Much attention has focused on the benefits of employee assistanceprogrammes (EAPs) to companies. However, there has been little researchand evaluation of how counselling affects…
Much attention has focused on the benefits of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to companies. However, there has been little research and evaluation of how counselling affects employees who use an EAP. Focuses on a questionnaire study to evaluate present and former clients′ views of the counselling contract itself; the counsellor who dealt with the problem, and the outcome of the counselling.
Interest in the impact of stress on employees has traditionallyfocused on factors occurring in the workplace. Whilst this is valid,stress has many sources not least of which are…
Interest in the impact of stress on employees has traditionally focused on factors occurring in the workplace. Whilst this is valid, stress has many sources not least of which are life events such as divorce, bereavement and relocation. The impact can erode individual productivity and ultimately organisational effectiveness. The employee assistance programme (EAP) is emerging as a positive and constructive response by employers to help employees manage and resolve work and personal conflicts, pressures and problems. Originating in America in the early 1960s, the EAP first appeared in the UK when the Employee Advisory Resource (EAR) was developed in 1981. EAR marked the beginning of a new strategy in human resource management which has been refined and applied to an increasing number of blue chip companies in the UK. The EAP is here to stay and many different models exist. The Employee Advisory Resource has a nine‐year track record of application and shows how the availability of counselling through an EAP can reduce individual and organisational stresses.
The US origination of employee assistance programmes is describedand then their essential features and a systemic framework andguidelines appropriate to UK adoption are set out.
The US origination of employee assistance programmes is described and then their essential features and a systemic framework and guidelines appropriate to UK adoption are set out.
Considers the problem of how alcohol abuse impacts on the workplaceand implementing a strategy for education and prevention. Discusses thefour main points of an alcohol policy…
Considers the problem of how alcohol abuse impacts on the workplace and implementing a strategy for education and prevention. Discusses the four main points of an alcohol policy: education and training, identification, procedure, and good practice, as well as directorial agreement of a policy, implementation, and the reasons for adopting an alcohol policy. Surmises that an alcohol policy will provide economic benefits for the organisation as well as increased job satisfaction and well‐being for employees.
Although many organizations are increasingly providing employeeassistance programmes (EAPs), many fail to assess what they want to getfrom them and how they will monitor the…
Although many organizations are increasingly providing employee assistance programmes (EAPs), many fail to assess what they want to get from them and how they will monitor the quality of the service they are receiving. Suggests that EAPs can be monitored successfully through a system of benchmarking key EAP components. Once these objectives have been agreed jointly by the organization and the EAP provider, it is much easier for all parties to agree on the progress and effectiveness of the programme. Highlights the process and objectives of EAP monitoring.
The employee assistance programme (EAP) is designed to benefitevery area in an organization where individual performance plays a part.Before an EAP is introduced, however, there…
The employee assistance programme (EAP) is designed to benefit every area in an organization where individual performance plays a part. Before an EAP is introduced, however, there needs to be a clear analysis of its aims and objectives, the way it should be designed in order to meet the objectives, and how the objectives will be monitored. Without this analysis there will be no mechanism in place to control the quality of the service. Outlines the ways in which mutual assessment of EAP quality can be carried out by both the provider and the customer. Examines the benchmarking process and identifies practical ways in which this can be carried out.
Discusses the need for planning and commitment when introducing acounselling service. Identifies 20 key questions about the service′scredibility, structure, cost, control…
Discusses the need for planning and commitment when introducing a counselling service. Identifies 20 key questions about the service′s credibility, structure, cost, control, confidentiality, qualities requirements, scope and nature of feedback to the organisation. Surmises that the questions provide a framework to identify needs, a necessary process if the counselling service is not to increase problems.