The universities need industry and industry needs the universities, said Patrick Jenkin MP, Secretary of State for Industry.
Bernard Frank Kinman and Gerald Vinten
Tobacco has exercised the interest of the nation since Elizabethan times, and the inhalation of its smoke for pleasure has become very widespread. It was not until the…
Tobacco has exercised the interest of the nation since Elizabethan times, and the inhalation of its smoke for pleasure has become very widespread. It was not until the mid‐twentieth century, however, that its effects upon health were suspected. It is now widely accepted that tobacco smoke is implicated in a range of dangerous diseases, although the tobacco industry sometimes argues that the link is not proven. The arguments about the conflicting needs of a large, world‐wide industry and the health and prosperity of individuals and society are complex, and often influenced by conflicting vested interests. Government's involvement in the issues is further complicated by its reliance upon large tobacco revenues. The link between advertising and increased smoking, either by existing or new smokers, is not proved by research, although there are strong indications that it exists. The behaviour of most parties involved, including the tobacco companies, indicates that they share the belief of a link. Voluntary controls upon tobacco advertising have had some effect, in that, for example, advertising in the U.K. is no longer overtly directed at children, but various anti‐smoking lobbies believe voluntary control to be ineffective. The present British government has toyed wth the possibility of statutory control, but faces stiff opposition from back‐benchers and within the cabinet; it is also probably philosophically opposed to such measures. More research is needed into the link between advertising and smoking behaviour.
SYMPATHY will be extended to our colleagues in the beautiful lands of Denmark and Norway, whose civilisation is so far in advance in all its political and social qualities of that…
SYMPATHY will be extended to our colleagues in the beautiful lands of Denmark and Norway, whose civilisation is so far in advance in all its political and social qualities of that of the invaders. Denmark has for years had a library service unequalled in Europe, in particular for its country services, and its town libraries have been administered with a liberality that becomes a country where a happy, cultured and lovable people dwell—or did so dwell until the catastrophe. Norway, too, has much the same liberality of spirit, and amongst its librarians are many who are valued personal friends of their British comrades, who have studied in our library schools and worked in our libraries. We hope they and their libraries will come through safely.
Hui Wang, Michael Jenkin and Patrick Dymond
A simultaneous solution to the localization and mapping problem of a graph‐like environment by a swarm of robots requires solutions to task coordination and map merging. The…
A simultaneous solution to the localization and mapping problem of a graph‐like environment by a swarm of robots requires solutions to task coordination and map merging. The purpose of this paper is to examine the performance of two different map‐merging strategies.
Building a representation of the environment is a key problem in robotics where the problem is known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). When large groups of robots operate within the environment, the SLAM problem becomes complicated by issues related to coordination of the elements of the swarm and integration of the environmental representations obtained by individual swarm elements. This paper considers these issues within the formalism of a group of simulated robots operating within a graph‐like environment. Starting at a common node, the swarm partitions the unknown edges of the known graph and explores the graph for a pre‐arranged period. The swarm elements then meet at a particular time and location to integrate their partial world models. This process is repeated until the entire world has been mapped. A correctness proof of the algorithm is presented, and different coordination strategies are compared via simulation.
The paper demonstrates that a swarm of identical robots, each equipped with its own marker, and capable of simple sensing and action abilities, can explore and map an unknown graph‐like environment. Moreover, experimental results show that exploration with multiple robots can provide an improvement in exploration effort over a single robot and that this improvement does not scale linearly with the size of the swarm.
Research limitations/implications
The paper represents efforts toward exploration and mapping in a graph‐like world with robot swarms. The paper suggests several extensions and variations including the development of adaptive partitioning and rendezvous schedule strategies to further improve both overall swarm efficiency and individual robot utilization during exploration.
The novelty associated with this paper is the formal extension of the single robot graph‐like exploration of Dudek et al. to robot swarms. The paper here examines fundamental limits to multiple robot SLAM and does this within a topological framework. Results obtained within this topological formalism can be readily transferred to the more traditional metric representation.
The choice of a disused airport at Portsmouth for the siting of a Safeway superstore, opened in March of this year, may seem odd as there were only 700 houses scheduled to be…
The choice of a disused airport at Portsmouth for the siting of a Safeway superstore, opened in March of this year, may seem odd as there were only 700 houses scheduled to be built on the site and there were no others within at least a mile. Furthermore, the Safeway unit became the tenth superstore to open in the Portsmouth travel‐to‐work area.
In the last‐issued volume of his monumental History of the Novel, Dr. E. A. Baker remarks that librarians do not expect to be thanked for their services and then…
In the last‐issued volume of his monumental History of the Novel, Dr. E. A. Baker remarks that librarians do not expect to be thanked for their services and then, characteristically, proceeds to thank some dozen or so. Whatever our expectations are, we are none the less appreciative when a writer does express his debt; it helps us, it justifies our work. Few tributes of late have been more graceful than this paid by Mr. J. D. Griffith Davies in his useful and attractive Honest George Monk, which has lately come from Mr. John Lane: “What I should do without the kindly help of my friend, R. J. Gordon, Librarian of the Leeds Public Libraries, I really don't know. Like some fairy godmother he produces for my use the rarest books; and his keen personal interest in all forms of research, and the unfailing courtesy of his colleagues, makes the Reference Library at Leeds one of the homeliest places for work.” It is worth while to compare the expression here with the words Mr. Berwick Sayers has written at the end of his preface to the 1937 edition of Brown's Manual.
WE ask our readers to accept the old wish for a Happy Christmas, although we know that in some minds there may be a thought that happiness in such times as these is problematical…
WE ask our readers to accept the old wish for a Happy Christmas, although we know that in some minds there may be a thought that happiness in such times as these is problematical. Yet we are, so far, a fortunate people, in spite of our difficulties. As a nation we survive and increase in Strength as in confidence. As librarians we have given the best of our men and women to the active services, and most of those who remain are immersed in one way or another in the national effort. We have lost fine libraries in a night, but the will to survive, to win and to create Still survives and kicks. The days are full of difficulties, problems to be solved, high fences and dangerous to be climbed, but we have got through so far, and are convinced we shall continue. It is the most absorbing age in human memory, and we are happy to be alive to overcome its challenges.
REPERCUSSIONS of the Margate Conference will be felt for some time to come. There is still the suggestion that one or the other side won in the debate on central control, for…
REPERCUSSIONS of the Margate Conference will be felt for some time to come. There is still the suggestion that one or the other side won in the debate on central control, for example, but we would suggest that it was an occasion when a case was stated and combatted and that the result was the only wise one; that is to say, both parties agreed that the Council should consider the matter. It would be in the highest degree dangerous if at any open meeting of over 1,000 members of the Library Association any policy, then for the first time outlined, should be adopted as a settled rule of life. Such questions as central control have to be considered in all their bearings, and admirable as was the case Colonel Mitchell made for it, and forceful as was Mr. Berwick Sayers's rejoinder, they would not be regarded as final statements, even by themselves. There were some murmurings at the swift close of the debate, and there were more than murmurings that so important a matter should arise without due notice. These are not quite reasonable, and no one could have handled the meeting more quietly and impartially than the President (Mr. Savage) did. That no notice was given of the debate is hardly true although the words of the motion proposed by Colonel Mitchell were not known until the debate began; but the intention of the debate was to elicit opinions which might help the council in framing a policy; there was no intention to reach a decision or to publish the results of the meeting. A considered report, twelve months hence, on the deliberations of the L.A. Council on the matter should be far better than any account of the vapourings at Margate.
The private sector has traditionally subsumed the issue of fraud within a general acceptance that there are certain costs relating to any commercial activity and, even if they are…
The private sector has traditionally subsumed the issue of fraud within a general acceptance that there are certain costs relating to any commercial activity and, even if they are expensive to deal with, provided they do not rise at a rate faster than the rise in profits, they are not given a high priority. However, the current slump in profits, a reaction to the politics of the 1980s, and an increasingly competitive marketplace are now encouraging more attention to be paid to costs. In the public sector there is no performance indicator of profit. Much of the focus has been on the cost of the delivery of the goods and services and the value for money that it represents. Public sector fraud is therefore often a matter for media or parliamentary attention. In considering how such awareness develops, the problems of dealing with long‐established evidence of fraud and corruption and the multi‐faceted nature of any reform package, this paper considers the recent developments within the Property Services Agency. This case study offers a salutary warning of the need to tackle fraud and corruption earlier rather than later and also underlines the fact that, whether the fraud and corruption occurs in a public or a private sector organisation, it is management's responsibility to deal with it.
In the course of a Lords debate on the use of manpower, Lord Shepherd, for the Government, said that the Industrial Training Act was now getting under way. Thirteen training…
In the course of a Lords debate on the use of manpower, Lord Shepherd, for the Government, said that the Industrial Training Act was now getting under way. Thirteen training boards had been set up and it was quite clear that they had accepted their responsibilities with enthusiasm. Statutory authority was there. But they needed great co‐operation between both sides of industry if that Act was to work properly.