Puts forward a framework for carrying out user evaluations ofexpert systems, which is based on user evaluations carried out in alarge British company over a period of three years…
Puts forward a framework for carrying out user evaluations of expert systems, which is based on user evaluations carried out in a large British company over a period of three years. The aim of this framework is to ensure that the aims of the expert system designers and the users of the system are congruent. This in turn will make it more likely that the expert system will be a success. The framework covers aspects such as user type, updating knowledge, training, the value of the system and the human/computer interface.
This article reviews the role of the facilitator, commencing withthe work of Kurt Lewin. It then goes on to describe a project on which afacilitator was engaged in a large British…
This article reviews the role of the facilitator, commencing with the work of Kurt Lewin. It then goes on to describe a project on which a facilitator was engaged in a large British company. Facilitation in this case is concerned with communications and “clearing the air”, as well as operating mainly on a one‐to‐one basis. It concludes that before people can be helped to help themselves, communications must be unblocked and misconceptions cleared away. The article also discusses some of the issues in relationship to facilitation.
Suggests that, though user involvement in the design andimplementation of expert systems (ES) is generally encouraged in theliterature, the incidence of successful user…
Suggests that, though user involvement in the design and implementation of expert systems (ES) is generally encouraged in the literature, the incidence of successful user participation continues to be low. Draws on research carried out for a large British company on four expert systems projects, to illustrate the problems, and penalties, of not involving the users. Company culture has a bearing on why participation is difficult. Penalties of not involving the users include non‐implementation and poor interfaces. Suggested advantages of involving users are that happy users are the best advertisement for future systems and that users can make useful suggestions to the designers. Concludes that the concept of participation needs a strong push so that it will become a familiar part of management.
There are many practical difficulties facing managers who decide to venture into the field of Expert Systems. They will have to cope with both technological and human problems…
There are many practical difficulties facing managers who decide to venture into the field of Expert Systems. They will have to cope with both technological and human problems. Care must be taken in choosing the application, software house, hardware and software. A company may decide to build an Expert System in‐house, in which case it will need the right sort of Knowledge Engineer(s). The system must be of obvious benefit to the user otherwise it will fail. Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems is difficult, but possible if handled properly. The users of the system must be involved in its design and evaluation and a methodology for doing so is suggested. Managers can no longer pay lip service to the concept of user involvement in the design and implementation of new technology.
Charlotte E. Rees and Peter A. Bath
This study, conducted in 1997, aimed to explore in depth the views and experiences of women with breast cancer concerning diseaserelated mass media information. Three…
This study, conducted in 1997, aimed to explore in depth the views and experiences of women with breast cancer concerning diseaserelated mass media information. Three age‐stratified, unstructured focus group discussions were convened with thirty women with breast cancer (n = 11, 12 and 7). The discussions were audiotaped and transcribed in full and the transcripts were analysed using theme analysis. A number of themes concerning mass media breast cancer information were identified. Women sought and paid attention to information from a variety of mass media sources, including medical books and journals, leaflets, videotapes, women’s magazines, newspapers and television programmes. Mass media information was thought to possess a number of advantages. In particular, participants viewed mass media sources such as magazines and television as helpful in raising breast cancer awareness in the general population. Mass media information, however, was also viewed as having a number of disadvantages. For example, once diagnosed, participants thought that mass media sources such as magazines were frightening and depressing owing to their often negative and sensationalised nature. This finding was particularly worrying as women with breast cancer looked for and were often ‘drawn’ to such communication vehicles. To conclude, mass media information has advantages and disadvantages and its impact upon individuals may depend on their disease status. It is important that editors of mass media sources such as women’s magazines are aware of this dichotomy and are prepared to provide accurate, factual and less dramatised breast cancer information.
Tom Schultheiss and Linda Mark
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the RSR review column, “Recent Reference Books,” by Frances Neel Cheney. “Reference Books in Print” includes all additional books received prior to the inclusion deadline established for this issue. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published, for immediate listing in “Reference Books in Print.” Reference books with imprints older than two years will not be included (with the exception of current reprints or older books newly acquired for distribution by another publisher). The column shall also occasionally include library science or other library related publications of other than a reference character.