FLIGHT simulators have been in use for many years as training aids and research facilities for fixed wing aircraft. Some helicopter simulators have been built for both training…
FLIGHT simulators have been in use for many years as training aids and research facilities for fixed wing aircraft. Some helicopter simulators have been built for both training and research purposes but, in the main, these devices have treated the Helicopter problem by considering the aircraft as having similar characteristics, once air‐borne, to the fixed wing aircraft. Such simulators have not, therefore, been capable of simulating hover and vertical movement particularly from the visual point of view. Some helicopter research simulators have, however, been used in the United States but the limitations of these machines were such that they were never developed as training aids.
Sankar Das and Bappaditya Biswas
Global recession is a serious issue to both the developed and developing economies. Reports published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (2019–20) have…
Global recession is a serious issue to both the developed and developing economies. Reports published by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (2019–20) have revealed that the growth of gross domestic products (GDPs) has shrunk significantly in the last few quarters. Due to such recession productions by many, manufacturing industries have reduced significantly, and a large number of people have lost their work, and scope of new job creations has also decreased. Food sector has also been affected by global recession (Agbedeyi & Adigwe, 2018). Food Processing Industry (FPI) is India's one of the most sunshine manufacturing industries and ranks fifth among the Indian industries in terms of production, consumption, and exports. The country ranks second in global ranking in terms of producing food products next to China. Despite the global recession, the FPIs helped the Indian economy to maintain the growth of the GDP and have created new job opportunities. Around 70 lakh persons are employed in both registered and unregistered food processing units in India. The value of food exported in the year 2018–19 was US $35.30 billion which was 10.69% of India's total export (i.e. US$330.67 billion) (MoFPI report, 2018–19). In this backdrop, the present chapter will try to find out the role of FPI in the Indian economy and will also highlight the prospects of this industry in the coming years.
Jun Zou, Jae‐bok Lee, JunJie Li and Sughun Chang
The purpose of this paper is to present an original iterative nodal approach to calculate the fault current distribution on overhead lines.
The purpose of this paper is to present an original iterative nodal approach to calculate the fault current distribution on overhead lines.
By changing the mutual couplings among different conductors into the equivalent voltage sources, node voltages are updated iteratively by using conventional nodal analysis with those additional sources until the convergence is achieved.
The proposed algorithm can handle the complicated topology of a power transmission line and has no difficulties in taking all physical couplings into account. The fault current distribution calculated by this method is in good agreement with those published in the literature. Although the proposed approach is iterative, the CPU time needed is still reasonable compared to the direct solution approach. The memory requirement is low because the coefficient matrix is highly sparse for the nodal analysis of each iteration loop.
The proposed approach can serve as an alternative in calculating the fault current because of its efficiency and ease of implementation.
Carolyn MacCann, Gerald Matthews, Moshe Zeidner and Richard D. Roberts
This article provides a review and conceptual comparison between self‐report and performance‐based measures of emotional intelligence. Analyses of reliability, psychometric…
This article provides a review and conceptual comparison between self‐report and performance‐based measures of emotional intelligence. Analyses of reliability, psychometric properties, and various forms of validity lead to the conclusion that self‐report techniques measure a dispositional construct, that may have some predictive validity, but which is highly correlated with personality and independent of intelligence. Although seemingly more valid, performance‐based measures have certain limitations, especially when scored with reference to consensual norms, which leads to problems of skew and restriction of range. Scaling procedures may partially ameliorate these scoring weaknesses. Alternative approaches to scoring, such as expert judgement, also suffer problems since the nature of the requisite expertise is unclear. Use of experimental paradigms for studying individual differences in information‐processing may, however, inform expertise. Other difficulties for performance‐based measures include limited predictive and operational validity, restricting practical utility in organizational settings. Further research appears necessary before tests of E1 are suitable for making real‐life decisions about individuals.
THE central question of librarianship now and in the past is that which occupies some of our pages this month. Reading with purpose and with system, Matthew Arnold declared, was…
THE central question of librarianship now and in the past is that which occupies some of our pages this month. Reading with purpose and with system, Matthew Arnold declared, was the last service to be rendered to education; and in various manner librarians and their committees have been endeavouring to do this for many years; it has indeed been a guiding principle of the best libraries that they presented to the community only good book's. Lately, however, more generous (or lax, according to the standpoint) ideas have been allowed to condition the admission of books; there are not wanting those who object to any exercise of judgment on the part of the librarian; if people want certain books they must be served, as they pay for them. This argument was exploded long ago, but its revival is justified if the librarians are unequal to their pretentions as guides to readers. And to be guides requires ever‐increasing knowledge, not only of all work done in bibliographies and reference books, but, as our writers indicate, of people and their manifold relations and reactions to books. This is enormously difficult in any community but is manifestly so in large cities. As a small illustration we may point to a librarian who, when a branch librarian was appointed to his staff, gave him a month of freedom from library work proper in which he was to walk every street of his branch area, interview the clergy, teachers, leading traders, and the secretaries and committees of local societies. He thus came to his work with at least an elementary notion of the community he had to serve. Such study must have its effect on book‐service; and this is the sort of study that must be pursued in the manner Dr. Waples has advocated and practiced (or some such manner) if we are to arrive at a science of book‐selection applicable to the areas a library serves.
The Howard Shuttering Contractors case throws considerable light on the importance which the tribunals attach to warnings before dismissing an employee. In this case the tribunal…
The Howard Shuttering Contractors case throws considerable light on the importance which the tribunals attach to warnings before dismissing an employee. In this case the tribunal took great pains to interpret the intention of the parties to the different site agreements, and it came to the conclusion that the agreed procedure was not followed. One other matter, which must be particularly noted by employers, is that where a final warning is required, this final warning must be “a warning”, and not the actual dismissal. So that where, for example, three warnings are to be given, the third must be a “warning”. It is after the employee has misconducted himself thereafter that the employer may dismiss.