Mouhcine Mouda, Mohamed Nabhani and Mohamed El Khlifi
This study aims to examine the magneto-elastohydrodynamic effect on finite-width slider-bearings lubrication using a non-Newtonian lubricant.
This study aims to examine the magneto-elastohydrodynamic effect on finite-width slider-bearings lubrication using a non-Newtonian lubricant.
Based on the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) theory and Stokes micro-continuum mechanics, the modified two-dimensional Reynolds equation including bearing deformation was derived.
It is found that the bearing deformation diminishes the load-capacity and increases the friction coefficient in comparison with the rigid case. However, the non-Newtonian effect increases load-capacity but decreases the friction coefficient. Moreover, the use of a transverse magnetic field increases both the friction coefficient and load capacity.
This study combines for the first time MHD and elastic deformation effects on finite-width slider-bearings using a non-Newtonian lubricant.
Mouhcine Mouda, Mohamed Nabhani and Mohamed El Khlifi
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of surface roughness on the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) non-parallel squeeze film lubrication using non-Newtonian lubricant.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of surface roughness on the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) non-parallel squeeze film lubrication using non-Newtonian lubricant.
Based on the MHD thin film lubrication theory and the Stokes theory and homogenization method, the homogenized MHD Reynolds equation is derived considering the squeezing effect.
It is found that the obtained results indicate that the interaction among non-Newtonian, MHD and surface roughness influences is significant.
This study is original which compares the dimensionless load capacity and dimensionless response time among transverse, longitudinal and, for the first time, anisotropic surface roughness types under magneto-hydrodynamic non-Newtonian non-parallel squeeze film lubrication.
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