Presents a systematic approach contributing to a better understanding of global problems and their solutions. The approach is based on a new theory of sociophysics which attempts…
Presents a systematic approach contributing to a better understanding of global problems and their solutions. The approach is based on a new theory of sociophysics which attempts to unify the social and natural sciences by forming systematic metaphors between them. Accordingly, it is the thesis of this work that empirical phenomena can best be explained by linking natural factors and social actions to human ideals. In order to support the thesis, focuses on the linkages between the real and ideal realms which connect empirical facts to human acts. Proceeds by comparing the domains of natural laws and cultural principles to human intentions; thus relating statistics, dynamics and dialectics to order, chaos and will. Concludes is that social change can best be directed by human intervention which links natural necessities and cultural desirabilities.
Since the end of the East‐West military‐ideological bipolarity in 1990, the world's attention has been increasingly focused upon the North‐South ecologic‐economic dichotomy. The…
Since the end of the East‐West military‐ideological bipolarity in 1990, the world's attention has been increasingly focused upon the North‐South ecologic‐economic dichotomy. The Rio Global Summit in 1992 brought out this point with the confrontation of the world's contradictory priorities: environment versus development, whose dialectical synthesis or diplomatic compromise is captured in the slogan of “sustainable development”.