Examines the relationship between marketing theoryand actual marketing practice in British public librariestoday. Marketing theory, as applied to libraries, islooked at first…
Examines the relationship between marketing theory and actual marketing practice in British public libraries today. Marketing theory, as applied to libraries, is looked at first. This idealized view is then compared with what actually happens in the public library services of Newcastle upon Tyne and Liverpool, with special reference to thc Central Library in eaeh case. The conclusion is that marketing af library services in the two cities bears little relationship to marketing theory, and that this situation must change if library services are to have a long future.
The past, present and future of budgeting and financial control inBritish public libraries are discussed, with particular reference to theproblem of expenditure cuts. The…
The past, present and future of budgeting and financial control in British public libraries are discussed, with particular reference to the problem of expenditure cuts. The possibilities of zero‐base budgeting and PPBS are considered.
Edward Dudley, Allan Bunch and Wilfred Ashworth
ROUSED out of pre‐breakfast tea‐gulping torpor recently by hearing on Radio London the confident assertion, ‘Oh yes, there's a great shortage of librarians throughout the…
ROUSED out of pre‐breakfast tea‐gulping torpor recently by hearing on Radio London the confident assertion, ‘Oh yes, there's a great shortage of librarians throughout the country…’ No Rip Van Winkle beard, wasn't April 1 and no echo of the Last Trump. It was all about a book called Work after work by Judy Kirby and REACH—Retired Executives Action Clearing House, which seeks to relieve the withdrawal symptoms of the retired by finding outlets for their skills in work for voluntary organisations. These withdrawal symptoms in librarians are easily recognised and include immediate and compulsive reading of everything in the Record, a tendency to beam for the first time at young people at conferences, and a not always suppressed urge to write rude letters to the professional press or to the LA. Editing the professional press is not recommended as nostrum for those old retirement blues.