the 1970's was the empirical verification provided by the PIMS project of the positive relationship between a firm's market share and its profit ability, or other measures of performance in a particular market. The authors propose that the PIMS findings may also apply for an aggregation of firms — namely, world traders. A market share analysis of the export trade performance of the U.S., the E.E.C., and for Japan is presented, the implications of this research are discussed, and some directions for future research are provided.