Nilamadhab Kar, Surabhi R. Hullumane and Carol Williams
While hypothyroidism is common in lithium-treated patients, thyrotoxicosis is rarely reported. We present a female patient on lithium for maintenance therapy of bipolar affective…
While hypothyroidism is common in lithium-treated patients, thyrotoxicosis is rarely reported. We present a female patient on lithium for maintenance therapy of bipolar affective disorder, who developed thyrotoxicosis for few months which was followed by hypothyroidism which continued. There was no further thyrotoxicosis episode during a five year follow up period. While she was treated for thyroid dysfunction, lithium was continued. There was no clinical impact on the maintenance of the bipolar affective disorder during the follow up period; she was maintained well in the community.
Nilamadhab Kar, Surendra P. Singh, Tongeji E. Tungaraza, Susmit Roy, Maxine O'Brien, Debbie Cooper and Shishir Regmi
In many UK mental health services, in-patient psychiatric care is being separated from community care by having dedicated in-patient medical team. We evaluated staff satisfaction…
In many UK mental health services, in-patient psychiatric care is being separated from community care by having dedicated in-patient medical team. We evaluated staff satisfaction in this functionalised in-patient care. A survey was conducted amongst multidiscipli-nary staff from various teams using a questionnaire survey. On an average 14.3% of staff returned a satisfactory response for function-alisation, 57.3% had unsatisfactory response and others were undecided or perceived no change. There was no difference in responses amongst age, gender and professional groups. Mean scores of all groups were within unsatisfactory domain; however community staff compared to in-patient staff and staff with more than 5 years of experience compared to those with 1-5 years of experience returned significantly more unsatisfactory responses regarding functionalisation. Many positive and negative aspects of functionalisation were raised. The results of this evaluation suggest the need for further studies on the effectiveness of in-patient functionalisation. Short and long term clinical outcomes and the satisfaction of the patients should also be studied.