Karina Munari Pagan, Natália Munari Pagan and Vanessa Martins dos Santos
Propose a model that reports ethnocentrism, animosity, perceived quality and purchase intention in the evaluation of the country-of-origin effect for wine.
Propose a model that reports ethnocentrism, animosity, perceived quality and purchase intention in the evaluation of the country-of-origin effect for wine.
The sample for this study consisted of 154 students from the University of São Paulo Campus Ribeirão Preto and Piracicaba. Using scales already validated in the literature, a survey was carried out with 27 questions in the seven-point Likert format. The structural model was estimated using the partial least squares method.
It was verified that the country of origin positively influenced the purchase intention of wines, ethnocentrism positively influenced perceived quality, ethnocentrism positively influenced animosity, animosity negatively influenced the purchase intention and the country of origin positively influenced the perceived quality of the wine. It was verified that ethnocentrism did not influence purchase intention and the country of origin did not influence animosity.
Practical implications
As a managerial contribution, it helps managers to devise more effective strategies for the wine market.
An innovative model was proposed to investigate the role of animosity, ethnocentrism, perceived quality and purchase intention in evaluating the country-of-origin effect for wine.