Norman J. Harker, Nanda Nanthakumaran and Simon Rogers
Reconsiders the double sinking fund problem by looking at each ofthe common methods used. Investigates the underlying assumptions and theresidual errors or inconsistencies. Notes…
Reconsiders the double sinking fund problem by looking at each of the common methods used. Investigates the underlying assumptions and the residual errors or inconsistencies. Notes that the use of traditional dual rate valuations results in a mathematical error within the valuation and an under‐valuation of the interest. Concludes that the Double Sinking Fund Method must be recommended in preference to Pannell′s Method.
Norman J. Harker, Nanda Nanthakumaran and Simon Rogers
Concludes an earlier paper by analysing the problems of negativecontributions to the sinking fund. Notes that the use of traditionaldual rate valuations results in a mathematical…
Concludes an earlier paper by analysing the problems of negative contributions to the sinking fund. Notes that the use of traditional dual rate valuations results in a mathematical error within the valuation and an under‐valuation of the interest. Concludes that should the Chancellor of the Exchequer decide to allow exemptions from tax of sinking fund contributions and income within sinking funds the logic of dual rate valuation would be removed.
This paper attempts to summarise the proceedings of a conference on sick buildings held on 22nd May, 1987. Although the conference was aimed initially at sick buildings syndrome…
This paper attempts to summarise the proceedings of a conference on sick buildings held on 22nd May, 1987. Although the conference was aimed initially at sick buildings syndrome it was extended by the speakers to cover all building related sickness, their causes, their avoidance, and the financial consequences. The conference was organised by Henry Stewart Conference Studies.
The inflation and depreciation assumptions implied within a traditional valuation should be exposed for consideration in an appraisal of a depreciation‐prone investment. Modern…
The inflation and depreciation assumptions implied within a traditional valuation should be exposed for consideration in an appraisal of a depreciation‐prone investment. Modern warehouses are examples of this type of investment. The all‐risks yield implies judgements concerning a long list of factors which affect the quality of an investment and its comparative appeal against alternatives such as gilt‐edged securities. An analysis for implicit growth is a starting point in an explicit appraisal. However, no account of depreciation is normally taken in the estimation of the growth implications. A combination of explicit growth and depreciation assumptions will enable an appraisal to be based upon a depreciated equated yield, the basis of the appraisal technique presented for consideration below.
The management of children′s literature is a search for value andsuitability. Effective policies in library and educational work arebased firmly on knowledge of materials, and on…
The management of children′s literature is a search for value and suitability. Effective policies in library and educational work are based firmly on knowledge of materials, and on the bibliographical and critical frame within which the materials appear and might best be selected. Boundaries, like those between quality and popular books, and between children′s and adult materials, present important challenges for selection, and implicit in this process are professional acumen and judgement. Yet also there are attitudes and systems of values, which can powerfully influence selection on grounds of morality and good taste. To guard against undue subjectivity, the knowledge frame should acknowledge the relevance of social and experiential context for all reading materials, how readers think as well as how they read, and what explicit and implicit agendas the authors have. The good professional takes all these factors on board.
The purpose of this paper is to re‐visit the problems of taxation consequences of sinking fund in the UK and to look at what is believed to be the only rational reason for using…
The purpose of this paper is to re‐visit the problems of taxation consequences of sinking fund in the UK and to look at what is believed to be the only rational reason for using the dual rate adjusted for tax method variant.
The structure of this paper is: valuing a freehold and a leasehold interest by the single rate gross and net of tax approaches to show the logic that works with freehold valuation interest may not work with leasehold valuation; exploring the tax impacts on sinking fund; resolving the taxation issue of sinking fund; demonstrating the solution to the “double sinking fund problem” by the Greaves method and the single rate net of tax approach; and exploring the future of the dual rate theory.
The paper confirms that the traditional method is not satisfactory, even after the modifications made by the various methods mentioned above. The single rate net of tax approach is proved to meet all expectations and can be regarded as a more rational approach to the dual rate method.
Practical implications
Valuers of the “UK School” might consider that not only should dual rate valuation be regarded as defunct, but also that the more appropriate approach might be to move to a net of taxation approach.
This paper is the original work of the authors.
There is a certain type of British trader who, with pharisaic unction, lifts up his voice and deplores the unhappy condition of “the heathen in his blindness,” including all…
There is a certain type of British trader who, with pharisaic unction, lifts up his voice and deplores the unhappy condition of “the heathen in his blindness,” including all persons of other nationalities and any of his own who may happen to differ in opinion from himself. On these collectively it is his habit to bestow his contemptuous regard when from his elevated position he condescends to thank Providence that as far as the methods and conduct of business are concerned he is “not as other men.” Of course, most people recognise that the attitude assumed by this type of person is one for which it is difficult altogether to blame him. Born as he was in an atmosphere reeking with traditions of insular supremacy, and nurtured from his youth up on notions of commercial arrogance, it is no miracle that he arrives at maturity with singularly inflated ideas of the greatness of his powers and person. If there is one thing more than another in which he feels particular pride it is the possession of a superabundant stock of what he is pleased to call “business acumen,” and to hear him, it might be imagined that no one could approach him in enterprise and general commercial ability.