Mohammad Mahabubur Rahman, Mohammad Aktaruzzaman Khan, Nour Mohammad and Mohammad Osiur Rahman
The purpose of this paper is to focus on existing law, the legal system and jurisprudence circling round territorial concepts.
The purpose of this paper is to focus on existing law, the legal system and jurisprudence circling round territorial concepts.
This paper is an opinion piece based on current and recent analysis of legal principle.
After the emergence of the internet as well as cyberspace, human activities are not confined solely to the physical world. They have been extended to a very different and peculiar non‐physical world. This world is everywhere and at the same time it is nowhere; and necessarily it is difficult to prescribe rules and enforce the same regarding cyberspace for its everywhere and nowhere proposition. The elementary concept of jurisprudence e.g. title, ownership and possession, etc. cannot be considered in the way we usually understand in case of real world. However, cyberspace has to be controlled by a legal framework that involves new ideas, leading to a new challenge in existing legal philosophy exclusively based on territorial concept.
Traditional territorial jurisprudence has to be revised in the light of cyber necessities arising out of high technological development. Moreover, certain new institutions have to be established in order to apply new principles in dispute settlement of cyber matters. This paper both identifies the need and options for the future.
Syed Mohammad Ather, Mohammad Aktaruzzaman Khan and Nazamul Hoque
The purpose of this paper is to indicate total motivation under Islamic management.
The purpose of this paper is to indicate total motivation under Islamic management.
The research was based on both primary and secondary materials. The primary data were gathered following a sample survey through direct personal interview by the researchers; the secondary data were obtained through library research. Statistical tools and techniques like weighted average, SD, variances and coefficient of variation were used applying statistical software Statistical Package for Social Science (version 10.0).
The theories and models of motivation under traditional management are a reflection of partial rather than total scenarios of human motivation especially for Muslim managers, executives, staff and workers. On the other hand, motivation under Islamic management is conceptualised by the authors as “total motivation” comprising of Islamically approved (Halal) materialistic gains, expectations and achievement in this world as well as the gains, expectations and achievement in the world hereafter.
The paper opens a new avenue of motivation concept. It is considered superior to partial motivation. Further, the total motivation model, materialistic and spiritual indices are also new things.
Nazamul Hoque, Mohammad Aktaruzzaman Khan and Masrurul Mowla
The purpose of this paper is to develop the features as well as model of organisational culture from Islamic point of view.
The purpose of this paper is to develop the features as well as model of organisational culture from Islamic point of view.
The study is descriptive, in so far as its goal is to describe a method, and the nature of the paper is conceptual. The study draws on secondary materials through library research.
In this paper both the features as well as model of organisational culture are developed from Islamic perspective. The salient features are trust on Allah, missionary zeal, justice, accountability, mutual respects, mutual trust, absolute sincerity, hard working, cooperation, excellence, brotherly treatment, honesty and truthfulness, morality, consultative decision making, knowledge, good behaviour, sacrifice, neat and cleanliness.
Research limitations/implications
The paper has some implications for Islamic managers and employees who have to deal with ethical dilemmas between traditional and Islamic organisational culture in Muslim countries representing one fourth of the world population. It is also hoped that the study will reinforce managers' Islamic behaviour and make them more aware of the code of conduct based on Quran and Sunna in a modern organisational set up.
Practical implications
The findings of this research can be used as a guide to Islamic organisational culture in Muslim countries. The study could have practical implications falling within the purview of social sciences such as political science, management and organizational studies, education, international law, and human resource management.
While many studies, partially, have focused on traditional organisational culture sparing the demand of Muslim world, in this paper, the authors open a new avenue contributing to the literature on organisational culture from Islamic perspective. The proposed model will be of genuine interest and benefits to Islamic as well as non‐Islamic managers, employees, and academicians.
Md. Sajjad Hosain and Abdullah Mohammad Ahshanul Mamun
LinkedIn is a popular and maybe the best job-oriented social networking site (SNS) around the world. Numerous individuals (mostly, jobseekers), as well…
LinkedIn is a popular and maybe the best job-oriented social networking site (SNS) around the world. Numerous individuals (mostly, jobseekers), as well as the companies (mostly, hiring organizations) have LinkedIn accounts. This study intends to reveal the roles of LinkedIn-based skill endorsements (LSEs) as well as LinkedIn-based hiring recommendations (LHRs) on the hiring preferences (HPs) of Bangladeshi employers.
The authors purposefully selected 388 valid respondents (employers) from different Bangladeshi job sectors. Based on their responses, the authors applied SPSS 25 for explanatory statistics and a “Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM)” (with AMOS 25) to measure the hypothesized associations.
After appropriate analysis, the authors revealed a momentous positive role of LHR on HP, whereas LSE was identified to have an inconsiderable role on HP.
In this empirical study, the authors tried to highlight the relatively unattended area of Bangladeshi employers' HPs that can be affected by LSEs and LHRs. The authors believe that this study will encourage the researchers to unveil the impacts of LinkedIn-based profile characteristics on job candidates' employability. This empirical study can also aid the employers and policymakers to look for a new avenue for hiring competent talents.