The Bureau of Economics in the Federal Trade Commission has a three-part role in the Agency and the strength of its functions changed over time depending on the preferences and…
The Bureau of Economics in the Federal Trade Commission has a three-part role in the Agency and the strength of its functions changed over time depending on the preferences and ideology of the FTC’s leaders, developments in the field of economics, and the tenor of the times. The over-riding current role is to provide well considered, unbiased economic advice regarding antitrust and consumer protection law enforcement cases to the legal staff and the Commission. The second role, which long ago was primary, is to provide reports on investigations of various industries to the public and public officials. This role was more recently called research or “policy R&D”. A third role is to advocate for competition and markets both domestically and internationally. As a practical matter, the provision of economic advice to the FTC and to the legal staff has required that the economists wear “two hats,” helping the legal staff investigate cases and provide evidence to support law enforcement cases while also providing advice to the legal bureaus and to the Commission on which cases to pursue (thus providing “a second set of eyes” to evaluate cases). There is sometimes a tension in those functions because building a case is not the same as evaluating a case. Economists and the Bureau of Economics have provided such services to the FTC for over 100 years proving that a sub-organization can survive while playing roles that sometimes conflict. Such a life is not, however, always easy or fun.
The foreign student likely to come to the UK to study Iibrarianship will probably be enrolling for a postgraduate course or a Master's qualification of at least one year's…
The foreign student likely to come to the UK to study Iibrarianship will probably be enrolling for a postgraduate course or a Master's qualification of at least one year's duration. There will also be those (although fewer in number) who come for a three year degree or for a doctorate. A surprisingly large number — especially during recent inflationary years when sterling has declined before many firmer currencies — are privately sponsored individuals from countries where library education is well developed, and there has been a minor manifestation during the seventies of interested younger inhabitants of what used to be called the Dominions, coming to live and study in Europe and to make contact with what they can discover of their origins. Along with these have been a smaller number from the United States and the European continental countries.
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London…
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London, upon which the new building for the British Library Reference Division has to be erected. Some twenty years of continued negotiation and discussion finally resulted in the choice of this site. The UK and much more of the world awaits with anticipation what could and should be the major building library of the twentieth century. The planning and design of a library building, however large or small, is, relatively speaking, a major operation, and deserves time, care and patience if the best results are to be produced.
There is a paucity of empirical research on poetry pedagogy within inclusive higher/post-secondary education programmes for students with intellectual disabilities. This chapter…
There is a paucity of empirical research on poetry pedagogy within inclusive higher/post-secondary education programmes for students with intellectual disabilities. This chapter goes some way to address this omission by presenting an investigation of poetry pedagogy as informed by university students of the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID), School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. By asking the question: How can university students with intellectual disabilities be supported to respond to poetry? two themes were identified in the findings: ‘Curriculum content’ identified the importance of providing background information on the poet and selecting poems that directly relate to their life experience. The second theme ‘Pedagogical approaches’ examined how the utilisation of a variety of teaching and learning strategies, informed by a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach, can be successfully used to develop Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice (ASIAP) students' interpretations of poems.