L.C.R. Carpinetti and O.T. Oiko
The paper aims to focus on the development and application of a benchmarking information system designed for use within a cluster.
The paper aims to focus on the development and application of a benchmarking information system designed for use within a cluster.
Case study as the field research methodology for theory testing and refinement.
Despite the difficulties and a lack of maturity for benchmarking and performance management to be overcome, the governing institutions and most of the companies have realized that implementation of the system in itself represents a step towards managing improvement of the clusters.
Research limitations/implications
Research is still at an early stage and applications of the information system need to be carried on further so as to review and validate it.
Practical implications
Absence of a culture of decision making based on analysis of information and lack of resources may create some difficulty in using metrics for a cluster of SMEs.
The paper proposes to apply the concepts and techniques of business performance management and improvement to manage performance of clusters of companies, offering a new approach on how to improve the collective efficiency of a cluster.
The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the differences in residents' attitude to tourism by considering those who receive social and economic benefits from tourism…
The purpose of this paper is to provide insight into the differences in residents' attitude to tourism by considering those who receive social and economic benefits from tourism and those who perceive that they do not; and those who want to move away from the Sunshine Coast and those who do not.
In conducting this investigation, information is collected from Sunshine Coast residents by using a survey approach. Altogether, 732 responses are received with a response rate of 14.64 per cent. Social, economic and cultural benefits are considered.
The paper finds notable differences in residents' attitude according to the type of benefit they receive from tourism. Similar observations are made regarding residents who are willing to move away from the Sunshine Coast and those who are not.
Research limitations/implications
Not many studies are available comparing Sunshine Coast with other major cities such as Sydney or Melbourne in Australia. Therefore, in future research, it would be useful to establish some benchmarks that incorporate a seasonality aspect and to conduct comparative studies to identify residents' preferences for the development of tourist attractions and related developmental issues. Along with residents, it will be of some value to explore the visitors' perceptions of both positive and negative aspects of the Sunshine Coast Region as a tourist destination.
This paper identifies several notable differences which would assist the tourism planners in developing a policy for sustaining tourism development and aligning future growth with residents' desires. The findings of this paper are also useful in developing future benchmarking research projects in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Luciana Oranges Cezarino, Lara Bartocci Liboni, Nelson Oliveira Stefanelli, Bruno Garcia Oliveira and Lucas Conde Stocco
In this paper, the authors aim to explore the relationship between the concepts of Industry 4.0 and circular economy (CE) as a contribution to the management decision on emerging…
In this paper, the authors aim to explore the relationship between the concepts of Industry 4.0 and circular economy (CE) as a contribution to the management decision on emerging countries. By analyzing the trends of scientific production to ascertain the interface of both constructs, the purpose of this paper is to identify limitations for Industry 4.0 and CE implementation in Brazil, as well to present an original framework and strategic pathways to overcome limitations for emerging countries.
Supported in the Brazilian case, the authors draw a framework using the structuralism approach to indicate pathways for the strategic positioning of emerging economies that consider their limitation and potential for competitive advantage. By understanding country-related limitations such as social and economic contingencies, the authors conceive a structure of implications for Brazil’s capacity to develop CE in the digital era.
Results show that Brazil has a reasonable, institutional and stable environment, as well as strong regulatory policies for solid waste that can stimulate CE in the country. However, it requires more communication between actors, especially public and private institutions, performing long-range relationships. Also, the country requires consolidation of industrial policies and investments in the remanufacturing process in the supply chain. Likewise, despite Brazil’s ability to take advantage of CE’s benefits, the country presents a huge lack of qualification to fulfill the competences that the digitization process demands. Economically, Brazil has been fighting against an economic crisis since 2014 that has limited general investments, especially in the industrial sector. Industry presents low performance and decreasing GDP participation, which leads to constant overseas production transfer as a consequence of the workforce’s high costs.
Research limitations/implications
The authors can affirm that Brazil is far behind developed countries in searching for the capacity to provide CE through technological industrial change. The main problems are related to the lack of articulation of public and private spheres to promote new digital business models. Therefore, the structured framework enables managers and public agents to provide solutions and to properly address supply chain bottlenecks in emerging economies.
Exploring the relationship between the concepts of Industry 4.0 and CE through the specific lens of the structuralist method, this work can contribute to the management decision on emerging countries, looking into four important perspectives: political, economic, social and technological.
Junli Shi, Zhongchi Lu, Huanhuan Xu and Jipei Cui
The purpose of this study is to present a system dynamic (SD)-based remanufacturing economic analysis model of used automobile engine under two recycling modes. The authors will…
The purpose of this study is to present a system dynamic (SD)-based remanufacturing economic analysis model of used automobile engine under two recycling modes. The authors will compare the remanufacturing cost, sales profit and sales revenue from time and space dimensions incurred in different recycling modes in the long run.
The remanufacturing economic analysis model is based on SD methodology. The authors can simulate the relations of impact factors on automobile engine recycling and remanufacturing and further analyze and compare the cost, sales profit and sales revenue incurred in different recycling modes in the long term.
Sinotruk Steyr engine remanufacturing in Shandong province is taken as the research case subject. The revenue, cost and profit under the two recycling modes from 2015 to 2035 are analyzed and compared. The results show that different recycling modes have significant varying influence on the economy of engine remanufacturing.
This economic analysis model can provide a method reference to decide the recycling mode for auto components and other product remanufacturing. Moreover, this model can guide and support the sustainable development of remanufacturing industry.
Misbegotten, misnamed, antisocial homo oeconomicus is nowcontrasted with the more human personae of homo oeconomicushonorabilis, the “open”/ “Semi‐economic Man”of Pantaleoni and…
Misbegotten, misnamed, antisocial homo oeconomicus is now contrasted with the more human personae of homo oeconomicus honorabilis, the “open”/ “Semi‐economic Man” of Pantaleoni and Marshall, the still arcane homo oeconomicus humanus of Nitsch and Malina, and (most recently) the positivistic (neo‐) homo socio‐economicus of Etzioni et al., which ‐‐in turn – harks back to Smith′s Theory of 1759‐90. Showing the essential identity of modern economics and Aristotle′s oikonomikē, and recognising the ozone layer as pre‐eminent among once‐free but now very scarce resources (chrēmata ) that have to be utilised efficiently and administered prudently, the author joins forces with Herman Daly et al. in proposing an Aristotelian/Biblical homo oeconomus as a “Good Steward” in the spirit of Frigerio′s L′Economo Prudente (1629) and qualitative improvement over the being who has masqueraded as homo oeconomicus. Uniting this prudent conservator and caretaker of our natural endowment with “Homo Faber, the Subject‐creator of Social Economy” of an earlier work yields the antithesis of the veritable homo oeconomicus impudens of Classical‐Neoclassical infamy.
Riccardo Bellofiore and Scott Carter
Resurgent interest in the life and work of the Italian Cambridge economist Piero Sraffa is leading to New Directions in Sraffa Scholarship. This chapter introduces readers to some…
Resurgent interest in the life and work of the Italian Cambridge economist Piero Sraffa is leading to New Directions in Sraffa Scholarship. This chapter introduces readers to some of these developments. First and perhaps foremost is the fact that as of September 2016 Sraffa’s archival material has been uploaded onto the website of the Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge University, as digital colour images; this chapter introduces readers to the history of these events. This history provides sharp relief on the extant debates over the role of the archival material in leading to the final publication of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, and readers are provided a brief sketch of these matters. The varied nature of Sraffa scholarship is demonstrated by the different aspects of Sraffa’s intellectual legacy which are developed and discussed in the various entries of our Symposium. The conclusion is reached that we are on the cusp of an exciting phase change of tremendous potential in Sraffa scholarship.
In my original efforts, I designated and depicted no less than nine “men” of economics. Essentially, I contended, as man has always tended to create God in his own image and…
In my original efforts, I designated and depicted no less than nine “men” of economics. Essentially, I contended, as man has always tended to create God in his own image and likeness, so economists have fashioned man largely in their discipline's perceived nature and scope. These generic homines economici, that is, have thus been and perhaps cannot really be other than economists' “men”, and the study thereof provides accordingly a meaningful alternative approach to the history, nature and scope of economics itself.
In previous efforts the author has examined the various“men” of economics or human‐nature assumptions of“economic thinkers” as a way of treating the history andphilosophy of the…
In previous efforts the author has examined the various “men” of economics or human‐nature assumptions of “economic thinkers” as a way of treating the history and philosophy of the discipline. Here, under the thematic penumbra of “Man as the Centre of the Social Economy”, and hoping to incorporate the fruits of further inquiry into the matter, those “creatures” and their fashioners are critically reconsidered with a view towards arriving at a more adequate conception of a truly human “economiser” and – accordingly – science of human economy. In Part II, having presented homo oeconomicus in both his/her “impudent” and “honourable” versions, we shall attempt to transcend homo socioeconomicus and even our own (former) homo oeconomicus humanus as well.
Evangelos Vasileiou, Elroi Hadad and Martha Oikonomou
We examine the aggregate price trend of the Greek housing market from a behavioral perspective.
We examine the aggregate price trend of the Greek housing market from a behavioral perspective.
We construct a behavioral real estate sentiment index, based on relevant real estate search terms from Google Trends and websites, and examine its association with real estate price distributions and trends. By employing EGARCH(1,1) on the New Apartments Index data from the Bank of Greece, we capture real estate price volatility and asymmetric effects resulting from changes in the real estate search index. Enhancing robustness, macroeconomic variables are added to the mean equation. Additionally, a run test assesses the efficiency of the Greek housing market.
The results show a significant relationship between the Greek housing market and our real estate sentiment index; an increase (decrease) in search activity, indicating a growing interest in the real estate market, is strongly linked to potential increases (decreases) in real estate prices. These results remain robust across various estimation procedures and control variables. These findings underscore the influential role of real estate sentiment on the Greek housing market and highlight the importance of considering behavioral factors when analyzing and predicting trends in the housing market.
To investigate the behavioral effect on the Greek housing market, we construct our behavioral pattern indexes using Google search-based sentiment data from Google Trends. Additionally, we incorporate the Google Trend index as an explanatory variable in the EGARCH mean equation to evaluate the influence of online search behavior on the dynamics and prices of the Greek housing market.
This chapter is not about the development of the child; I am making this clear from the outset because the title could easily be misinterpreted that way by the readers who are…
This chapter is not about the development of the child; I am making this clear from the outset because the title could easily be misinterpreted that way by the readers who are unacquainted with social studies of childhood. Although ‘development’ and ‘child’ are familiar concepts, which combined in notions of ‘development of the child’ or ‘child development’ are parts of a century long, successful and dominant discourse, the notion of ‘development of childhood’ is rather begging questions, such as if there at all is such a thing as a theory of childhood development and if we need it. To my mind the brief answer to the first question is ‘no’, but quite a few authors have made thoughtful formulations about it and about generational relations without necessarily having intended to be theory builders (cf. Alanen, 2009). The answer to the second question is ‘yes’, I believe we need such a theory to come to terms with how children's life worlds have changed and how they have related to contemporaries belonging to other generations – adulthood, youth and old age.