Nagendra Kumar Maurya, Manish Maurya, Shashi Prakash Dwivedi, Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Ambuj Saxena, Sandeep Chahuan, Aditya Tiwari and Advitya Mishra
Nowadays, rapid prototyping is emerging as end use product in low volume. The accuracy of the fabricated components depends on various process parameters. Process parameters used…
Nowadays, rapid prototyping is emerging as end use product in low volume. The accuracy of the fabricated components depends on various process parameters. Process parameters used in this investigation are layer thickness (150, 200 and 250 µm), infill pattern (linear, hexagonal and star fill), raster angle (0°, 45° and 90°) and infill density (40, 60 and 80%). Linear and radial dimension of knuckle joint are selected for the response factor.
The experiments are design by using response surface methodology (RSM). Four design variables at three levels are used to examine their influence on percentage error in linear dimension and radial dimension of the component. A prototype Knuckle joint is selected as component. Minitab-14 software is used for the design of experiments.
Experimental measure data is analyzed by using “smaller is better” quality characteristics. A regression model for the forecasting of percentage error in linear and radial dimension is developed. The developed model is within precision range. The optimum level of process for linear and radial dimensions are obtained: layer thickness of 150 µm, Infill pattern of linear, Raster angle of 90° and infill density of 40%.
Research limitations/implications
It proves that both the mathematical model is significant and can be able to approximate the desired output value close to the accurate dimensions. While comparing the calculated F-values for both linear and radial dimension with the standard table (F-table, 0.05), it is found that at the given set of degree of freedom the standard F-values (6.61) is lower for that regression, linear, square and interaction source of the predicted model, for which p-values have already less than 0.05. It is desirable for significant process parameters.
Practical implications
The dimensional accuracy with respect to average percentage error of FDM produced knuckle joint is successfully examined. The effect of process parameters, namely, layer thickness, infill pattern, raster angle and infill density on average percentage error was investigated by RSM and analysis of variance table.
Social implications
The novelty of this work lies in the fact that only few studies are available in archival literature related to influence of these process parameters on percentage error in linear and radial dimension for Polycarbonate (PC) material.
The novelty of this work lies in the fact only few studies are available in archival literature related to influence of these process parameters on percentage error in linear and radial dimension for Polycarbonate (PC) material.
Nagendra Kumar Maurya and Karuna Shanker Kanaujiya
The present research has been conceptualized to make an inter-district analysis in terms of IHDI of Uttar Pradesh. It aims to provide district-wise estimates of HDI and IHDI with…
The present research has been conceptualized to make an inter-district analysis in terms of IHDI of Uttar Pradesh. It aims to provide district-wise estimates of HDI and IHDI with the latest available data, which may prove to be a critical policy input to the policy makers that how different districts are performing in terms of education, health and standard of living parameters and help in implementing tailor made policy actions.
The paper utilizes the Census of India data and unit-level data of National Sample Survey (NSS) for constructing HDI and IHDI. The broad framework for computing IHDI in this study is similar to the approach of UNDP's HDR 2010. To adjust the inequality aspect, the Atkinson inequality aversion parameter has been estimated at indicator level on the basis of NSS unit record data.
The study reveals that inequality discounted income index is on an average 30 percent lower than unadjusted income index. However, quite high variation exists in case of education and health. The difference ranges from 30 percent to 40 percent in the case of education and from 3 to 36 percent in the health dimension. The surprising fact which study finds that health infrastructure and education infrastructure are poorly correlated with their respective outcomes.
Research limitations/implications
The study offers a policy suggestion that increasing investment on educational and health infrastructure will not have any significant impact on their respective outcomes unless distributional inequalities are reduced. The study also suggests that rising income inequalities are threat to inclusive growth and sustainable development goals agenda. Thus, it recommends policy makers to take pro-active timely policy measures to reduce income inequalities. The educational achievement should be fixed in terms of average years of schooling and expected years of schooling rather than in terms of literacy rate.
The present research is an original work. This is the first study in the case of Uttar Pradesh which attempted to estimate district-wise IHDI following the internationally accepted UNDP (2010) methodology.
Nagendra Kumar Maurya, Vikas Rastogi and Pushpendra Singh
Nowadays, the PolyJet technique is used to fabricate low volume functional parts in engineering and biomedical applications. However, the mechanical properties of the components…
Nowadays, the PolyJet technique is used to fabricate low volume functional parts in engineering and biomedical applications. However, the mechanical properties of the components fabricated through this process are inferior in comparison to components fabricated through the traditional manufacturing process. This paper aims to attempt to investigate the influence of process parameters, i.e. raster angle, orientation and type of surface finish on mechanical properties of RGD840 material manufactured by the PolyJet process.
Initially, this study focuses on experimental evaluation of elastic modulus, ultimate tensile strength and percentage elongation of the material. Further detailed experimental study of true stress, true strain, and plastic strain are conducted. Computational analysis of plastic strain is performed by using finite element analysis (FEA) software ABAQUS. The value of strength coefficient (K) and strain hardening coefficient (n) is calculated by using the graphical method from the true stress-plastic strain curve.
It is observed that 90º raster angle, flat orientation and glossy surface are the best level of process parameters for the tensile strength, true stress and modules of elasticity of the RGD840 material and the obtained value are 27.88, 30.134 and 2891.5 MPa, respectively. The percentage elongation is maximum at 60º raster angle, flat orientation, and matte finish type and the obtained value is 23.38%. The optimum level of process parameters are 90° raster angle, Flat orientation, with Glossy surface finish. SEM analysis of the fracture surface of the tensile test specimen proves that the fracture surface is brittle in nature.
The novelty of this work lies in the fact that no attempts were made to investigate the computational investigation of mechanical properties of RGD840 material.
Ashish Kumar Srivastava, Brijesh Sharma, Bismin R. Saju, Arpit Shukla, Ambuj Saxena and Nagendra Kumar Maurya
The development of a new class of engineering materials is the current demand for aircraft and automobile companies. In this context metal, composite materials have a widespread…
The development of a new class of engineering materials is the current demand for aircraft and automobile companies. In this context metal, composite materials have a widespread application in different areas of manufacturing sectors.
In this paper, an attempt is made to develop the aluminium-based nano metal matrix composite reinforced with graphene nanoparticles (GNP) by using the stir casting method. Different weight percentage (0.4%, 0.8% and 1.2% by weight) of GNPs are used to fabricate metal matrix composites (MMCs). The developed nanocomposites were further validated by density calculation and optical microstructures to discuss the distribution of GNPs. The tensile test was conducted to determine the strength of the developed MMCs and also supported by fractographic analysis. In addition to it, the Rockwell hardness test and impact test (toughness) with fracture analysis were also conducted to strengthen the present work.
The results reveal the uniform distribution of GNPs into the matrix material. The yield strength and ultimate tensile strength obtained a maximum value of 155.67 MPa and 170.28 MPa, respectively. The hardness value (HRB) is significantly increased and 84 HRB was obtained for the sample with AA1100/0.4% GNP, while maximum hardness value (94 HRB) was obtained for the sample AA1100/1.2% GNP. The maximum value of toughness 14.3 Jules/cm2 is recorded for base alloy AA1100 while increasing the reinforcement percentage, it decreases up to 9.7 Jules/cm2 for AA1100/1.2% GNP.
Graphene nanoparticles are used to develop nanocomposites, which is one of the suitable alternatives for heavy engineering materials such as steels and cast irons. It has improved microstructural and mechanical properties which makes it preferable for many engineering and structural applications.
Srinivas Goli, Nagendra Kumar Maurya and Manoj Kumar Sharma
A continuous mixed opinion on the relevance of caste-based reservations and caste as a factor of socioeconomic disparity in the recent period demands update of evidence on…
A continuous mixed opinion on the relevance of caste-based reservations and caste as a factor of socioeconomic disparity in the recent period demands update of evidence on socioeconomic inequalities among caste groups for effective policy making. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the caste inequalities in terms of socioeconomic opportunities and poverty are still persisting in rural Uttar Pradesh based on village census surveys?
This study used data primarily collected from four village census surveys under the project rural transformation in Uttar Pradesh, 2013. Bivariate analyses, human opportunity index (HOI), multidimensional poverty index (MPI) and inequality decomposition analyses used as methods of analyses.
The authors findings suggest that in spite of more than six decades of welfare policies and major political mobilization movements among lower castes in the state, the huge inequalities in terms of critical socioeconomic indicators such as landholding, higher education and wealth distribution and multi-dimensional poverty across the castes are still persisting in the state. Decomposition results suggest that between group inequalities contribute more to the total inequality in landholding whereas within group inequalities contribute maximum to total inequality in education and wealth status of different castes in rural Uttar Pradesh. However, within inequalities much less in general castes compared to SCs/OBCs.
Based on its latest empirical evidence, this study strengthens the argument that caste still matters in socioeconomic achievements of the population in India even after decades of planning and financing of social welfare schemes to uplift the lower castes in India. Thus, provides critical inputs to current debates on the relevance of caste as a determinant of socioeconomic status in India.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is gaining recognition and value among researchers, academicians and business professionals. Drawing on theories of social identity and…
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is gaining recognition and value among researchers, academicians and business professionals. Drawing on theories of social identity and person–organisation fit, the present research propounds a model that investigates the role of CSR branding in influencing employee retention.
The paper is based on primary survey data from 348 employees working in organisations in the Indian industrial hubs. The study uses the regression and PROCESS macro model to analyse relationship among study variables.
The study indicated how CSR initiatives could help organisations handle the threat of high turnover storm all over the world, thereby retaining the employees with a high set of skills. Moreover, the paper connotes that employee retention is influenced directly by CSR branding as well as indirectly under the presence of organisational identification and person–organisation fit (mediators).
Practical implications
Results suggest the role of a positive identity and a mutual fit as significant predictors of employee retention. The implications for future research on CSR, employees' stay intentions, employees' identification and value congruence are further discussed in light of the findings.
The novelty of this research insists on shedding light on the indirect mechanisms linking CSR to employee retention that has been overlooked so far, particularly in the Indian setting; studies on an integrated model of organisational identification and person–organisation fit are limited.