Maysa Ali Mohamed Abdallah and Nayera Adeldayem Eltamboly
This study aims to identify the main factors that drive the differences in the levels of forward-looking information disclosure (FLID) across four countries. This study goes…
This study aims to identify the main factors that drive the differences in the levels of forward-looking information disclosure (FLID) across four countries. This study goes beyond the firm-specific characteristics to the countries-specific factors to explain the observable differences in the level of FLID among the UK, Italian, Hong Kong and Chinese American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) firms trading in US Exchanges.
To validate the levels of FLID, corporate financial information environment (CFIE)-final reports structure extractor (FRSE) was conducted on the annual reports of a sample of 353 listed firm observations in 2020 across four different countries. Also, the ordinary least square regression model was used to examine the proposed relationships.
The empirical results indicate that the level of FLID is highest among the Chinese ADRs firms trading in US Exchanges and UK listed firms. Also, ownership concentration and gender diversity have a positive correlation with the level of FLID. Additionally, long-term orientation positively influences the level of FLID. Considering the moderation effect of power distance and masculinity dimensions, countries with larger power distance tend to have a lower impact of ownership concentration on the level of FLID, whereas countries with higher masculinity tend to have a lesser positive relationship between gender diversity and the level of FLID.
Notwithstanding, this study provides novel and persuasive evidence regarding the effects of firm- and country-specific characteristics as possible determinants of forward-looking disclosures, drawing on evidence from international companies with free floats, boards with female quotas and cultural values including masculinity and long-term orientation. This work offers unique insights from the upper echelons lens, which implies that firms need to obtain a critical mass of gender diversity to achieve a more balanced forward-looking perspective on their annual reports.