Ileana Hamburg, Marion Hersh, Mihai Gavota and Miona Lazea
Internet technology and, in particular Web‐based services, have the potential to revolutionise approaches to learning. These new forms of learning could provide additional…
Internet technology and, in particular Web‐based services, have the potential to revolutionise approaches to learning. These new forms of learning could provide additional educational opportunities for people with special needs to support their social integration and integration into the knowledge‐based economy. This paper starts with a short presentation on open Web‐based learning environments and knowledge forums followed by a discussion of some recent results on e‐learning and special needs users. Two examples of learning portals for supporting e‐learning forums developed within the European projects, EURO H 2000 and a DAAD German‐Romanian cooperation, are given. Ways of including users with special needs in projects on the design of learning materials and environments are also discussed.