John D Blair, Myron D Fottler and Albert C Zapanta
A Note from the Editors of Bioterrorism, Preparedness, Attack and ResponseThis thematic volume on preparing for bioterrorism, bioterrorist attacks, and the response to such…
A Note from the Editors of Bioterrorism, Preparedness, Attack and Response This thematic volume on preparing for bioterrorism, bioterrorist attacks, and the response to such attacks is, in part, the collective response of both the authors of specific chapters as well as that of the three editors to the events of September 11, 2001.
John D. Blair and Myron D. Fottler
John D. Blair examines, in systematic detail, the challenges and opportunities that arise from the significantly different perspectives of context-specific versus context-free…
John D. Blair examines, in systematic detail, the challenges and opportunities that arise from the significantly different perspectives of context-specific versus context-free researchers and the literatures to which they contribute. He argues that reviews of one type or the other or both types of literatures may provide different understandings of the state of the art in a particular area of health care management. He also provides some detailed suggestions for writing quality reviews along with suggested topics for future reviews.
John D. Blair, Myron D. Fottler, Eric W. Ford and G. Tyge Payne
Strategy and entrepreneurship have long been seen as separate realities to many scholars. In near-caricature form, the first has been seen as focused on large firms using explicit…
Strategy and entrepreneurship have long been seen as separate realities to many scholars. In near-caricature form, the first has been seen as focused on large firms using explicit strategic planning methods supported by increasingly sophisticated information technology; and the second appeared primarily to reflect the actions of a determined, energetic, and intuitive founding entrepreneur or small entrepreneurial action team. Fortunately, many leading scholars in the two corresponding fields of study have recognized that these realities are indeed overlapping and should be approached by researchers as such, whenever possible.