To study the effect of rotation of a zinc/steel cylinder couple on the rate of galvanic corrosion in saline water and a saline water methyl alcohol system.
To study the effect of rotation of a zinc/steel cylinder couple on the rate of galvanic corrosion in saline water and a saline water methyl alcohol system.
The weight loss technique was used for calculating the rate of corrosion. variables such as cylinder rotational speed, salt concentration, alcohol volume percentage, and zinc/steel ratio were studied.
The relationship of turbulence and the rate of corrosion were found to fit the equation R=aRe 0.27. The presence of methyl alcohol in a saline water system decreased the rate of corrosion between 58 and 72 percent for a volume percentage of alcohol from 20 to 70 percent.
This paper explains the mechanism of galvanic corrosion for a zinc/steel cylinder couple in the turbulent region for saline water and saline water‐alcohol systems.