Sunil Dutta and Narala Suresh Kumar Reddy
Production schedules, if not met as per timelines may result in heavy losses to a company in terms of its standing and the overall profit. Production scheduling is generally…
Production schedules, if not met as per timelines may result in heavy losses to a company in terms of its standing and the overall profit. Production scheduling is generally planned by not taking preventive maintenance schedules into consideration. Most of the plants allocate discrete hours/time for preventive maintenance activities. These hours allocated for preventive maintenance will be in addition to the hours which would be lost during breakdown maintenance. These lost hours may be reduced if production scheduling and preventive maintenance activities are integrated. This advocates that we need to devise a methodology which can take care of lost hours.
Adaptive and noncyclic maintenance strategy describes the modification of existing maintenance practices, policies and procedures to meet new dynamic tasks/opportunities. It demands a high degree of flexibility and mental agility from maintenance staff members. The maintenance team has to be on a lookout for an opportunity message received from the central server and has to act promptly. The moment an opportunity arises, a message is forwarded to a central maintenance server (opportunity is captured). The central server then assigns individuals/team, based on their expertise and the maintenance task due on that machine/equipment. This action is completely automated and implemented without delay.
The total man-hours saved by executing adaptive and noncyclic preventive maintenance methodology comes to 705 h during 15 days on 30 machines installed in three different sections. There was a contribution of 71 innovative ideas from the repair teams. Out of these 71 innovative ideas, 16 were found suitable for execution. A quantum jump in the morale and motivation of the maintenance team was noticed from the feedback forms. Mutual understanding and respect for each other among employees has been enhanced. The optimization of resources and infrastructure including tools, gauges, testing equipment, etc. could truly be attained.
Practical implications
The developed adaptive and noncyclic preventive maintenance model assists in capturing lost hours and make the system proactive and lean. The suggested model optimizes the preventive and predictive maintenance activities and results in substantial saving of efforts, manpower, resources and allocated budget.
The adaptive and noncyclic preventive maintenance model discussed in the article is a novel approach for the optimization of resources. The technique assists in capturing lost hours and utilization of these hours for preventive maintenance tasks. The model will also encourage creative and innovative ideas from employees and take the organization toward Continual Maintenance Optimization.