Natalya Delcoure and Jesus S. Carmona
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of data analytics in addressing contemporary challenges and opportunities facing institutions of higher education, with a special…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of data analytics in addressing contemporary challenges and opportunities facing institutions of higher education, with a special emphasis on enrollment management for the example of a college of business administration in a Hispanic-serving four-year institution of higher education.
After reviewing previous research on this subject, the authors propose adding a new stratum to higher education analytics, enrollment management analytics, which uniquely identifies the actions associated with attracting and recruiting students, accounts for institutional differences and leads to students’ successful matriculation at institutions.
The authors demonstrate on the example of a professional college in a four-year institution of higher education how the utilization of modern analytical tools and techniques develop actionable decisions in the students’ recruitment process, which leads to their matriculation.
A definition and a new stratum in higher education analytics are proposed for enrollment management analytics.
Hassan Shirvani and Natalya V. Delcoure
The purpose of this paper is to examine the presence of unit roots in the stock prices of 16 OECD countries.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the presence of unit roots in the stock prices of 16 OECD countries.
Heterogeneous panel unit root tests developed by Im et al. (1997/2003) and Pesaran (2007).
Under the assumption of cross-sectional independence across the panel, the authors find no evidence of unit roots, thus failing to reject mean reversion in the stock prices for all the countries in the sample. However, under the assumption of cross-sectional dependence, an assumption borne out by the diagnostic test results, the authors find support for the presence of unit roots in the stock prices.
Practical implications
Thus, the use of more robust panel unit root tests seems to raise questions about the long-run predictability of the stock market, at least in the context of the OECD countries.
Thus, it seems that in the long run, an investment policy of buy and hold has still much to offer.
Kenneth Hunsader, Natalya Delcoure and Gwendolyn Pennywell
– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of bankruptcy announcements on the bankrupt firm's competitors' stock returns.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of bankruptcy announcements on the bankrupt firm's competitors' stock returns.
Starting with a sample of Chapter 11 bankruptcies from 1980 through 2008, the authors use event study methodology to examine the returns of bankrupt firm's rivals around the filing date. The authors employ a t-test of means across groups to check for differences in returns based on a competitive strategy measure (CSM). The CSM classifies industry rivals into strategic complements or substitutes. The authors also separate the sample based on traditional or non-traditional bankruptcies and conduct explanatory regressions on the abnormal returns using economically important independent variables such as the CSM, leverage and the Herfindahl index.
Similar to previous research, the paper finds that less concentrated industries and industries with high leverage suffer greater negative wealth effects when a firm within the industry announces a bankruptcy. Extending current research, the paper finds strategic interaction within the industry is an important factor in determining industry portfolio returns. Rivals characterized as strategic complements exhibit significant negative valuation effects while rivals characterized as strategic substitutes do not. Finally, the paper finds that this strategic effect is dominant when the future cash flows and outcome of the reorganization is more uncertain as substantiated by the difference between traditional and non-traditional bankruptcy filings.
This is believed to be the first empirical article to examine how the CSM affects the returns of bankrupt firms' rivals.