David A. Kirby and Nagwa Ibrahim
The purpose of this paper is to explore awareness of social entrepreneurship amongst Egyptian students and to determine what is needed to create more graduate social entrepreneurs.
The purpose of this paper is to explore awareness of social entrepreneurship amongst Egyptian students and to determine what is needed to create more graduate social entrepreneurs.
The theoretical framework is Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior. Data collection is a questionnaire survey of 183 of the 2,000 undergraduates at the British University in Egypt, drawn from the University's three faculties.
The paper finds that, although three organizations, Ashoka Arab World, The Schwab Foundation and Yes Egypt, do much to support and promote social enterprise in Egypt, students are confused over what a social entrepreneur is or does and are largely unaware of existing Egyptian social entrepreneurs. The majority want a career in a multi‐national enterprise but a sizeable number are interested in establishing a social enterprise.
Research limitations/implications
The sample is small and limited to one institution but the findings corroborate theory and indicate a need for both greater awareness (information/knowledge), and support/encouragement.
Practical implications
There is a need to change the Egyptian education system to encourage students to think and behave more entrepreneurially, at the same time equipping them with the skills to start their own ventures on graduation.
Social implications
To promote a more socially aware, sustainable economy, Egyptian support organizations need to work with the country's universities to change the curriculum and the way students are taught.
This research is one of the first academic studies on entrepreneurship in Egypt. It will interest academics, educational policy makers and those concerned with the promotion of entrepreneurship.
The purpose of this paper is to determine the changes that are needed in order to create entrepreneurial graduate students and institutions in Egypt that are more relevant to the…
The purpose of this paper is to determine the changes that are needed in order to create entrepreneurial graduate students and institutions in Egypt that are more relevant to the needs of the country post revolution, by applying the theories of entrepreneurship education and intrapreneurship to Egyptian universities.
The authors use existing research on entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial institutions, combined with the results of primary research on Egyptian students, to determine what the country's universities ought to do if they are to meet the challenge.
It is concluded that Egyptian universities will need to transform not only what they teach, but how they teach, whilst at the same time transforming their own institutions in order to create more entrepreneurial learning environments.
Research limitations/implications
The paper is based on the application of theory and a limited study in one institution. A before and after experiment is needed on a larger scale, over a longer time‐period and in a cross section of institutions.
Practical implications
The results should inform both policy formulation and the delivery of education in Egypt and the Region.
The conclusions have relevance for educational policy makers, university administrators and university academics, not just in business and economics but across all disciplines, and not just in Egypt and the Middle East but more broadly.
Sohair I. Abou‐Elela, Fayza A. Nasr, Hala S. Doma, Hanan S. Ibrahim and Nagwa M. Badr
The main purpose of this study is to provide technical support for industrial firms in a new Egyptian industrial city in order to comply with the National Regulatory Standards for…
The main purpose of this study is to provide technical support for industrial firms in a new Egyptian industrial city in order to comply with the National Regulatory Standards for wastewater discharge into the public sewerage network.
An execution plan has been prepared to identify the existing environmental status of all the enterprises in the city. To accomplish the planned activities, relevant information was collected from the available records in the city. A unified questionnaire format has been designed for all enterprises including all activities and information required for this study. Accordingly, industries were classified according to their activities and sizes. The information was fed to the computer using a database to control data entry, analysis, and retrieval. Also, the work plan included industrial auditing, wastewater characterization, and application of pollution prevention measures and treatment of end‐of‐pipe.
Statistical analysis of the collected data showed that 119 enterprises were distributed among different industrial sectors. The size of factories according to number of employees is categorized as micro, small and medium. Characterization of industrial wastewater produced from 37 plants indicated that 50 percent thereof do not comply with the Egyptian environmental laws, for industrial wastewater discharge into the public sewage network. In this study, three factories were selected to solve their environmental problems. Treatability studies and/or pollution prevention approaches for the selected factories were carried out and the recommended solutions were implemented and proved to be cost‐effective.
This paper provides the guidelines for other factories in this Egyptian industrial city to be environmentally friendly via compliance with the local regulatory standards. Dissemination of the achieved results can be applied by other industrial cities in Egypt.
Rehab El-Gamal, Khaled El-Nagar, Nagwa A. Tharwat and Gomaa Abdel-Maksoud
This study aims to use whiteness (WI) and yellowness indices (YI) that were calculated from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) color parameter to evaluate the…
This study aims to use whiteness (WI) and yellowness indices (YI) that were calculated from the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) color parameter to evaluate the efficiency of some triazole fungicides [propiconazole (C15H17Cl2N3O2) and tebuconazole (C16H22ClN3O)] to protect wooden artifacts from fungal deterioration.
Archeological wooden samples were collected from some historical Islamic buildings in Cairo, Egypt. Three species of fungi were identified in previous work. Propiconazole and tebuconazole with different concentrations treated the infected wooden samples aged for different periods. WI and YI of studied samples were measured using UV spectrophotometer. Calibration and uncertainty estimation accompanied by color measurement were studied.
Studying the uncertainty sources of diffuse reflection of the standard white tiles revealed that the uncertainty of calibration for both the spectrophotometer and white tiles had the highest contribution. The treated samples with tebuconazole and propiconazole fungicides gave good resistance against fungal deterioration at 0.50% for WI and YI.
This study presents the importance of colorimetry in the conservation field because they are considered one of the most important criteria to evaluate conservation materials. From color measurements and their uncertainties, it became clear that triazole fungicides have good efficiency in the protection of wooden artifacts from fungal deterioration. The value of this study is that propiconazole and tebuconazole fungicides at 0.50% can be applied to archaeological wood that is endangered to improper conditions, especially in the case of high levels of relative humidity.
Pallavi Joshi and Kanika Varma
Soybean has great nutritional potential. Its high protein content makes it an alternative protein source to milk in situations where milk cannot be used due to allergic reactions…
Soybean has great nutritional potential. Its high protein content makes it an alternative protein source to milk in situations where milk cannot be used due to allergic reactions or intolerance. However, the potential benefits of soybean might be limited by the presence of antinutritional factors, including trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA). The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of dehulling and germination on the nutritive value of the soy flour and on the factors that could negatively affect the nutritional potential of the bean.
Soybean seeds were soaked for 24 h and allowed to germinate for one to three days. Soaked soybeans were manually dehulled and the flours obtained were evaluated for nutritional and antinutritional factors.
Dehulling and germination produce significant increase in crude protein and crude fiber and ash content (p = 0.05). Crude fat and starch content decreased, but the reduction was insignificant. Trypsin inhibitor levels were significantly lower after germination and dehulling of the seeds (p = 0.05).
Dehulling and germination are cost-effective processing techniques to improve the nutritional quality of the legume.