Interest rates are up! How long will they stay up? How far up will they go? Should your investments be long term or short term? What type of investments should you look for? How…
Making decisions in a changing economy, or for that matter, a changing market environment, can be confusing and nerve‐wracking. One should always be ready to make adjustments in…
Making decisions in a changing economy, or for that matter, a changing market environment, can be confusing and nerve‐wracking. One should always be ready to make adjustments in their investment portfolio to take advantage of these changes and minimize losses. Liquidity, therefore, is very important.
Spurred by the headline‐making political changes in Europe, a new economic era is dawning over the continent. It is hoped that by 1992, unified free trade will be achieved…
Spurred by the headline‐making political changes in Europe, a new economic era is dawning over the continent. It is hoped that by 1992, unified free trade will be achieved, bringing with it lowered trade barriers and potential economic growth.
The recent volatility in the market makes one wonder where to find the best investments. This in turn makes one wonder what to do about staying ahead of interest rates as well as…
The recent volatility in the market makes one wonder where to find the best investments. This in turn makes one wonder what to do about staying ahead of interest rates as well as minimizing risk. How can one get the higher rates and the strongest growth while staying safe and secure?
Today's financial marketplace is becoming increasingly volatile. Investors are becoming very aware that safety through a diversified portfolio and a strategy of building wealth…
Today's financial marketplace is becoming increasingly volatile. Investors are becoming very aware that safety through a diversified portfolio and a strategy of building wealth conservatively is necessary to protect financial assets for the future.
Academic libraries often wish to build endowments as a principal goal of fund raising activities. For example, one library development brochure begins: “Northwestern University…
Academic libraries often wish to build endowments as a principal goal of fund raising activities. For example, one library development brochure begins: “Northwestern University Library's most pressing need is for endowed funds for the purchase of library materials.” Because carefully managed endowments can yield sustained purchasing power, they can assure the sustained collecting essential for building the most useful research collections. Some libraries, like Vanderbilt's, have endowments that help support maintenance of a library building. Creating an endowment for building maintenance is a natural concomitant of raising funds to build because it serves much the same purpose: sustaining library operations over the long term.
Jillian Cavanagh, Patricia Pariona-Cabrera and Timothy Bartram
Ricardo Codinhoto, Patricia Tzortzopoulos, Mike Kagioglou, Ghassan Aouad and Rachel Cooper
The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework that categorises the features and characteristics of the built environment that impact on health outcomes.
The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework that categorises the features and characteristics of the built environment that impact on health outcomes.
An extensive literature review was carried out. A total of 1,163 abstracts were assessed, leading to 92 papers being reviewed.
There is a considerable amount of evidence linking healthcare environments to patients' health outcomes, despite the lack of clarity in relation to cause‐effect relationships.
The paper proposes a theoretical framework linking different built environment characteristics to health outcomes. This framework provides a structure to group causal effects according to their relation with design features, materials and ambient properties, art and aesthetic aspects and use of the built environment.
Catherine Hungerford and Patricia Kench
Recovery approaches to healthcare are now an important feature of the mental health policies and plans of many western countries. However, there are continuing challenges to the…
Recovery approaches to healthcare are now an important feature of the mental health policies and plans of many western countries. However, there are continuing challenges to the operationalisation of these approaches. The purpose of this paper is to consider how to overcome these challenges, using insights gained from health managers and practitioners who have been involved in the process of implementation.
The analysis is undertaken through a descriptive single-case embedded study of the implementation of Recovery into a public mental health service in Australia. The unit of analysis that features in this paper is the perceptions of the implementation of Recovery-oriented services, of health managers and practitioners.
The analysis suggests that although health service managers followed many of the recommendations that can be found in the research literature to support achievement of Recovery-oriented services, there was a need to go further. For example, practitioners in the case study context were educated about the principles of Recovery and provided with new processes of clinical documentation to support their work, however these practitioners felt they were ill-equipped to address complex issues of practice, including the management of clinical risk and professional accountability issues. This raises questions about the content of the education and training provided, and also about the ongoing support provided to practitioners who work within a Recovery-oriented framework.
The descriptive single-case embedded study of the implementation of Recovery is the first of its kind in Australia. Findings of the study provide insight for other health service organisations committed to effectively implementing Recovery-oriented services.