One of the consequences of the present depressed economic and labour market situation is the lessening of industrial support for programmes of higher education and training…
One of the consequences of the present depressed economic and labour market situation is the lessening of industrial support for programmes of higher education and training. Universities and colleges are finding it increasingly difficult to find meaningful developmental industrial attachments for their students, whilst firms' training budgets seem less readily extended to schemes of sponsorship of trainees on university or college courses. Investment in human resources is always an easy target for the rubber bullets of the cost‐cutters, especially if that investment is in full‐time trainees, who may well leave, whose pay‐off is long term and incapable of precise, or even approximate, financial evaluation. Because such cutbacks appear too often to be expedient rather than rational decisions, we wish to make a contribution to the debate by sharing with a wider audience our experience of five years of collaboration in the training and job placement of business trainees in Schweppes Limited and at Ealing Technical College (an outline of the Ealing course is contained in Box 1; Schweppes' original reasons for sponsoring trainees are briefly presented in Box 2). This article describes the training and development of the four six‐month industrial periods in the four‐year CNAA honours degree course — which purported to be an intensive, high quality programme of accelerated development for each member. We think that the process has been successful, but will leave readers to assess whether the current decisions on their own company's training budget might be influenced by the information presented here.
Additional to the existing programme of Cox Mixers a new range of economic paste mixing machines has been developed with the following features:—
Two instruments have been developed by the Chemistry Department of the University of Nottingham. The gas sampling valve, which is connected to conventional gas handling equipment…
Two instruments have been developed by the Chemistry Department of the University of Nottingham. The gas sampling valve, which is connected to conventional gas handling equipment, has been designed to permit the introduction of volatile samples into a gas chromatograph without interruption of carrier gas flows. The sample loop, which is inter‐changeable, can be evacuated to 10–6 torr, filled with sample which can be isolated, and introduced into the chromatograph for analysis when desired.
Looking at the current tendencies in management training among large and medium‐to‐large companies, practice seems to favour a division between training in specialist business…
Looking at the current tendencies in management training among large and medium‐to‐large companies, practice seems to favour a division between training in specialist business skills and training in interactive skills. The specialist techniques are those which a particular manager may need to carry out the technical aspects of his work. The interactive skills, which are the subject of this article, are those aimed at making the manager more effective in his group situation.
Brookfield Viscometers Ltd, a leading supplier of viscometry and rheometry equipment, has recently launched a new range of Constant Temperature Baths and Coolers for use with its…
Brookfield Viscometers Ltd, a leading supplier of viscometry and rheometry equipment, has recently launched a new range of Constant Temperature Baths and Coolers for use with its range of instruments.
AT the request of the Director‐General of the International Labour Office Mr. Petre Lupu, Rumania's Minister of Labour, has described the benefits brought to his country through…
AT the request of the Director‐General of the International Labour Office Mr. Petre Lupu, Rumania's Minister of Labour, has described the benefits brought to his country through setting up a Management Development Centre.