Supadi Supadi, Evitha Soraya, Hamid Muhammad and Nurhasanah Halim
The voice of school principals represents the principals' thoughts and experiences because of their as teachers' evaluator. It provides principals' perception on making sense the…
The voice of school principals represents the principals' thoughts and experiences because of their as teachers' evaluator. It provides principals' perception on making sense the teacher evaluation. In qualitative research, voice can provide the truth and meaning of principals' experience in teachers evaluation. Their voices in the qualitative interviews are recorded and transcribed into words (Jackson and Mazzei, 2009 and Charteris and Smardon, 2018). By listening to the voices of principals in five provinces in Indonesia, this study, a qualitative research, intends to explore the principals' sensemaking in teacher evaluation.
This study adopted a qualitative approach, as it was principally concerned with capturing participants' direct experiences in their natural setting as both the teachers' evaluator and school leader (Patton, 2002). The qualitative interview and content analysis were used in this study. The qualitative interview is a type of conversation used to explore informants' experiences and interpretations; in this study, the headmaster (Mishler, 1986; Spradley, 1979 in Hatch, 2002). Researchers used the interviews to uncover the structure of meaning used by principals in making sense the policies that determine teacher evaluations and that are used to carry out evaluations within principal's local authority. The implicit structure can be discovered from direct observation, and the qualitative interviews can bring this meaning to the surface (Hatch, 2002). Therefore, by applying the qualitative interviews, it is expected that information or “unique” interpretations from the principal can be obtained (Stake, 2010). Content analysis is a research technique for making valid conclusions from oral texts into a research context. This analysis can provide new insights, improve researchers' understanding of certain phenomena, or inform other practical actions through the use of verbal data collected in the form of answers to open interview questions (Krippendorff, 2004).
There are three important findings relating to principals' sensemaking of teachers' evaluation; they are teachers' length of service, principals' perceptions of teacher evaluations and consistency in teacher performance improvement. The principals' perception greatly influences their beliefs and sensemaking of teacher evaluation. In essence, teacher evaluation has not been used to identify high-quality teachers. Principals focus more on the improvement of teachers' welfare than teacher actual performance.
Research limitations/implications
Future research should explore principals' attitude toward the stakeholders when student achievement is not in line with the consistent increase in teachers' performance ratings. And, it is also necessary to investigate the policy makers response to see the consistent improvement in teacher's evaluation is not in line with student achievement. Finally, how to eliminate the culture of joint responsibility without causing frictions in the school environment.
The authors hereby declare that this submission is their own work, and to the best of their knowledge, it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial proportions of material that have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma any other publishers.
Siti Nurunnajwa Shamsudin, Elistina Abu Bakar, Syuhaily Osman and Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali
This study aims to explore the factors influencing Muslim behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia.
This study aims to explore the factors influencing Muslim behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia.
This study used a quantitative survey approach to 400 Muslim respondents in Malaysia who have experience in consuming or purchasing nutraceutical products. The sampling technique used was multistage stratified sampling, and the data was analyzed using structural equation modeling.
This study revealed that perceived safety is the most influential factor contributing to Muslims’ behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia, followed by Islamic values, trust, religiosity, maqasid al-Shariah and halal literacy.
Research limitations/implications
This study has only focused on halal nutraceutical products from the perspective of Muslim consumers in Malaysia.
This study contributes to understanding the factors that influence Muslim consumers’ behavior toward halal nutraceutical products by adopting the Social Cognitive Theory and Islamic Theory of Consumer Behavior.
Imron Mawardi, Tika Widiastuti and Muhammad Ubaidillah Al Mustofa
This study aims to examine the constraints in the issuance of municipal Sukuk in Indonesia and proposed potential solutions and strategies to support its implementation.
This study aims to examine the constraints in the issuance of municipal Sukuk in Indonesia and proposed potential solutions and strategies to support its implementation.
This study used the analytic network process (ANP) method with four groups of relevant respondents that comprised representatives from the local government, universities (academicians), experts (practitioners) and regulators.
Four elements support municipal Sukuk issuance: issuer (regional government or municipality), investor, market and infrastructure. The element with the highest score was the lack of commitment from the regional government in issuing municipal sukuk due to leadership change that occurs every five years. Thus, specific regulations that strengthen and regulate municipal Sukuk issuance and the support from the central government are the priority solutions and strategies that should be undertaken to encourage regional governments in issuing municipal Sukuk.
Practical implications
The establishment of specific regulations by the central government that support and strengthen municipal Sukuk issuance is necessary to promote successful implementation. Supports from the central government include tax incentives, accessible licensing processes and bureaucracy aids.
This study extended the literature by examining problems, solutions and strategies for municipal Sukuk issuance in terms of four aspects: the issuer (municipal government), investors, markets and infrastructure. The multiple aspect analyses provided a broader understanding of the lack of municipal Sukuk issuance in Indonesia.