Defines neurocybernetics as a science concerned with the processes of control and communication in the nervous system. It is then possible to identify three components of this…
Defines neurocybernetics as a science concerned with the processes of control and communication in the nervous system. It is then possible to identify three components of this science: the organization, the control, and the information theory, based on three streams in the material world (substance, energy, and information). The organization theory is based on cognition of the structural and functional nature of the brain as the most complex biological self‐organization system. Considers that the extreme complexity of the environment explains that control and self‐control processes are based on the probabilistic, or even fuzzy logic of cause‐effect responses on stimuli determined by the brain analyzer structures. In accordance with the general theory of information, distinguishes three aspects of brain information activity: statistic, semantic, and pragmatic.
O.G. Chorayan and G.O. Chorayan
Labyrinth test psychophysiological experiment is elaborated to analyze possible mechanism of the probabilistic prognosis forming and realizing in the condition of essential…
Labyrinth test psychophysiological experiment is elaborated to analyze possible mechanism of the probabilistic prognosis forming and realizing in the condition of essential information uncertainty. The dynamics of the probabilistic prognosis construction and improvement during multi‐stage labyrinth test solving is established. This dynamics is characterized by considerable changes of the subjective probabilities and membership function quantitative indices apparently used in the fuzzy logic of mental activity being applied in decision‐making processes realized in the condition of uncertainty. The possible link between probabilistic prognosis efficiency and some functional peculiarities of cortical hemisphere asymmetry has also been studied.
O.G. Chorayan and G.O. Chorayan
Some ideas about the structural and functional nature of organization and self‐organization processes and their evolutionary dynamics are considered from the standpoint of…
Some ideas about the structural and functional nature of organization and self‐organization processes and their evolutionary dynamics are considered from the standpoint of organization, control, and information activity in brain cellular and system structures.
Methods are presented for the quantitative calculation of the amount of statistical, semantic and pragmatic information in the summary information flow in communication systems…
Methods are presented for the quantitative calculation of the amount of statistical, semantic and pragmatic information in the summary information flow in communication systems represented by nerve cells. These methods have been tried in the analysis of spike trains of central neurons during their reliable activity, i.e. adaptation and formation of a conditioned reflex. Some possible mechanisms of ensuring reliability and stability of informational activity of nervous communication systems are discussed.
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent to the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the programme‐developed human memory model as a precondition for microelectronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing…
Presents research on human memory modelling. Gives a description of the memory process (as a whole) in its functional details by means of adding, processing and synthesizing psychological data using the creation of a model base. Compares the created psychological equivalent with the adequate mathematical‐algorithmic multi‐apparatus descriptions. Presents the program‐developed human memory model as a precondition for micro‐electronic realizations (robot technique, computers and other bionic‐cybernetical systems).