Nukhet Harmancioglu, R. Zachary Finney and Mathew Joseph
This paper aims to examine consumers' cognitive processes and motivations for making impulse purchases of new products.
This paper aims to examine consumers' cognitive processes and motivations for making impulse purchases of new products.
A total of 157 consumer surveys were collected and these were analyzed using structural equations modeling.
There are two major findings: new product knowledge and consumer desire for excitement and esteem promote impulse buying intention and behavior.
The paper is among the first to determine how impulse purchases of new products differ from impulse purchases of other types of products. In doing so, the paper builds on the substantial body of work surrounding impulse purchases.
Mathew Joseph, George W. Stone, Kimberly Grantham, Nukhet Harmancioglu and Essam Ibrahim
This exploratory study attempts to capture some of the principal benefits/factors attributable to service learning/community service projects, from a student perspective.
This exploratory study attempts to capture some of the principal benefits/factors attributable to service learning/community service projects, from a student perspective.
A sample of 67 males and 83 females (16 graduate, 71 seniors, and 63 juniors) participated in the study.
Students believe that their college experience is preparing them for the job market, that critical thinking has been enhanced, and that their college academic experience has emphasized community service upon graduation.
Practical implications
The results increase one's knowledge of the benefits of service learning since so much emphasis is currently being placed on improving the critical thinking and problem‐solving ability of undergraduate business students.
Practitioners would be interested in understanding the impact that service learning can have on the problem‐solving ability of potential employees. If additional research could advance the proposition that students with service learning experience are generally superior in terms of their problem‐solving skills to students with no similar experience, then evidence of a service learning component on a student résumé suddenly adds value to the employer.
Nukhet Harmancioglu, Cornelia Droge and Roger J. Calantone
This study aims to scrutinize the meaning and domain of “innovation” by providing an extensive theory‐driven review of the new product literature in marketing, management and…
This study aims to scrutinize the meaning and domain of “innovation” by providing an extensive theory‐driven review of the new product literature in marketing, management and engineering. The overall objective is to classify the recent literature on innovation and to illustrate theoretically derived discourses in the study of innovation.
The paper organizes this literature by providing typologies of discourses, which define innovation. Based on our review of 238 articles from a comprehensive set of journals publishing innovation research, we propose a theoretical divide in the innovation literature.
Theoretical underpinnings, namely adoption/diffusion theory versus the resource‐based/contingency theory view, form one dimension of the typology. Jointly considered with the other two dimensions – level of analysis and customer vs firm perspective – a framework is formed of the different discourses and conceptualisations in the innovation literature.
Past researchers have always proposed a definition of innovation that was embedded in a typology of innovation types; in contrast, the paper allows the theoretical discourses to unveil meanings of innovation and associated constructs (and hence it starts with theory specification, not construct definition). It argues for starting with theory as the basic division and proposes a theory driven typology. Through its theoretical genesis, the paper wishes to create a shared understanding among academics and practitioners of what constitutes innovation and constructs within the related theoretical net.