Steven Levy and Patrick McInturff
To generate effective long‐term solutions to contemporarymanagement problems, information from a multitude of disciplines, notjust economics, must be employed. The difficulties of…
To generate effective long‐term solutions to contemporary management problems, information from a multitude of disciplines, not just economics, must be employed. The difficulties of integrating these different kinds of information is discussed. A six‐step model for implementing a multi‐disciplinary approach to management decision making is presented. The model also yields a by‐product which may ultimately prove more significant than the model′s output, namely, promotion of a genuinely integrative perspective towards generating and implementing managerial strategies.
Steven Levy and Patrick McInturff
As the US moves from a production‐oriented to a technology‐oriented economic base, information itself has begun to acquire the characteristics of a basic resource, much like oil…
As the US moves from a production‐oriented to a technology‐oriented economic base, information itself has begun to acquire the characteristics of a basic resource, much like oil or labour. Recognition of this transformation, especially its implications for managerial decision‐making, is critical for effective economic and management decisions.
C.E. Tapie Rohm and Patrick McInturff
Approaching the twenty‐first century should reinforce the notion that modern managers work in an environment of uncertainty. Contingency analysis has become merely a fact of…
Approaching the twenty‐first century should reinforce the notion that modern managers work in an environment of uncertainty. Contingency analysis has become merely a fact of business decision making. Clearly, the word to describe the modern business world is “change”. For those on the forefront it means challenges and new opportunities. But for the multitude of small and medium‐sized business owners it means risk, uncertainty and threat. Nothing exemplifies this threat of the future and change to the small businessman more than the computer.
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources, research, and computer skills related…
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources, research, and computer skills related to retrieving, using, and evaluating information. This review, the twenty‐second to be published in Reference Services Review, includes items in English published in 1995. After 21 years, the title of this review of the literature has been changed from “Library Orientation and Instruction” to “Library Instruction and Information Literacy,” to indicate the growing trend of moving to information skills instruction.