Michael A. Arnold and Brian H. Kleiner
Focuses on the unreasonable hardships that organizations encounter due to the interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities act by government officials. Covers the issues of…
Focuses on the unreasonable hardships that organizations encounter due to the interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities act by government officials. Covers the issues of the hearing impaired, wheelchair access, wheelchair ramp requirements and pre‐employment questioning restrictions in turn with associated case law. Concludes that the act contains a number of ambiguous phrases and does not take into account the monetary burden placed on the organization.
This paper assesses the incidence and contribution that mentoring has to the career development of retail managers. Previous research has identified the benefits that mentoring…
This paper assesses the incidence and contribution that mentoring has to the career development of retail managers. Previous research has identified the benefits that mentoring relationships have for the protégé, the mentor and the organisation, although none have compared the experiences and attitudes towards mentoring within the retail environment. Drawing on a sample of 132 UK retail managers, this research found that half the sample had experienced being a protégé in a mentoring relationship. No significant differences were found between a respondent’s sex, age, position in the organisation and whether they have been mentored. Mentoring was found to play an important role in the development of a protégé’s current job, career and self development. It was less apparent whether the incidence of mentoring affected retail managers’ ultimate career ambitions. However, it appears that the advantages of mentoring as a management development tool far outweigh any disadvantages for the protégé.
In interviews, Jamie Lee Curtis positions Halloween (2018) as a #MeToo film. As merely self-serving publicity, this reading is far too simplistic. In Halloween (1978) Laurie…
In interviews, Jamie Lee Curtis positions Halloween (2018) as a #MeToo film. As merely self-serving publicity, this reading is far too simplistic. In Halloween (1978) Laurie Strode is victimised; she then assumes the role of quintessential Final Girl as described by Carol J. Clover, providing the template for the entire sub-genre of horror slasher films birthed in its wake. However, in the similarly titled 2018 film, Laurie is no longer a victim. Instead of following the role of the stereotypical Final Girl of slasher films, she falls more in line with one of Yvonne Tasker's Warrior Women.
This chapter investigates Laurie Strode's transformation throughout the Halloween franchise. Once passive and victimised, Laurie has evolved: No longer the Final Girl – or victim – her position and behaviour in this film is much more in line with the neoliberal Warrior Woman of action films. Thus, the film assigns her the role of action heroine as a vehicle for responding to the concerns of the #MeToo era – and in this era, women are no longer victims. Women can and will fight back.
Michael Frechette, Mark Arnold, Andrew Kaikati and Nitish Singh
This paper aims to look at the exchange context of peer-to-peer (P2P) collaborative consumption (e.g. Uber and Airbnb). Specifically, the paper examines the effect that the…
This paper aims to look at the exchange context of peer-to-peer (P2P) collaborative consumption (e.g. Uber and Airbnb). Specifically, the paper examines the effect that the sharing of a personal possession, such as a car or apartment, may have on the consumer.
Two studies were conducted via online surveys. The surveys used vignettes that asked participants to imagine service experiences in either a P2P or a business-to-consumer (B2C) context. The participants then answered questions, including their perceptions of social closeness to the service provider, as well as willingness to pay (Study 1) and expectations of satisfaction (Study 2). The analysis used bootstrapping regression models to examine the relationships.
In both studies, the participants in the P2P conditions reported significantly greater perceived social closeness to the service provider than did those in the B2C condition. The P2P condition also resulted in significant indirect effects (i.e. mediated by social closeness) on willingness to pay (Study 1) and expectations of satisfaction (Study 2).
This paper extends the work on social distance to show that the effects are activated by the P2P exchange context. Also demonstrated here is that social closeness acts as an important mediator in the P2P context, affecting outcomes in the consumption and pre-consumption stages. Finally, construal level effects are extended to show that trend interpretation can be influenced by social distance.
Veronica Rendon Callahan, Ellen Kaye Fleishhacker, Robert Holton, Steven A. Kaplan, Kevin Lavin, Michael Trager, Mark Sylvester and Pratin Vallabhaneni
– To explain and analyze SEC charges and settlement with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (“KKR”) related to misallocation of broken deal expenses.
To explain and analyze SEC charges and settlement with Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (“KKR”) related to misallocation of broken deal expenses.
Provides background, including other similar SEC enforcement actions in relation to private equity and hedge funds; explains the regulatory violations in KKR’s broken deal allocation methodology and related disclosure; draws lessons and makes recommendations for private equity firms concerning the need for compliance and disclosure reviews and the benefits of remediation and cooperation.
This enforcement action and other similar ones represents a continuing SEC focus on fee and expense misallocation. It is also relevant to advisers to real estate and hedge fund complexes that face similar allocation issues.
Practical implications
Private equity firms and other advisers to private investment funds should re-evaluate their fee and expense allocation policies and procedures to be sure that they adhere to current regulatory and investor expectations.
Practical guidance from experienced securities enforcement and litigation and investment management lawyers.
The first article on the subject, which appeared in the August issue of Industrial and Commercial Training, described the development of a training course in BEA for Passenger…
The first article on the subject, which appeared in the August issue of Industrial and Commercial Training, described the development of a training course in BEA for Passenger Services Staff. The aim of this training is to improve personal service. Its most important element is role‐playing of typical interactions between staff and passengers; these are recorded on video‐tape and replayed for viewing and discussion. A good deal of reading, thinking and research was done before and during the training development. Visits were made to the training centres of several airlines, in Britain and the USA; research workers in both countries were also consulted. Five relevant views of the subject will be examined. These are: • the concept of social skill — Michael Argyle • the analysis of verbal behaviours — Neil Rackham • T‐group training — particularly the research by Cary Cooper and Henry Odie for the Hotel and Catering ITB • transactional analysis — work in Pan American Airways and American Airlines • applied learning in management training — by Mel Sorcher and Arnold Goldstein of Syracuse, USA A reading list giving references to these ideas and authors is given at the end of the article. The intention here is briefly to describe these views, evaluate their relevance to Customer Service Training generally, and show how they have influenced the philosophy and the design of the BEA training. Naturally, more weight will be given to one view than to another in the analysis that follows, but it should be emphasised that there is no intention to choose nor to reject any particular theory or training development. The different approaches are often complementary, each provides insight into the problems of human interaction.
Alexandra L. Ferrentino, Meghan L. Maliga, Richard A. Bernardi and Susan M. Bosco
This research provides accounting-ethics authors and administrators with a benchmark for accounting-ethics research. While Bernardi and Bean (2010) considered publications in…
This research provides accounting-ethics authors and administrators with a benchmark for accounting-ethics research. While Bernardi and Bean (2010) considered publications in business-ethics and accounting’s top-40 journals this study considers research in eight accounting-ethics and public-interest journals, as well as, 34 business-ethics journals. We analyzed the contents of our 42 journals for the 25-year period between 1991 through 2015. This research documents the continued growth (Bernardi & Bean, 2007) of accounting-ethics research in both accounting-ethics and business-ethics journals. We provide data on the top-10 ethics authors in each doctoral year group, the top-50 ethics authors over the most recent 10, 20, and 25 years, and a distribution among ethics scholars for these periods. For the 25-year timeframe, our data indicate that only 665 (274) of the 5,125 accounting PhDs/DBAs (13.0% and 5.4% respectively) in Canada and the United States had authored or co-authored one (more than one) ethics article.
Investigate the effects on audiences of musical events based on the digital simulation of artists who have already passed away, utilizing comments on YouTube recordings of these…
Investigate the effects on audiences of musical events based on the digital simulation of artists who have already passed away, utilizing comments on YouTube recordings of these events.
Comparative analysis of the two most viewed videos of events featuring the singers Michael Jackson and 2Pac, with a combined total of 150,000,000 views and 100,000 comments, employing a quantitative and qualitative linguistic analysis of the most frequent words in the comments.
The Michael Jackson event elicits ambiguous reactions from audiences who appreciate the opportunity to see an artist who has already passed away but simultaneously express unease due to the fact that the artist is deceased. The comparison with the 2Pac event, which is received more positively, suggests that the technological quality of the simulation is a determining factor in making the experience of the event positive or negative. This implies that technology serves to make the event more lifelike.
This is the first systematic study of audiences of digital post-mortem musical events based on YouTube comments. It claims that the simulation of the artist is not merely a reproduction of the artist as they were alive, but a different type of event that can evoke equally strong emotions because it challenges the barrier of death.
Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in human life. It existed during Biblical times when Joseph, the seventeen‐year‐old son of Jacob, was kidnapped and sold into slavery by his…
Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in human life. It existed during Biblical times when Joseph, the seventeen‐year‐old son of Jacob, was kidnapped and sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Although terrorists have been active throughout history, it is only recently that we have seen an increase in scholarly interest in the phenomenon of terrorism. One reason for this is the fact that terrorist activities have increased dramatically since the 1960s. Everyday we read in the newspapers and hear on radio and television details of the latest terrorist outrage. Many American colleges and universities now offer a course or two on terrorism as a part of their curriculum.
Nadine Arnold and Fabien Foureault
Status distinctions matter among heterogeneous organizations within a socio-environmental field. This is exemplified in the food waste field, where six types of organizations…
Status distinctions matter among heterogeneous organizations within a socio-environmental field. This is exemplified in the food waste field, where six types of organizations employ different excess strategies to address the issue. Theoretically, we propose that status is constructed internally through advice relationships and externally through evaluations. We posit that organizations conducting evaluations and advocating legitimate principles based on expertise (i.e., Others) are status winners. Our mixed-method study confirms that Others hold privileged positions and identifies status inconsistencies. By critically illuminating these status dynamics, we contribute to a better understanding of the roles of organizations and status in tackling socio-environmental issues.