This article looks at the development and implementation of a new fully accredited vocationally‐related qualification in community mental health care, and examines its impact in…
This article looks at the development and implementation of a new fully accredited vocationally‐related qualification in community mental health care, and examines its impact in Edinburgh which, after running the initial pilot, has continued to run the new ‘live’ Certificate
Jan Alcoe, Steven Carnaby and Nigel Duerdoth
The paper provides an overview of the new learning disability awards and an account of a joint project by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (part of the Mental…
The paper provides an overview of the new learning disability awards and an account of a joint project by the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (part of the Mental Health Foundation), Pavilion and the Tizard Centre, University of Kent to develop training and learning materials to support them.
In the second of two articles, the authors consider whether the evidence of joint commissioning's limited success has influenced the new partnership flexibilities. They conclude…
In the second of two articles, the authors consider whether the evidence of joint commissioning's limited success has influenced the new partnership flexibilities. They conclude that, while they offer significant opportunity, their positive elements may be undermined by lack of recognition of the unavoidable complexity of the organisational environment in the health and social care field.
Focus on Mental Health is a UK forum which was formed in 1993. It consists of representatives of leading UK mental health groups, who work together on common objectives. In…
Focus on Mental Health is a UK forum which was formed in 1993. It consists of representatives of leading UK mental health groups, who work together on common objectives. In 2000/2001, Focus was funded by the Department for Education and Employment to carry out a programme of work looking at issues around poverty and mental health. This paper will focus on the results of a survey of people's personal experiences of mental health problems and living on a low income led by a sub‐group of Focus members.