This work aims to investigate the sensitivity of ranking performance with respect to the topic distribution of queries selected for ranking evaluation.
This work aims to investigate the sensitivity of ranking performance with respect to the topic distribution of queries selected for ranking evaluation.
The authors reweight queries used in two TREC tasks to make them match three real background topic distributions, and show that the performance rankings of retrieval systems are quite different.
It is found that search engines tend to perform similarly on queries about the same topic; and search engine performance is sensitive to the topic distribution of queries used in evaluation.
Using experiments with multiple real‐world query logs, the paper demonstrates weaknesses in the current evaluation model of retrieval systems.
Bosheng Liu, Yan Zhang, Qinying Wang, Li Liu and Lijin Dong
This study aims to investigate the effect of galvanic corrosion on the sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) of X80/Inconel 625 weld overlay by altering the cathode/anode area…
This study aims to investigate the effect of galvanic corrosion on the sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) of X80/Inconel 625 weld overlay by altering the cathode/anode area ratios, Na2S2O3 concentrations and temperatures.
The effects of galvanic corrosion on X80/Inconel 625 weld overlay SSCC were investigated by immersion test, galvanic corrosion current test, electrochemical measurement, four-point bending experiment, hydrogen permeation experiment and scanning electron microscopy.
The anodic dissolution of the fusion boundary was enhanced as the cathode/anode area ratio increased, which is necessary for the SSCC of the X80/Inconel 625 weld overlay. However, severe galvanic corrosion reduced the SSCC susceptibility. The SSCC susceptibility showed a linear increase with Na2S2O3 concentration in the range of 10−4 ∼ 10−2 mol/L. However, further increasing the Na2S2O3 concentration to 10−1 mol/L resulted in the disappearance of SSCC. This is likely because sufficient hydrogen was required for SSCC initiation even under severe anodic dissolution conditions, which was further supported by the reduced SSCC susceptivity at elevated temperatures.
Limited studies aim to establish the relationship between the galvanic corrosion and SSCC of welded joints through altering the cathode/anode area ratios, Na2S2O3 concentrations and temperatures. This work will pave the way for understanding the effect of galvanic corrosion on the SSCC of dissimilar weld joints.
In 2019, the goal of developing a world-class open university through different stages was put forward by the Open University of China (OUC), which indicated that…
In 2019, the goal of developing a world-class open university through different stages was put forward by the Open University of China (OUC), which indicated that internationalization for Chinese open universities came to the agenda. However, international activities of open universities are different from those in conventional universities, and how to fulfill the goal of internationalization is a main issue faced by educators in Chinese open and distance education arena. This research aimed to identify ways of internationalization for the OUC system.
A survey was employed as a tool to get feedback from target audience. A questionnaire was released to academics, management staff and researchers to the 44 provincial open universities. A total of 501 samples were collected. Among them, 332 were from academics, which accounted for 66.27%, 152 were from school-level directors and 17 were from university-level leaders.
By analyzing the data collected in the survey, the study proposes four recommendations to fulfill the goal of internationalization for Chinese open universities and these include strengthening top-level strategies, building up professional teams, sharing learning resources and delivering upper-level programs.
Research limitations/implications
The targets of this research were all staff at different levels in the central and local institutions; no students were included in the research. Therefore, this did not reflect a picture from the student perspective, and this will be improved in future research.
Since the establishment of the OUC in 1979, there has been no clear and systematic pathways for the development of internationalization of Chinese open universities. This research proposes a theoretical framework of internationalization for open universities and suggests a direction for future development.
This paper outlines the theoretical models of international cash management and assesses their implications for corporate practice. Corporate practice is then reviewed through the…
This paper outlines the theoretical models of international cash management and assesses their implications for corporate practice. Corporate practice is then reviewed through the analysis of survey research and case studies. It emerges that whilst the implications of theoretical models are captured in essence by corporate practice, there is scant evidence of companies using sophisticated models in international cash management. The practice of international cash management is largely driven by developments in communications and computer technology, relaxation of regulatory and tax impediments, the internationalisation of banking and the development of new banking prod ucts. International treasurers may therefore be able to find appropriate cash management solutions to meet their business needs with the co‐operation of banks and technology providers. Further academic research should evaluate the extent to which corporate practice is consistent with extant multi‐currency balance and net work optimisation models and also explain why particular approaches to interna tional cash management persist in companies.
Junji Koyanagi and Hajime Kawai
This paper considers a maintenance problem for a queueing system. The arrival rate decreases as the server state becomes worse. The system can be recovered by maintenance, though…
This paper considers a maintenance problem for a queueing system. The arrival rate decreases as the server state becomes worse. The system can be recovered by maintenance, though the system is closed until the end of maintenance. A semi‐Markov decision process is formulated to find the optimal policy that maximizes the total expected discounted income from customers.
Professore Dottore Michele Troisi
Sommario: 1° Il bisogno di viaggiare per motivi turistici. 2° Turismo nei tempi antichi e nei tempi moderni in relazione ai nuovi mezzi di trasporto. 3° Turismo sociale. 4° Forme…
Sommario: 1° Il bisogno di viaggiare per motivi turistici. 2° Turismo nei tempi antichi e nei tempi moderni in relazione ai nuovi mezzi di trasporto. 3° Turismo sociale. 4° Forme di viaggi collettivi: treni turistici, crociere marittime e fluviali, servizi automobilistici di gran turismo. 5° Politica delle tariffe e miglioramenti nei trasporti ferroviari. 6° La rivincita della strada con lo sviluppo della motorizzazione e del turismo automobilistico. 7° Le autolinee nel sistema dei trasporti terrestri. 8° Azione propulsiva a vantaggio del turismo nei trasporti marittimi ed aerei. 9° Gli effetti economici del turismo.
An-Na Li, You-De Dai, Tsungpo Tsai, Giun-Ting Yeh and Yuan-Chiu Chen
This study examines the relationship between food experience, emotion, place attachment, and tourists' revisit behavioral intention. A survey questionnaire is conducted on-site in…
This study examines the relationship between food experience, emotion, place attachment, and tourists' revisit behavioral intention. A survey questionnaire is conducted on-site in Lukang and distributed to 408 tourists. The dimensions of food experience are established through factor analysis, and a hypothesized model of the relationships between the constructs is tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicate that tourists' food experiences included local flavor, media recommendation, local learning, life transfer, and interpersonal sharing. In addition, food experience has a significant impact on emotion and place attachment, and emotion has a substantial effect on place attachment. Finally, place attachment significantly impacts tourists' revisit behavioral intention. The study makes a significant theoretical contribution by identifying food experience, emotion, and place attachment as the salient predictors of heritage tourists' revisit intention. Furthermore, the study suggests that food experiences enhance effective bonding at tourism destinations.
Chen Shen, Youping Chen, Bing Chen and Yu Qiao
This paper aims to propose a novel robot kinematic calibration method based on the common perpendicular line (CPL) model to improve the absolute accuracy of industrial robots.
This paper aims to propose a novel robot kinematic calibration method based on the common perpendicular line (CPL) model to improve the absolute accuracy of industrial robots.
The deviation between the nominal and actual twists is considered the CPL transformation, which includes the rotation about the CPL and the translation along the CPL. By using the invariance of the reciprocal product of the two spatial lines, the previous deviation was analyzed in the neighbor space of the base frame origin. In this space, the line vector of the CPL contained only four independent parameters: two orientation elements and two moment elements. Thus, the CPL model has four independent parameters for the revolute joint and two parameters for the prismatic joint.
By simulations and experiment conducted on a SCARA robot and a 6-DOF PUMA robot, the effectiveness of the novel method for calibration of industrial robot is validated.
The CPL model avoided the normalization and orthogonalization in the iterative identification procedure. Therefore, identifying the CPL model was not only simpler but also more accurate than that of the traditional model. In addition, the results of the CPL transformation strictly conformed to the constraints of the twist.
Jiping Niu, Salih Zeki Ozdemir and Young Un Kim
The timeliness and quality of information provided to board members are crucial for them to effectively monitor and advise a firm. This study examines the influence of board…
The timeliness and quality of information provided to board members are crucial for them to effectively monitor and advise a firm. This study examines the influence of board composition and structure on (1) the board’s actions to mitigate the information asymmetry problem by implementing enterprise information systems (EIS) and (2) the board of directors’ awareness of information asymmetry, their perception of its causes and their efforts to address it.
Our research employs a mixed-methods approach. First, using data from 115 publicly listed Chinese companies, we empirically assess the likelihood of top-level EIS modules adoption at the firm level. Subsequently, through 23 semi-structured interviews, we aim to gain deeper insights into the behavioral motivations behind directors’ attempts to reduce information asymmetry.
The study reveals that boards with a higher number of independent directors or with a strategy committee – indicative of a greater concern regarding information asymmetry problems – are more inclined to adopt top-level EIS modules. Additionally, we identify three primary sources of information asymmetry that directors consider significant in prompting the adoption of top-level EIS modules to alleviate perceived information asymmetry.
This study contributes to both the corporate governance and information systems literature. The implementation and utilization of EIS at the board level have not been extensively explored previously. Moreover, while the issue of information asymmetry at the board level is recognized as a critical governance challenge, the ways in which directors perceive and address this issue remain largely unknown. Our research seeks to illuminate this relatively less-explored area.
Xenia J. Mamakou, Sandra Cohen and Dimitris Manolopoulos
Enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) have provided new challenges in the management of organizations’ internal and external risks, and their adoption has triggered…
Enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) have provided new challenges in the management of organizations’ internal and external risks, and their adoption has triggered groundbreaking changes to internal audit practices. This study aims to shed light on the use of ERPs in internal auditing by identifying interrelations between postevaluations of the ERPs’ quality dimensions with internal auditors’ satisfaction, intentions to continue using such systems and perceived benefits.
Drawing on a unique data set of internal auditors’ responses on a structured questionnaire, and by using the DeLone and McLean’s (2003) Information Systems success model as the conceptual framework, this study tests the research propositions by using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
The findings report statistically significant positive relationships among all three ERPs’ quality dimensions (system, information and service quality) with internal auditors’ satisfaction and intention to continue using these systems. Moreover, the study found that the benefits perceived by internal auditors were significantly influenced by their satisfaction with the system and their intention to continue using it.
The authors survey ERP postevaluation success factors in two unique contexts: internal auditors and Greece. Thus, the authors ground on previous research findings in diverse professional groups and national environments. In parallel, this study lends conceptual clarity and empirical evidence to a small but growing number of studies examining the implications of individuals’ perceptions, intentions and behavioral reactions in the context of ERP implementation.