Considers that computer models of construction projects are required asa precursor to automation of the construction process. Examines the problemof building computer models for…
Considers that computer models of construction projects are required as a precursor to automation of the construction process. Examines the problem of building computer models for use in the construction industry that contain all the information required for full co‐ordination of the design activity. The uniqueness of each building project and the lack of standard “library” parts adds considerably to the task of creating a realistic 3D model. Also the inevitable minor deviations that would occur during the construction process require that the model be corrected as work proceeds.
Taqiadden Almuntaser, Muizz O. Sanni-Anibire and Mohammad A. Hassanain
The adoption of building information modeling (BIM) technology in the global architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries is steadily increasing. However…
The adoption of building information modeling (BIM) technology in the global architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries is steadily increasing. However, developing countries such as Saudi Arabia are still lagging behind. The purpose of this paper is to present a framework for BIM adoption in the AEC industry in Saudi Arabia through a case study.
The study adopted a two-pronged approach. First, the various stages, benefits and challenges of BIM implementation in a local AEC firm’s pilot project were documented. Then, a BIM maturity measurement of the pilot project was conducted, and identification of the areas where improvements can be made.
BIM implementation provided several benefits and efficiency gains. These include a faster design processes, effective reuse of information and overall client satisfaction. Challenges faced include a lack of interest by clients and industry stakeholders, inadequate experience of the BIM team, and lack of mentorship from a BIM champion. The findings of the BIM maturity measurement were presented as an implementation framework in the five process areas and ten subject areas of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) project management framework.
Though, frameworks, guidelines and protocols have been developed to facilitate the successful adoption of BIM, the issue is not a case of “one size fits all.” This study thus introduces the much needed awareness in the research and professional domain in Saudi Arabia. It also presents the proposed framework in the PMI framework, which is an incremental innovation to previous work.
Endecotts manufacturers and suppliers of industrial test sieves, are taking advantage of their position by displaying the Kitemark on sieves produced to the British Standard.
Reviews the very wide potential for the application of multimediakiosks. It is important that all retailing organizations understand thescope of these applications since kiosks…
Reviews the very wide potential for the application of multimedia kiosks. It is important that all retailing organizations understand the scope of these applications since kiosks have the potential for eroding the traditional boundaries between retailing, banking, education and training and the provision of information and advice, both to the general public, and also within organizations to employees. Potentially, applications in many of these previously distinct areas could be interlinked. Currently, multimedia kiosks are being tested in a number of different applications. Kiosks can be viewed as a medium through which it is possible to inform, educate, train, persuade or perform information‐based transactions. Their potential attraction in all of these roles consists of their relative novelty and the range of different media that can be used to reinforce the message. The future for multimedia kiosks remains unclear. The present tests in a wide range of different application areas should permit the identification of appropriate niches where they can achieve at least one of the following: more effective communication of information; increased sales, showing an appropriate return on investment; and improvements in customer service, in environments where they are a priority.
Thalia Anthony, Juanita Sherwood, Harry Blagg and Kieran Tranter
DYNAMIC balancing has become an important function in the production and repair of gas turbines used in aircraft. It is now general practice to dynamic balance every turbine wheel…
DYNAMIC balancing has become an important function in the production and repair of gas turbines used in aircraft. It is now general practice to dynamic balance every turbine wheel and impeller assembly before fitting to the engine. Maintenance engineers, while having a background in the theory of vibrations caused by unbalance, must now know the practical side of dynamic balancing, since it is almost impossible to carry out a major overhaul without checking the balance of the rotating assemblies.
THE study of the flight of birds has provided and will still provide much valuable information for tiie progress of human flight. Many suggestions for the improvements of wings by…
THE study of the flight of birds has provided and will still provide much valuable information for tiie progress of human flight. Many suggestions for the improvements of wings by the use of special wing tips owe their existence to the observation of nature. In spite of such suggestions, free‐flight experimentation—as far as published work goes—is still rather rare and restricted in scope. This reluctance may be due to practical design considerations (handling) as well as to the necessity of making the conventional aileron as efficient as possible; it may also be caused by the impression that experiment in this direction is not worth the effort.
We are requested to publish the following Manifesto:—
THE Fifty‐First Conference of the Library Association takes place in the most modern type of British town. Blackpool is a typical growth of the past fifty years or so, rising from…
THE Fifty‐First Conference of the Library Association takes place in the most modern type of British town. Blackpool is a typical growth of the past fifty years or so, rising from the greater value placed upon the recreations of the people in recent decades. It has the name of the pleasure city of the north, a huge caravansary into which the large industrial cities empty themselves at the holiday seasons. But Blackpool is more than that; it is a town with a vibrating local life of its own; it has its intellectual side even if the casual visitor does not always see it as readily as he does the attractions of the front. A week can be spent profitably there even by the mere intellectualist.
The question of Britain's entry into the Common Market would appear to have been resolved. For a time it did seem as if the Government was looking before it leapt, but if we can…
The question of Britain's entry into the Common Market would appear to have been resolved. For a time it did seem as if the Government was looking before it leapt, but if we can read the signs aright, only the controversy now remains. The implications of the Common Market, both political and economic, are largely unknown to the public and if recent events among French farmers are an indication, are not entirely acceptable to those already in it.