Arik Susbiyani, Moh Halim and Animah Animah
This paper aims to examine the effect of the independent board of commissioners and profitability on Islamic social reporting (ISR) disclosure implemented in companies that belong…
This paper aims to examine the effect of the independent board of commissioners and profitability on Islamic social reporting (ISR) disclosure implemented in companies that belong to the group category of Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI). This study also examined the advanced effect of ISR disclosure as a company strategy to obtain a firm’s value.
The data of the independent board of commissioners, profitability, ISR disclosure and firm’s value were obtained from the annual reports of companies whose shares belong to the calculation of ISSI, totaling 24 companies. The ISR disclosure was measured using the content analysis method. While the research model used path analysis.
This study found that the independent board of commissioners directly affects the ISR disclosure while indirectly affects the firm’s value as mediated by the ISR disclosure. This finding indicates that the independent board of commissioners is regarded as capable of protecting investors’ interests from problems that may be incurred from asymmetry information. However, this study failed to prove that profitability directly affects the ISR disclosure.
Research limitations/implications
A list of ISR disclosure items in this research adopted the list developed by Haniffa and Othman, without any additional items. While the measurement of ISR disclosure used the content analysis, therefore there may be subjectivity issues accidentally done while scoring.
Practical implications
This study recommends management of companies which belong to ISSI to optimize their independent board of commissioners because it has been proven in this study that their presence can significantly encourage a more independent, objective and fair climate while one of its main principles is to pay attention to the interests of minority shareholders and other stakeholders. Besides, the findings can be used to increase awareness of the company management about the importance of transparency in managing a company because the ISR disclosure has received positive responses from investors.
Social implications
The findings of this study encourage companies to be more transparent in presenting information. An appropriate disclosure will provide a sense of security so that the investors can account for such earthly issues before Allah SWT, thus their spiritual satisfaction can be achieved.
This paper investigated further the effect of ISR disclosure on firm’s value which has never been performed by previous scholars. The ISR disclosure is a strategy to obtain legitimacy from investors, which was analyzed using the legitimacy theory.
Islamic finance and Halal product sectors are thriving successfully. This chapter is a general review of the perception of Asian consumers on Islamic finance and Halal sectors in…
Islamic finance and Halal product sectors are thriving successfully. This chapter is a general review of the perception of Asian consumers on Islamic finance and Halal sectors in the global Halal economy.
The first section will briefly describe the Halal concept in both Islamic finance and Halal industries, and the growth of both sectors in Asian countries. The second part highlights the review of Asian consumers’ perception towards Islamic finance products and Halal products.
The review found that the consumers’ perception towards the Islamic finance products and Halal products is distinctive. This is due to the diversity of Asian countries in terms of geography, religion, culture, ethnic, school of thoughts (madzahib), income per capita and government’s involvement.
The third part of the chapter concentrates on planning towards Halal marketing, which involves the move and future challenges in different layers of industries to gear up and strengthen the Halal economy.
Henry Mutebi, Moses Muhwezi, Pontius Byarugaba, Ssekajja S. Mayanja, Wilbroad Aryatwijuka and Sharon Brenda Munduru
Globally, health care facilities often fail to respond quickly to health emergencies, resulting in significant deaths. Thus, the study examines the mediating effect of logistics…
Globally, health care facilities often fail to respond quickly to health emergencies, resulting in significant deaths. Thus, the study examines the mediating effect of logistics capabilities in the relationship between co-evolution, organization capacity building and operational agility.
SmartPLS, variance-based structural equation models (VB-SEM) were used to test direct and indirect hypotheses across 45 health facilities. The respondents were 140 nurses and doctors. Disproportionate stratified simple random sampling was used based on government and private health facilities in Kampala City, Uganda.
A significant and positive relationship exists between logistics capability and operational agility. However, co-evolution and organizational capacity are intimately linked to operational agility via logistics capability.
Research limitations/implications
A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted using self-administered questionnaires. The results did not show any variation in the operational agility of health facilities during emergency management; thus, qualitative approaches are needed.
Practical implications
During emergency management, health facilities need to cooperate by sharing information, building capacity to increase their responsiveness and flexibility. This should be done by sharing equipment, tools, drugs and medical supplies, and we hope to encourage joint medical research.
A complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework is used in this study to examine how co-evolution, organizational capacity building and logistical capability relate to the operational agility of healthcare during times of emergency.
Siti Nurunnajwa Shamsudin, Elistina Abu Bakar, Syuhaily Osman and Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali
This study aims to explore the factors influencing Muslim behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia.
This study aims to explore the factors influencing Muslim behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia.
This study used a quantitative survey approach to 400 Muslim respondents in Malaysia who have experience in consuming or purchasing nutraceutical products. The sampling technique used was multistage stratified sampling, and the data was analyzed using structural equation modeling.
This study revealed that perceived safety is the most influential factor contributing to Muslims’ behavior toward halal nutraceutical products in Malaysia, followed by Islamic values, trust, religiosity, maqasid al-Shariah and halal literacy.
Research limitations/implications
This study has only focused on halal nutraceutical products from the perspective of Muslim consumers in Malaysia.
This study contributes to understanding the factors that influence Muslim consumers’ behavior toward halal nutraceutical products by adopting the Social Cognitive Theory and Islamic Theory of Consumer Behavior.
Ummi Ibrahim Atah, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Abideen Adewale Adeyemi and Engku Rabiah Adawiah
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model that will demonstrate how the integration of Salam (exclusive agricultural commodity trade) with Takaful (micro-Takaful – a…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model that will demonstrate how the integration of Salam (exclusive agricultural commodity trade) with Takaful (micro-Takaful – a subdivision of Islamic insurance) and value chain can address major challenges facing the agricultural sector in Kano State, Nigeria.
The study conducted a thorough and critical analysis of relevant literature and existing models of financing agriculture in Nigeria to come up with the proposed model.
The findings indicate that measures undertaken to address the major challenges fail. In view of this, this study proposed Bay-Salam with Takaful and value chain model to solve a number of challenges such as poor access to financing, poor marketing and pricing, delay, collateral requirement and risk issues in order to avail farmers with easy access to finance and provide effective security to financial institutions.
Research limitations/implications
The paper is limited to using secondary data. Therefore, empirical investigation can be carried out to strengthen the validation of the model.
Practical implications
The study outcome seeks to improve the productivity of the farmers through enhancing their access to finance. This will increase their level of production and provide more employment opportunities. In addition, it will boost financial inclusion, income generation, poverty alleviation, standard of living, food security and overall economic growth and development.
The novelty of this study lies in the integration of classical Bay-Salam with Takaful and value chain and create a unique model structure which the researchers do not come across in any research that presented it in Nigeria.
Despite the quantity of collaborations, the vocational network of the housing production in Ankara during its first five years (1923–1928) remains dispersed. The aim of this study…
Despite the quantity of collaborations, the vocational network of the housing production in Ankara during its first five years (1923–1928) remains dispersed. The aim of this study is to identify all the actors of housing production and their collaborations which shaped Ankara's urban development as the new capital city.
The study engages with the literature and archival documents to identify the actors of the housing production, i.e. architects, master-builders, public institutions, private companies, contractors and entrepreneurs, and their resultant vocational network in the housing production in Ankara during 1923–1928.
Due to different agendas, such as speculation, financial interests or patriotism, the construction industry in Ankara had become an arena where many paths intersected, forming an intertwined vocational network. The profession of contractor became popular, and local architects, engineers and even individuals of various other professions began to work as mediators for foreign companies and public institutions, which required support especially in large-scale projects.
The dispersed information revealed that the actors of the housing production remained mostly anonymous, or only the famous architects were commemorated; however, others could be found within the lines of the established literature on Ankara and/or in archival documents. This research not only focuses on “salient” actors but also highlights the “silent” actors of the housing production and prepares charts to clarify the vocational network in Ankara during its first five years to contribute to the future studies on Ankara and its housing.
Talal ALFadhalah and Hossam Elamir
This paper aims to determine and assess leadership styles in six government general hospitals.
This paper aims to determine and assess leadership styles in six government general hospitals.
This is a cross-sectional study that uses a self-administered questionnaire to determine the leadership styles by self or followers’ rating. The participants were 66 leaders and 1,626 followers. The data were analyzed using suitable statistical methods.
The prevailing leadership style of hospitals’ leaders is the transformational style, where self-rating as transformational is higher than followers’ rating. The demographic characteristics of leaders are statistically insignificant.
Research limitations/implications
Other health-care settings were not included in the study. In addition, the study is designed to determine the relationship between variables, not to identify cause and effect. However, effective leadership has a substantial value and impact in health care. The paper confirms the existence of a transformational style effect on all organizational outcomes and represents a baseline for future studies in determining leadership styles and organizational culture types to highlight improvement areas.
Practical implications
The paper recommends designing training programs to improve transformational leadership behavior. Moreover, investment in research is needed to understand how to build transformational leaders. In addition, leaders' recruitment must be conditioned by obtaining a leadership certification.
This topic is under-researched in Kuwait health-care system. The use of leadership style as an indicator for a health-care organization's performance is still not well known in Kuwait.
Abdul Hamid Mar Iman and Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad
This paper aims to add to the existing body of literature on this subject by advocating how waqf-based entrepreneurship can be practiced in Malaysia.
This paper aims to add to the existing body of literature on this subject by advocating how waqf-based entrepreneurship can be practiced in Malaysia.
The paper begins by presenting an overview of waqf and its role in entrepreneurship and proceeds by proposing a model of waqf-based entrepreneurship which is synthesized from various models existing in the Islamic world.
The paper concludes by recommending waqf-based entrepreneurship as an alternative socio-economic framework of society’s wellbeing.
Research limitations/implications
The research is limited to the preliminary aspects of waqf entrepreneurship.
Practical implications
Waqf organization may be able to finance its own businesses through crowdfunding and other methods and also disburse waqf funds to small and large ventures.
Social implications
The waqf system is a social tool that not only finances social development projects but also has social economic alternatives to assist poor and underprivileged groups in the society. This paper is toward such a socio-economic direction.
This paper might be considered the first attempt to detail the practical aspect of waqf entrepreneurship, in terms of enterprises to be financed, and how the funds to be accumulated.
Noor Hazilah Abd Manaf, Mohd Azahadi Omar and Fatin Husna Suib
The World Health Organization identified vaccine hesitancy as one of the ten threats to global health in 2019. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the implications and…
The World Health Organization identified vaccine hesitancy as one of the ten threats to global health in 2019. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the implications and factors affecting parental decision on childhood immunisation in Malaysia.
This paper reviews literature on vaccine hesitancy and evaluation of factors affecting parental decision on childhood immunisation in Malaysia.
Vaccine hesitancy is a growing public health concern in Malaysia with factors such as influence of Internet and social media, personal choice and individual right, conspiracy theory, religious reasons and alternative medicine as among the influencing dynamics. An urban, educated demography operating within a postmodern medical paradigm compounds the diminishing value of vaccines.
This paper provides a comprehensive examination of vaccine hesitancy in Malaysia. Critical appraisal on personal choice over societal responsibility within an Asian/Muslim collectivist society has not been discussed in previous studies. The acceptance of homeopathy as an Islamic medicine alternative is peculiar to multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Malaysia.
Selim Ahmed, Noor Hazilah Abd Manaf and Rafikul Islam
This study aims to investigate applications of Six Sigma methodology in Malaysian private hospitals. It measures Six Sigma initiatives of the private hospitals based on…
This study aims to investigate applications of Six Sigma methodology in Malaysian private hospitals. It measures Six Sigma initiatives of the private hospitals based on demographics such as gender, position and working experience.
The present study measures Six Sigma initiatives of private hospitals and used stratified random sampling to collect data from eight selected hospitals in Peninsular Malaysia. The respondents of the study include doctors, nurses, pharmacists and medical laboratory technologists. In this study, 520 questionnaires were distributed to respondents who are working in Malaysian private hospitals. In total, 251 responses were received (48.27 per cent response rate). The descriptive analysis, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were undertaken using SPSS version 23.
The findings of this study indicate that male respondents have better perception on four aspects of Six Sigma applications such as process improvement tools, process improvement methods, manage quality improvement activities and formal planning process compared to female respondents. The research findings also indicate that doctors have better perception regarding process improvement tools to measure quality improvement process, leadership to continuous improvement processes, training in process improvement tools for employees’ skill improvement compared to nurses, pharmacists, medical laboratory technologists.
Research limitations/implications
The present research focussed solely on the Malaysian private hospitals, and thus the results might not be applicable to other countries. This study focussed on Six Sigma initiatives of private hospitals in Malaysia, while the future research may consider investigating the difference or conformance between private and public hospitals on Six Sigma initiatives and its relationship with quality performance. In addition, present study findings are expected to provide guidelines to enhance the applications of Six Sigma methodology in private hospitals in Malaysia as well as other countries.
This research provides theoretical and practical contributions for the Six Sigma initiatives in private hospitals. Most of the past studies of Six Sigma initiatives are centred on manufacturing sector, but few empirical studies have been conducted on the health-care organisation. Thus, findings of the present study on the health-care sector contribute to the on-going pursuit of knowledge in the area of Six Sigma by using the strength of related theories and parent disciplines.