Mike Glossop and David Radmore
A NOTABLE FEATURE of the changes which have occurred in librarianship in recent years is a reassertion of the importance of the individual. Within the organisational context…
A NOTABLE FEATURE of the changes which have occurred in librarianship in recent years is a reassertion of the importance of the individual. Within the organisational context, classical management theories, MbO and the like, which have been overly preoccupied with systems and processes, have given way to the Human Relations School, theories of social interaction and group dynamics, and participative styles of management. Similarly the trend towards subject specialisation, user education and information officers has made the individual user a growing focus of attention. These changes are reflected in the literature by an increasing number of articles advocating that training for librarianship should step beyond the subjects traditionally associated with professional education and embrace a wider range of interdisciplinary subjects more appropriate for the study of communications. Communication is, after all, the central concern of the library. The interaction between readers, information and librarians represents a social system where the behaviour, perceptions and values of the people involved are of crucial importance in many areas of library research. It would seem that librarians are beginning to realise that knowledge about libraries is fundamentally social.
Michael Fenner and Norman Hodson
Every electronics manufacturing company wants to know how effective its process is compared with industry leaders; to date this has not been possible. From an initial concept by…
Every electronics manufacturing company wants to know how effective its process is compared with industry leaders; to date this has not been possible. From an initial concept by Bob Willis, Chairman of the SMART Group, a data collection package has been jointly developed in conjunction with the Surface Mount Club.
Qualitative evaluation concerns the examination and analysis of individual experiences. This type of research tends to answer questions of why, how, what is the process, what is…
Qualitative evaluation concerns the examination and analysis of individual experiences. This type of research tends to answer questions of why, how, what is the process, what is the relationship, and so on in an effort to understand the essential nature of a service or process. While statistics tell us how many questions we have answered, qualitative evaluation tells us how well we have met the patrons' needs.
Firth‐Derihon Stampings are one of the UK's leading forgings manufacturers, and, in common with many large engineering concerns, ran into difficulties in the 1970s with the world…
Firth‐Derihon Stampings are one of the UK's leading forgings manufacturers, and, in common with many large engineering concerns, ran into difficulties in the 1970s with the world recession. In addition, they experienced understandable difficulties in controlling the logistics of manufacturing several thousands of components, all requiring high standards of quality control, and many having to go through a detailed certification process for MOD and other demanding customers. The company sought a solution in more comprehensive computerisation and initiated a thorough survey of the possible types of system that might be adopted. The considerable impact of the system on the company is traced and the company management's responses regarding its advantages are described.