Detlef Zuehlke and Nancy Thiels
The development time for user interfaces is drastically reduced by today's shorter product life cycles. Generally, at the end of the development phase, there is not enough time or…
The development time for user interfaces is drastically reduced by today's shorter product life cycles. Generally, at the end of the development phase, there is not enough time or money left to enhance the usability of software. After the user interface has been developed, the users are left alone to handle any problems with the interface. Systematic development using engineering processes can help to overcome these usability problems. Engineering processes identify and consider clearly defined requirements during the development phase. This results in more usable products and a growing recognition of the importance of engineering processes. This article aims to introduce a structured Useware engineering process that increases the effectiveness and efficiency of user interface development.
This article introduces a structured Useware engineering process, the application of which enhances user orientation which leads to higher acceptance and more practical user interfaces.
The article finds that the current process is supported by various expert development tools for the production of user interfaces; these tools ensure a systematic and continuous data transferability from one phase to the next. The process has already provided remarkable results in the area of task orientation and usability within several different industrial sectors, e.g. medicine, manufacturing industry and process engineering. Further possibilities to apply this process are software for online catolog planning or lending and return machines.
This article introduces a structured engineering process that increases the effectiveness and efficiency of user interface development which has the possibility of use in online catolog planning or lending and return machines.
Laura L. Lemon, Claudia Bawole, Nancy H. Brinson and Bahareh Amini
The purpose of this paper is to use the concept of boundary turbulence from Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory to better understand how employee monitoring impacts…
The purpose of this paper is to use the concept of boundary turbulence from Communication Privacy Management (CPM) theory to better understand how employee monitoring impacts employee engagement. This study is one of the first in corporate communication to combine the frameworks of CPM and employee engagement to better understand employee experiences.
To answer the research question, we conducted an online, open-ended survey that asked 633 participants to provide feedback regarding being monitored at work and how these experiences impacted their engagement with their employer.
This study sought to understand how boundary turbulence occurs in relation to employee engagement when employees are monitored at work. In total, four examples of boundary turbulence were illustrated in the data: employer monitoring creates distrust; employees find ways to resist being monitored; monitoring doesn’t accurately capture employee engagement; and monitoring leads to disengagement.
The findings from this study lead to important conclusions regarding what happens when employees experience boundary turbulence, and how it relates to employee engagement. This study illustrates how employee monitoring is interpreted as an attempt to control employees, which can lead to distrust and negatively impact employee engagement. Furthermore, boundary turbulence can threaten psychological safety and presence, which can cultivate employee disengagement. Therefore, employees may seek out ways to actively resist, which reiterates that internal publics are distinctive, active, and agentic audiences that cannot be forgotten or assumed.
Jarmo Vakkuri, Jan-Erik Johanson, Nancy Chun Feng and Filippo Giordano
In addressing policy problems, it is difficult to disentangle public policies from private efforts, business institutions and civic activities. Societies may acknowledge that all…
In addressing policy problems, it is difficult to disentangle public policies from private efforts, business institutions and civic activities. Societies may acknowledge that all these domains have a role in accomplishing social aims, but there are fundamental problems in understanding why, how and with what implications this occurs. Drawing upon the insights from the papers of this special issue, the authors aim to advance the understanding of governance and accountability in different contexts of hybridity, hybrid governance and organizations.
The authors conceptualize common theoretical origins of hybrid organizations and the ways in which they create and enact value by reflecting on the articles of the special issue. Furthermore, the authors propose agendas for future research into hybrid organizations.
Hybrid organizations can be conceptualized through two types of lenses: (1) the dimensions of hybridity (ownership, institutional logics, funding and control) and (2) their approaches to value creation (mixing, compromising and legitimizing).
Practical implications
This article provides more detailed and comprehensive understanding of hybridity. This contribution has also important practical implications for actors, such as politicians, managers, street-level bureaucrats, professionals, auditors and accountants who may be enveloped in various hybrid settings, policy contexts and multi-faceted interfaces between public, private and the civil society sector.
Hybridity lenses reveal novel connections between four types of hybrid institutional contexts: state-owned enterprises (SOEs), non-profit organizations (NPOs), social enterprises (SEs) and municipally owned corporations (MOCs). This paper provides theoretical instruments for doing so.
Nancy J. Adler (USA), Sonja A. Sackmann (Switzerland), Sharon Arieli (Israel), Marufa (Mimi) Akter (Bangladesh), Christoph Barmeyer (Germany), Cordula Barzantny (France), Dan V. Caprar (Australia and New Zealand), Yih-teen Lee (Taiwan), Leigh Anne Liu (China), Giovanna Magnani (Italy), Justin Marcus (Turkey), Christof Miska (Austria), Fiona Moore (United Kingdom), Sun Hyun Park (South Korea), B. Sebastian Reiche (Spain), Anne-Marie Søderberg (Denmark and Sweden), Jeremy Solomons (Rwanda) and Zhi-Xue Zhang (China)
The COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic meltdown and social unrest severely challenged most countries, their societies, economies, organizations, and individual citizens…
The COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic meltdown and social unrest severely challenged most countries, their societies, economies, organizations, and individual citizens. Focusing on both more and less successful country-specific initiatives to fight the pandemic and its multitude of related consequences, this chapter explores implications for leadership and effective action at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. As international management scholars and consultants, the authors document actions taken and their wide-ranging consequences in a diverse set of countries, including countries that have been more or less successful in fighting the pandemic, are geographically larger and smaller, are located in each region of the world, are economically advanced and economically developing, and that chose unique strategies versus strategies more similar to those of their neighbors. Cultural influences on leadership, strategy, and outcomes are described for 19 countries. Informed by a cross-cultural lens, the authors explore such urgent questions as: What is most important for leaders, scholars, and organizations to learn from critical, life-threatening, society-encompassing crises and grand challenges? How do leaders build and maintain trust? What types of communication are most effective at various stages of a crisis? How can we accelerate learning processes globally? How does cultural resilience emerge within rapidly changing environments of fear, shifting cultural norms, and profound challenges to core identity and meaning? This chapter invites readers and authors alike to learn from each other and to begin to discover novel and more successful approaches to tackling grand challenges. It is not definitive; we are all still learning.
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technicalsupport tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of thistechnology published in Computers in Libraries…
As CD‐ROM becomes more and more a standard reference and technical support tool in all types of libraries, the annual review of this technology published in Computers in Libraries magazine increases in size and scope. This year, author Susan L. Adkins has prepared this exceptionally useful bibliography which she has cross‐referenced with a subject index.
Nancy J. Hanson-Rasmussen and Kristy J. Lauver
This study aims to examine how students in business colleges across three countries, the United States, India and China, interpret environmental sustainability. This study also…
This study aims to examine how students in business colleges across three countries, the United States, India and China, interpret environmental sustainability. This study also explores where students from different cultures believe responsibility lies in caring for the environment and how these beliefs represent their cultural and millennial values. The purpose of this study, then, is to investigate millennial business students’ perspectives toward the environment across the three countries holding the largest ecological footprint.
College of business students from the United States, India and China were surveyed. Student responses regarding environmental sustainability were compared to values of the millennial generation and placement of responsibility compared to national culture dimensions.
An average of 66.3 per cent of the coded responses reflect the optimism of the generation. Concern for future generations was a frequent theme. Most responses assigned responsibility for environmental sustainability to “all”. Results support the work of Husted (2005) and Park et al. (2007) as well as the expectations of the millennial generation’s values related to environmental sustainability.
The authors connect national cultural research to environmental sustainability. This study explores where students from different cultures believe responsibility lies in caring for the environment and how these beliefs represent their cultural and millennial values. National cultural combined with millennial opinion is an important area of research for understanding the assignment of responsibility related to environmental sustainability.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
In Senegal, the government has encouraged private investment in agriculture and biofuel production since the 2000s, generating several attempted or effective large-scale land…
In Senegal, the government has encouraged private investment in agriculture and biofuel production since the 2000s, generating several attempted or effective large-scale land acquisitions by domestic and international investors. In reaction to these projects, local groups of opponents have joined forces with national peasant organizations, civil society associations, and think tanks to resist perceived land grabs. This article examines the emergence of this social movement and explains why anti-land grabs campaigns were successful in halting some projects, but not successful in others. I argue that four main factors are at play: a strong mobilization of local populations measured by group cohesion and level of determination; the assistance of national and international NGOs in scaling up protests beyond the local level; the capacity of opponents to harness the support of influential elites and decision-makers; and the legal status of the land under contention. This paper draws on an analysis of secondary data, qualitative interviews, and field observations carried out in Senegal for several months from 2013 to 2018.
Maria Magdalena Aguilar-Crandall, Ed.D., is a librarian in the Brownsville Independent School District and an adjunct professor at Sam Houston State University.
Maria Magdalena Aguilar-Crandall, Ed.D., is a librarian in the Brownsville Independent School District and an adjunct professor at Sam Houston State University.