People opt for training to solve problems. Performance factors include tools and equipment, and organisational structure. Man’s progress in society has been shaped by a succession…
People opt for training to solve problems. Performance factors include tools and equipment, and organisational structure. Man’s progress in society has been shaped by a succession of important utilities: water, gas, electricity and the telephone, followed by an innovative range of practical appliances. Now, we are on the threshold of the information utility. With the Internet it was possible to create a World Wide Web. We are moving inexorably from headheld to handheld information, and to a new concept that has attracted the soubriquet “m‐learning” or “m‐support”. A new age is upon us: the age of the handheld device. By holding information, learning and performance support in the palm of your hand and retrieving it efficiently, you no longer need to recall many facts, just learn to learn, access and apply knowledge.
Despite its stated intention to be independent, impartial and thorough, the 9-11 Commission was none of the three. The Commission was structurally compromised by bias-inducing…
Despite its stated intention to be independent, impartial and thorough, the 9-11 Commission was none of the three. The Commission was structurally compromised by bias-inducing connections to subjects of the investigation, and procedurally compromised, among other reasons, by (1) its failure to take up promising lines of inquiry and its failure to try to force the release of key documents that were closely guarded by the Bush administration, the FBI and various intelligence agencies; (2) its distortion of information about pre-9-11 military preparedness, foreknowledge of the attacks or attacks of like-kind; and (3) omissions of information related to the funding of the plot and the specific whereabouts of key officials on the morning of September 11, 2001.
These structural compromises and procedural failings converged to assure that the Commission would not challenge core elements of the “official story” of the 9-11 attacks. This failure was compounded by the Commission's desire to produce a final report that would read as a “historical narrative” rather than as an exhaustive set of findings on the critical unanswered questions that arose after the attacks. The Commission's unquestioning acceptance of the official narrative also meant that it missed a perhaps larger opportunity to challenge key myths associated with American exceptionalism. Thus, the 9-11 Commission ultimately functioned as an instrument of cultural hegemony, extending and deepening the official version of events under the guise of independence and impartiality.
Norm O'Reilly, John Nadeau, Benoit Séguin and Mark Harrison
This research highlights the need for sophisticated measurement tools to allow sponsors and sponsees to evaluate sponsorship achievement against specific goals and its performance…
This research highlights the need for sophisticated measurement tools to allow sponsors and sponsees to evaluate sponsorship achievement against specific goals and its performance relative to other promotional tactics. Two high-profile in-stadium sponsorships of a mega-sponsee, the Grey Cup, are evaluated. Some evidence appears to supports and the effectiveness of the sponsorships; other observations raise questions about the accuracy of the evaluation process. The paper provides direction for practice and future research in sponsorship evaluation.
Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.
Reviews the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoints practical implications from cutting‐edge research and case studies.
This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context.
Despite the vital services they provide, banks and other lending institutions are not the most loved organizations. Dealing with the bank is not something you are likely to come away from with a warm glow of fellow feeling. We are more likely to nod our heads in agreement than protest “How unfair!” when someone utters a stinging criticism.
Practical implications
Provides strategic insights and practical thinking that have influenced some of the world's leading organizations.
The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy‐to digest format.
Concern about special education's future is widespread. Now there are calls for special education's abandonment or its nonexistence in any environment other than general education…
Concern about special education's future is widespread. Now there are calls for special education's abandonment or its nonexistence in any environment other than general education (i.e., for full inclusion or some form of general education only). Some advocates for reform consider special education obsolete, to be rejected in favor of newer ideas known as inclusionary education, and they advocate abandoning special education.
Now may be the time for a second revolution in thinking about what special education is and does so that it evolves into a service that more consistently realizes its promise. Special education is likely to become extinct if its devolution continues. Its collapse would hasten the abandonment of public education. Alternatively, it could evolve to become a viable part of public education, a distinct entity, a clearly identifiable and viable part of educating all children appropriately in public schools.
Among the many causes of special education's devolution, some stand out prominently: (1) confusing must and may; (2) accepting illogic and imprecision of language; (3) responding to all diversities in the same way; (4) spurning science; (5) confusing attribute and person; (6) putting the worst possible face on special education; and (7) misconstruing least restrictive environment.
Better thinking and clearer communication are required to achieve special education's revitalization. These include calling things what they are and relying on new, younger leaders. Clear and wide understanding – consensus – about what special education is and does and acceptance of the idea that we must have it as a separate and distinct part of universal public education would be revolutionary.