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Publication date: 31 January 2023

Muhammad Faisal Malik, Qurat-ul-Ain Burhan and Muhammad Asif Khan

The objectives of the current study were to identify the antecedents and outcomes of authentic leadership. For antecedents, the research considered the HEXACO (Honesty-Humility…



The objectives of the current study were to identify the antecedents and outcomes of authentic leadership. For antecedents, the research considered the HEXACO (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience) personality model and thereby identified the impact of authentic leadership on employee performance with the mediating role of psychological safety and employee engagement by using the trait theory.


The current study adopted a positivism research philosophy followed by a deductive approach. Overall, 347 samples were collected from the public sector organizations using quantitative research techniques, and data were gathered through a self-administrated questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used through structural equation modeling (SEM)-Mplus to generate the results and test the formulated hypotheses.


The results revealed that honesty-humility significantly impacts authentic leadership (β = 0.094 and p < 0.05). Similarly, other dimensions of HEXACO also play a significant role in forming authentic leadership. After analyzing the HEXACO as the antecedent of authentic leadership, sequential mediation of psychological safety and employee engagement was checked and identified that authentic leadership in the presence of mediators was insignificant. Hence the full mediation has been recorded.


Since its inception, a plethora of research has been available on the authentic leadership theory. However, the empirical evidence revealed that most research is related to outcomes of authentic leadership. As far as antecedents of authentic leadership are concerned, the literature is still silent, specifically on the development of authentic leaders. The current study is significantly contributing to the theory of authentic leadership, and in this context, the study is unique since it is taking the HEXACO personality model as an antecedent of authentic leadership to investigate its role in the development of authentic leaders. Moreover, the study is also identified as the impact of authentic leadership on task performance, not in isolation, but by taking psychological safety and employee engagement as a mediating mechanism.


Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 44 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-7739


Open Access
Publication date: 19 October 2023

Qurat-ul-Ain Burhan, Muhammad Asif Khan and Muhammad Faisal Malik

This study aims to identify the impact of ethical leadership on ethical voice by determining two paths covering relational identification and psychological safety. The first path…




This study aims to identify the impact of ethical leadership on ethical voice by determining two paths covering relational identification and psychological safety. The first path focused on relational identification and psychological safety. Alternatively, the second path focused on organizational identification and psychological ownership leading to ethical voice. The specific objective of the study is to develop and test an integrated model of ethical leadership.


The objectives were achieved through the adoption of quantitative research techniques. Two hundred forty-eight samples were collected from the banking sector using quantitative research techniques, and data was gathered through a self-administrated questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used through AMOS to generate the results and test hypotheses.


The results suggested a significant impact of ethical leadership on ethical voice, while the other paths’ results, such as relational identification, psychological safety, organizational identification and psychological ownership, suggested partial mediation. The study result adds new insights into ethical leadership and social exchange theory since it tested overlooked paths in the literature, such as relational identification and psychological safety.

Research limitations/implications

The research highlights the significance of ethical voice as a desirable organizational behavior. Ethical voice contributes to a culture of accountability, transparency and ethical decision-making. Organizations should establish channels and platforms for employees to voice ethical concerns and suggestions. This may involve regular feedback sessions, anonymous reporting mechanisms and protection policies for whistleblowers. Leaders should actively encourage and value ethical voices as a valuable contribution to the ethical climate of the organization.

Practical implications

The study found that ethical leaders influence their followers in such a way that they adopt ethical behavior. It is also validated that organizational ethics are shared by employees who interact with ethical leaders. So, departments should train such leaders because ethical leadership positively affects followers’ attitudes and behaviors, and organizations should encourage ethical behavior in supervisors and subordinates. The study also found that relational and organizational identification helps employees develop psychological capabilities, which leads to reporting workplace misconduct. The current study tested these mechanisms collectively and found that ethical leadership significantly contributes to ethical voice.

Social implications

The current study highlighted the role of ethical leaders in promoting ethical behavior, improving employee well-being and engagement, cultivating collaboration and inclusion, and making a contribution to the overall ethical climate within organizations and society as a whole. Organizations can have a positive impact on the social fabric by cultivating a culture of ethics, respect and social responsibility if they make these considerations their top priorities.


The current study is unique since it is intended to develop and test an integrated model of ethical leadership and ethical voice. This research combines an integrated model, focusing on employees’ identities and self-concepts and examining ethical voice as a behavioral outcome.

Publication date: 5 September 2024

Qurat-ul-Ain Burhan and Muhammad Faisal Malik

The pervasive issue of employee exploitation has surfaced as a salient ethical quandary within the context of modern-day workplaces, thereby demanding expeditious and imperative…



The pervasive issue of employee exploitation has surfaced as a salient ethical quandary within the context of modern-day workplaces, thereby demanding expeditious and imperative deliberation and redressal. This research endeavor aims to meticulously investigate the ramifications of employee exploitation on the proclivity to partake in the act of cutting corners within the workplace. This analysis encompasses the sequential mediating variables of negative emotions, namely resentment, anger, and frustration, as well as moral disengagement.


A purposive sampling technique and self-administered questionnaires were utilized in this study of 132 SME sector personnel. The current study is time-lagged in nature and uses the Amos software, the data were analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, as well as structural equation modeling.


According to the results, employee exploitation has a strong positive impact on cutting corners. This effect is mediated progressively by negative emotions (resentment, anguish, frustration), as well as moral disengagement. According to the findings, organizations should prioritize addressing employee exploitation to build a healthy work environment that promotes employee well-being and encourages employee voice.


This study’s novelty comes from its analysis of the sequential mediation of negative emotions, as well as moral disengagement, in the relationship between employee exploitation and cutting corners. The study’s findings add to the body of literature concerning management development, conflict handling, and employees’ attitudes and behaviors by offering a thorough grasp of the detrimental effects of employee exploitation on cutting corners as well as useful recommendations for businesses looking to promote productive workplaces.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 11 February 2021

Muhammad Faisal Malik, Muhammad Asif Khan and Saqib Mahmood

Organizations take a more oriented approach to the management of business processes since business processes are core elements of organizational performance. The purpose of this…




Organizations take a more oriented approach to the management of business processes since business processes are core elements of organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to bridge certain knowledge, theoretical, literature and contextual gaps that have not yet been addressed, in line with the organizational approach. The current study is also carried out in order to satisfy the needs of the industry for sustainable development that lead to economic prosperity in the country.


Positivism research philosophy was espoused followed through a deductive approach. A structured questionnaire was used in order to collect the data from the employees working in public-sector organizations with a purposive sampling technique. In total, 364 respondents’ data were analyzed by using Analysis of a Moment Structures guidelines and tested the sequential path accordingly.


The results suggested that authentic leadership through sequential mediation of relational identification and positive emotions had a significant impact on employee engagement. Overall, three hypotheses were formulated on the basis of literature, and all hypotheses were supported.

Research limitations/implications

The first significant limitation is the use of a single source of information. All variables (authentic leadership, employee engagement, gratitude, happiness and compassion and relational identification) were asked to be reported to individuals. In addition, the current study took only three positive emotions (gratitude, happiness and compassion). There are, however, a number of other emotions that can be taken to identify the relationship between authentic leadership and employee attitude.


The plethora of research seeks to identify mechanisms that can overcome the challenge of employee engagement in the organizational sphere. To this end, organizations are continually identifying and implementing strategies to enhance employee engagement. Recently, the adoption of a bottom-up approach identified as a potential contributor to increasing employee engagement. It has also meant that authentic leadership is the best source of support for a bottom-up approach. However, limited research has been identified in relation to authentic leadership and positive employee emotions.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 27 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 15 March 2023

Qurat-ul-Ain Burhan, Muhammad Asif Khan and Muhammad Faisal Malik

The current research aims to investigate the role of ethical leadership in improving business processes and the impact of ethical leadership on employee engagement with mediating…




The current research aims to investigate the role of ethical leadership in improving business processes and the impact of ethical leadership on employee engagement with mediating role of relational identification and ethical climate. Although ethical leadership displays and promotes morality in their followers, current literature is silent about the inclusion of relational identification and ethical climate. The present study intends to develop and test a model with the chain of mediation in the relationship between ethical leadership and employee engagement.


A total of237 responses were collected from the banking sector using quantitative research techniques, and data were gathered through a self-administrated questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used through SEM- MPLUS to generate the results and test hypotheses.


The results suggested a significant impact of ethical leadership on employee engagement through relational identification and ethical climate (moral obligations, moral convictions and elevation). By using the results, practical and theoretical implications are discussed.

Research limitations/implications

Besides all the proposed hypotheses that have been accepted, there are some limitations associated with this study. One limitation is usage of single source information, as the data were collected only from the banking sector employees. Moreover, only three variables are taken in the context of ethical climate (moral obligations, moral convictions and elevation). However, some other variables could also be included under the umbrella of ethical climate, e.g. moral virtue. Future researchers should also add different employee attitudes, such as job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment, other than employee engagement.


An abundance of research is conducted on ethical leadership; however, with the development of knowledge and new thoughts related to identification and ethical climate, there is a strong need to conduct the research by including other overlooked possible paths.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 29 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 16 August 2022

Muhammad Faisal Malik, Qurat-ul-Ain Burhan, Shazia Akhtar and Muhammad Shafiq

The research intended to identify the impact of employee exploitation on knowledge-sharing behavior and withdrawal, not in isolation, but by taking psychological ownership and…



The research intended to identify the impact of employee exploitation on knowledge-sharing behavior and withdrawal, not in isolation, but by taking psychological ownership and psychological detachment as mediating variables. Moreover, the research aims to identify optimism’s moderating role concerning employee exploitation and psychological ownership. The research aims to suggest the management implementation of the human-centric business process and, subsequently, management to obtain maximum output from employees.


Positivism research philosophy followed by a deductive approach is adopted to meet the objectives of the current study. Survey techniques with a self-administrated questionnaire were used to collect data from employees working in public sector organizations. Moreover, 255 employees with the highest qualification were shortlisted to capture the variables’ impact. Data analysis was done by using SEM-AMOS approaches and obtained structural and path models to test the formulated hypotheses.


Results suggested that employee exploitation has a significant relationship with withdrawal, and psychological detachment mediates the relationship. The other path suggested the insignificant role of optimism as a moderator in the relationship between employee exploitation and psychological empowerment. However, psychological empowerment fully mediates the relationship between employee exploitation and knowledge-sharing behavior.


A plethora of research is available on employee exploitation; however, the current research is first to capture both positive and negative paths in public sector organizations. It provides clear insights for managers to reformulate and reanalyze their organizational policies to get employees' positive attitudinal and behavioural outcomes.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 28 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 15 May 2023

Muhammad Faisal Malik

The current study highlights the dark side of a perfectionist leader hindering in business processes and also investigates its impact on procrastination through workplace…




The current study highlights the dark side of a perfectionist leader hindering in business processes and also investigates its impact on procrastination through workplace incivility, psychological distress, and psychological detachment by using the tenet of conservation of resource theory. Positivism research philosophy was adopted, followed by a deductive approach.


The survey technique was used to collect the quantitative data from the employees working in public sector organizations. 364 samples were collected and analyzed using SEM-Mplus techniques, where structured and measurement models were produced and interpreted accordingly.


The results suggested that perfectionist leaders become a source for their followers to involve in procrastination because of depletion of ego and psychological resources. The results supported the chain of mediation and both paths of perfectionist leaders, workplace incivility, psychological detachment, and procrastination and perfectionist leaders, workplace incivility, psychological distress, and procrastination.


The results and dynamics of the current study provided some meaningful managerial and theoretical implications and future research directions for the researchers. The study contributes significantly to the body of literature since it captures and analyzes the overlooked elements in the context of perfectionist leaders.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 29 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 20 September 2023

Quratulain Burhan and Muhammad Faisal Malik

The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of workplace camaraderie and to investigate the mechanism through which workplace camaraderie influences incivility at the…



The purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of workplace camaraderie and to investigate the mechanism through which workplace camaraderie influences incivility at the workplace. The study is explained by taking the sequential mediation of personal biases leading to cronyism and favoritism. Social identity theory is used as the underpinning theory to explain the framework adopted.


Positivism research philosophy followed by the deductive approach is followed to meet the objectives of the current study. In total, 171 employees working in public sector organizations were taken as the respondents to the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data through self-administrated questionnaires. Path model is used through Mplus to generate the results and test hypotheses.


The results suggested that workplace camaraderie significantly affects incivility at a workplace with the sequential mediation of personal biases leading to cronyism and favoritism.


Although several researchers have studied the link between camaraderie and other employees’ related attitudinal and behavioral outcomes, few have explored the roles of personal biases, cronyism and favoritism in the relationship to incivility. This study thus posits a novel sequential mediation mechanism, based on the social identity theory, through which camaraderie is translated into civil behavior. Moreover, this study adds value by investigating this model in the public sector, where camaraderie can come up with important consequences.


International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 35 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1044-4068


Publication date: 21 August 2023

Muhammad Faisal Malik, Muddasar Ghani Khwaja, Hasan Hanif and Saqib Mahmood

The purpose of current study was to investigate the impact of supervisor support on Knowledge Sharing Behavior through psychological well-being, psychological ownership, and…



The purpose of current study was to investigate the impact of supervisor support on Knowledge Sharing Behavior through psychological well-being, psychological ownership, and Alturism. The study also took mindfulness as first path moderator in the relation to supervisor support and psychological well-being, and psychological ownership.


Positivism research philosophy followed by the deductive approach is followed to meet the objectives of the current study. A total of 219 employees from the telecom sector were identified as the respondents of the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data through self-administrated questionnaires. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used through AMOS to generate the results and test hypotheses.


The results suggested that supervisor support significantly contributes to the achievement of the knowledge-sharing behavior of employees with the chain of mediation, i.e. psychological well-being, ownership and altruism. Similarly, the moderating role of mindfulness is significant in the relationship between supervisor support and psychological well-being.


Although a number of researchers have studied the link between supervisor support and other employees related attitudinal and behavioral outcomes, few have explored the roles of psychological ownership, well-being and altruism in the relationship of knowledge sharing behavior. This study thus posits a novel sequential mediation and moderation mechanism, based on the social exchange theory, through which supervisor support is translated into knowledge sharing behavior.


Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 44 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-7739


Publication date: 14 August 2017

Muhammad Nawaz Khan and Muhammad Faisal Malik

The purpose of this paper is to check the mediating role of work engagement (WE) between leader – member exchange and extra-role behaviours (ERBs) like organizational citizenship…




The purpose of this paper is to check the mediating role of work engagement (WE) between leader – member exchange and extra-role behaviours (ERBs) like organizational citizenship behaviour, knowledge sharing behaviour and innovative work behaviour.


Hypothetical deductive method was used. Longitudinal, time-lagged approach (three times) was used to collect the data using structured questionnaire.


It has been found that the WE plays its mediating role between leader – member exchange, organizational citizenship behaviour and innovative work behaviour but not for knowledge sharing behaviour.

Research limitations/implications

Data related to dependent variables, specifically and for the whole model generally, was collected through self-reported questionnaire, which leads toward self-serving bias at respondents’ end, as exaggeration/manipulation in responses is highly expected. Second mediating role of WE between leader – member exchange and knowledge sharing behaviour has not been proven, but same mediating role has been found in case of organizational citizenship behaviour and innovative work behaviour which is beyond understanding, as all dependent variables are actually different facets of ERBs. Lastly, data for the study variable has been collected from research and development and IT-related organizations only, which can question the generalization of the survey results to other sectors/organizations.

Practical implications

The study concluded that leader’s exchange plays a vital role for under commands’ ERBs, and WE vitally predicts ERBs; organizational leaders need to pay attention to this part, in Pakistan, being a poor/developing country fulfilling necessary psychological needs can result in better engagement at employees end. Study findings have importance with the view of training, as while conducting training, strategies through which leaders/supervisors may be trained about how they can build good exchange with their subordinates must be incorporated. This study has significance for policy makers, while making policies, as they consider deviant work behaviours as dangerous phenomena, at the same time they need to recognize the importance of ERBs.


Early mechanism of work performance did not cover full range of behaviours, so now it has been changed from fixed tasks written in employee’s job description (in-role) to broader terms (extra-role) due to uncertain and dynamic work requirements. Extra-role behaviours are more important for the organization as compared to in-role performance. So, a pathway of WE has been established through which ERBs can be expected. Current study was an attempt to explore that how leader can play his role in this situation.

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