Customer reviews are one important source that contains valuable information for quality evaluation of products or services. Review sentences contain sentiment words that show…
Customer reviews are one important source that contains valuable information for quality evaluation of products or services. Review sentences contain sentiment words that show whether a user’s opinion is positive or negative. When review sentence has mix opinions, having sentiment words of both polarities, it is difficult to conclude whether it is positive or negative opinion. The purpose of this study is to improve the detection of polarity in such situation.
Design methodology approach
In this research, methods such as part-of-speech tagging, polarity analysis and rules selection are used to identify the polarity. A set of rules called contrast and conditional polarity rules (CCPR) has been created to improve the polarity detection in cases when there is mixture of sentiment words used in contrast and conditional type of review sentences. The experiment is conducted with data sets from three domains, i.e. restaurant, electronic and Tripadvisor.
The experimental result confirms that CCPR rules have higher baseline of the polarity aggression. In restaurant domain, CCPR rules (62.07%) have increased 13.79% compared with the Pol_Agg_MPQA baseline (48.28%) and 13.79% compared with Pol_Agg_Senti baseline (48.28%). In electronic domain, CCPR rule (79.17%) is higher by 12.50% compared with the Pol_Agg_MPQA baseline (66.67%) and 16.67% compared with Pol_Agg_Senti baseline (62.50%). Another one, CCPR rule (70.83%) is higher by 8.33% compared with the Pol_Agg_MPQA baseline (62.50%) and 12.50% compared with Pol_Agg_Senti baseline (58.33%). In conclusion, result of experiment shows promising outcome with improvement in detecting the positivity and negativity of indirect sentence, especially for the case of sentence with indirect polarity.
Originality value
To address the problem of mix opinions in terms of polarities, this paper presents a rule-based approach to improve the result of identifying positivity and negativity in sentence with indirect polarities.