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Publication date: 13 December 2022

Miguel Puig-Cabrera, Ginesa Martínez-del Vas, Miguel Ángel Beltrán-Bueno and Abraham Nuevo-López

The purpose of this study is to contrast the capacity of tourism-specialized and non-tourism-specialized systems in small developing insular societies to achieve a well-being…




The purpose of this study is to contrast the capacity of tourism-specialized and non-tourism-specialized systems in small developing insular societies to achieve a well-being model aligned with the Agenda 2030.


The empirical method of this work consists of a panel-corrected standard errors analysis for a total of seven Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to measure the contribution of both economic diversification and tourism specialization to well-being in the Agenda 2030 framework. Time period considered in the analysis include 2005–2019.


Linear and nonlinear relationships reveal the need to conjugate both tourism specialization and economic diversification in the 2030-development agendas of small developing insular societies as both represent a means to achieve a well-being model aligned with the Agenda 2030.


One of the main novelties of this work is that development is analyzed from a multidimensional point of view (standard of living, access to education and health services), as an integrated thinking that considers any tourism development model that defines a route with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030 as main destination in SIDS. Specifically, practical implications are given combining recommendations to foster development and face poverty (SDG-1), while inequalities situations are reduced (SDG-10) and decent jobs are generated (SDG-8). These implications also focus on strengthening local suppliers of goods and services from other sectors to be integrated into the destination value chain (SDG-2), ensuring access to education (SDG-4) and contributing to gender equality (SDG-5).


这项工作的实证方法包括对7个加勒比海小岛屿发展中国家进行面板校正标准误差(PCSE)分析, 以衡量经济多样化和旅游专业化对2030年议程框架中的福祉的贡献。分析中考虑的时间段包括2005–2019年。


这项工作的目的是对比小型发展中岛国社会的旅游专业系统和非旅游专业系统的能力, 以实现与2030年议程相一致的福祉模式。


线性和非线性关系表明, 在发展中小岛国社会的2030年发展议程中, 需要将旅游专业化和经济多样化结合起来, 因为两者都是实现与2030年议程一致的福祉模式的手段。


这项工作的主要创新点之一是, 从多维的角度(生活水平、受教育机会和健康服务)来分析发展, 作为一种综合思维, 考虑任何旅游发展模式, 确定了一条以可持续发展目标和2030年议程为主要目的地的小岛屿发展中国家路线。具体来说, 在减少不平等状况(SDG-10)和创造体面工作(SDG-8)的同时, 结合促进发展和面对贫困(SDG-1)的建议, 给出了实际意义。此外, 要加强其他部门的货物和服务的当地供应商, 以融入目的地价值链(SDG-2), 保证受教育的机会(SDG-4)和促进性别平等(SDG-5)。


El método empírico de este trabajo consiste en un análisis de errores estándar corregidos por panel (PCSE) para 7 Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo para medir la contribución al bienestar a través de la especialización turística y la diversificación económica en el marco de la Agenda 2030. El horizonte contemplado en el análisis incluye 2005–2019.


El objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar la capacidad de los sistemas especializados y no especializados en turismo dentro de las pequeñas sociedades insulares en desarrollo para lograr un modelo de bienestar alineado con la Agenda 2030.


Las relaciones lineales y no lineales revelan la necesidad de conjugar tanto la especialización turística como la diversificación económica en las agendas de desarrollo 2030 de las pequeñas sociedades insulares en desarrollo, ya que ambas representan un medio para alcanzar un modelo de bienestar alineado con la Agenda 2030.


Una de las principales novedades de este trabajo es que se analiza el desarrollo desde un punto de vista multidimensional (nivel de vida, acceso a la educación y servicios de salud), como un pensamiento integrado que considera cualquier modelo de desarrollo turístico que defina una ruta con los ODS y la Agenda 2030 como destino principal en los PEID. En concreto, se ofrecen implicaciones prácticas que combinan recomendaciones para fomentar el desarrollo y hacer frente a la pobreza (ODS-1), al tiempo que se reducen las situaciones de desigualdad (ODS-10) y se generan empleos decentes (ODS-8). Asimismo, fortalecer a los proveedores locales de bienes y servicios de otros sectores para que se integren en la cadena de valor del destino (ODS-2), garantizar el acceso a la educación (ODS-4) y contribuir a la igualdad de género (ODS-5).

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Publication date: 1 February 1977


THE VAST PORTIONS of land south of the United States, commonly known as Latin America, form a political, social and cultural structure which—with very few exceptions—owes its…



THE VAST PORTIONS of land south of the United States, commonly known as Latin America, form a political, social and cultural structure which—with very few exceptions—owes its singularity to its spiritual ties with Spain and Portugal. Although sharp social and cultural contrasts among the Latin American nations do exist, the Spanish language is a formidable link which has helped to overcome many differences. Latin American literature, despite its very distinctive voices, proclaims in unison a literary wealth which ignores political and geographic boundaries. The development of modern Latin American literature springs from the modernista movement, which roughly spans the period between the late 1880's and the 1930's. The Nicaraguan Rubén Darío (1867–1916) is considered the focal point of this new literary school which led to “the discovery of the emotional life made by the romantic, the almost professional awareness of what literature and its latest fashions are” and “the pride of belonging to an Hispanic American generation which, for the first time, is able to specialize in art”. By the time Latin American literature reached European and North American shores during the late 1920's, a vigorous regionalist novel developed. Its basic themes were played against the background of the Argentinian pampa, the Venezuelan plains, the Andean mountains, the villages of revolutionary Mexico or the jungle of Brazil. In essence, this literature was concerned more with nature than with the social and cultural realities of city life. Writers sought to present exotic materials to the urban dwellers.


Library Review, vol. 26 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0024-2535

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