Jeanne King, Richard Henson, Ian Dean, Briony Ladbury, Florence Ogunyankin, Nigel Boulton, Richard Carthew and Rory Patterson and Ian Smith
Nigel Culkin and Richard Simmons
Much has been written about trade deal opportunities after Brexit (e.g. Minford et al., 2017; Singham and Tylecote, 2018) but much less about envisaged “supply side mechanisms”…
Much has been written about trade deal opportunities after Brexit (e.g. Minford et al., 2017; Singham and Tylecote, 2018) but much less about envisaged “supply side mechanisms” that would translate a Brexit shock into improved UK competitive performance. Indications as to the supply side mechanisms involved can be found in some pro-Brexit writings and speeches and revolve around cutting regulation and reducing taxation, to spur innovation entrepreneurship. The authors contend that these measures align to a broad set of policy measures associated with Economic Shock Therapy, the Laffer Curve and the associated “Washington Consensus” (Williamson, 2005). The authors are looking to stimulate a conversation around whether these measures are most likely to stimulate entrepreneurial innovation and growth. The authors open by contrasting these concepts to growth equilibrium dynamics drawn from Wicksell, Keynes and Schumpeter – and by implication dynamic Walrasian General Equilibrium – to pose the question, is entrepreneur-led growth best led via slashing regulations and taxes or by focussing on correcting existing market failures? The purpose of this paper is to promote controversy and debate as to which “supply side measures” are most effective in enabling entrepreneurial growth.
The authors briefly review the pro-Brexiteer economic framework and relate this to broader Economic Shock Therapy and Laffer Curve concepts; how these have been applied and how some argue they can become “supply side” enablers in a positive Brexit innovation and entrepreneurship transformation. By drawing upon fundamental economic relationships such as Wicksell’s (1898) “Natural Rate of Interest”, the authors highlight the importance of information asymmetry and regulatory distortion in financial markets, resulting in some entrepreneurs (and associated innovations) failing to receive the capital their project merit. The authors pose the question, whether Shock Therapy, Laffer Curve type tax cuts and any Brexit “bonfire of regulation” will raise entrepreneurial growth and success.
Both Shock Therapy and Laffer Curve inspired tax cuts have a patchy record of success, despite notable achievements in post-1991 Poland. The authors stress entrepreneurs drive innovation and growth, and a key support to them requires correcting “access to finance” market failures. It is questionable if Economic Shocks contribute anything to resolving this fundamental problem.
The authors open the supply side debate on anticipated “Brexit Transformation” in the context of long standing (some maybe long forgotten) theoretical understandings, thereby posing the question as to whether potential Brexit-related deregulation, tax cuts and “Economic Shock” therapy are likely to raise entrepreneurial competitive advantage and success rates. Market failure in financial market support for small firm growth and innovation needs are highlighted. Arguably, economic growth and innovation would be better sustained by addressing these failures, than introducing the “unknowns” and risks associated with a substantial Economic Shock.
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the RSR review column, “Recent Reference Books,” by Frances Neel Cheney. “Reference Books in Print” includes all additional books received prior to the inclusion deadline established for this issue. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published, for immediate listing in “Reference Books in Print.” Reference books with imprints older than two years will not be included (with the exception of current reprints or older books newly acquired for distribution by another publisher). The column shall also occasionally include library science or other library related publications of other than a reference character.
Based fundamentally on the ‘Energy Method’ approach to helicopter performance calculation, a method is presented for calculating performance of a design in the project stage. In…
Based fundamentally on the ‘Energy Method’ approach to helicopter performance calculation, a method is presented for calculating performance of a design in the project stage. In another form, less suitable for project work, the equations have been used for performance estimation by the writer for several years. They were found to give better agreement with flight test and rotor tower results than any other method tried. It is believed that the method gives quicker and more accurate results for project work than any so far developed.
WE have already given particulars of the post‐war organization of the Netherlands aircraft industry in Aircraft Engineering: how the types to be produced are decided upon by a…
WE have already given particulars of the post‐war organization of the Netherlands aircraft industry in Aircraft Engineering: how the types to be produced are decided upon by a board, the Nederlands Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwikkeling, and are then developed and built by the factories of the centralized company N.V. Verenigde Nederlandse Vliegtuigfabrieken ‘Fokker’, consisting of the works of Fokker, Aviolanda and de Schelde. This arrangement was adopted in order to avoid duplication and also to allow the State to help toward the high cost of the development of the modern prototype.
Aerospace Company's Garrett Airline Services Division in Phoenix, Ariz., announced recently it will open a London Distribution Centre adjacent to Heathrow Airport in Colnbrook…
Aerospace Company's Garrett Airline Services Division in Phoenix, Ariz., announced recently it will open a London Distribution Centre adjacent to Heathrow Airport in Colnbrook, England, on June 1.