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Publication date: 29 July 2024

Lichun Zhu, Zhiqian Jiang, Long Qiao, Meng Zou and Guangming Chen

This paper aims to introduce a wheeled vehicle robot for adapting to the surface terrain of the 500-m diameter reflector of the FAST radio telescope in China.



This paper aims to introduce a wheeled vehicle robot for adapting to the surface terrain of the 500-m diameter reflector of the FAST radio telescope in China.


By analyzing vehicles applied for different off-road environments, a six-wheeled architecture with a passive “triple-bogie” suspension is selected. A subscale model of the vehicle robot is designed, along with statics modeling and multibody simulations of the dynamics on simulated reflector panel surfaces. The slope- and step-climbing abilities of the subscale vehicle are discussed in accordance with numerical and experimental tests. An engineering scale vehicle is subsequently manufactured and tested on surface terrains of lateral as well as vertical gaps, and is finally validated on the FAST reflector.


This model of vehicle robot exhibits strong structure stability under desired payload. It can stably cross lateral gaps for maximum surface slope 28° and can traverse vertical gap for maximum surface slope 23°. The traversing abilities satisfy the mobility requirements subjected to surface terrains of FAST reflector.


The engineering vehicle robot negotiates the lateral as well as vertical gaps between triangle panels and has been successfully applied to the FAST reflector serving for inspection and maintenance work.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Open Access
Publication date: 3 August 2021

Alexander Preko and Theophilus Francis Gyepi-Garbrah

The migration-tourism discourse has gained attention in global tourism and mobility among scholars because of the vast contributions of migrant visitors to various sectors of the…




The migration-tourism discourse has gained attention in global tourism and mobility among scholars because of the vast contributions of migrant visitors to various sectors of the host country's economy, including the tourism and hospitality industry. However, few studies appear to have been undertaken on the subject matter, particularly within the developing country tourism context. The purpose of this research was to assess and understand migrant visitors' sense of safety among five different nationalities (United Kingdom, USA, Germany, China and India) and their perceptions on trustworthiness of tourism information.


Anchored on the national cultural dimension of Hofstede model, this study sampled 306 migrant visitors, with the use of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Games–Howell post-hoc test to examine mean differences of nationalities, with regard to trust of tourism information and sense of safety. Finally, the multiple regression analysis was conducted to establish the significant effects of national culture characteristics and trustworthiness of tourism information on sense of safety of migrant visitors.


The study finds that there were no significant differences in the sense of safety by the five nationalities. However, national culture characteristics (power distance and uncertainty avoidance) and trustworthiness of tourism information were significant predictors of sense of safety of migrant visitors.

Research limitations/implications

This research adopted only two cultural dimensions of the Hofstede's model, so future studies within the migration-tourism literature should consider adopting other cultural dimensions of the model.

Practical implications

The research provides, first, insight into sense of safety, trustworthiness of tourism information and national culture characteristics which are relevant for destination marketers, the ministry of tourism and local tourism officials to promote safety tourism.


The study expands the application of the cultural dimension of Hofstede model within the migration-tourism literature and establishes that national cultural characteristics and trustworthiness of tourism information are significant predictors of sense of safety of migrant visitors.


International Hospitality Review, vol. 37 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2516-8142


Book part
Publication date: 24 February 2023

Luigi Leclercq-Machado, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Sharon Esquerre-Botton, Maria de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario and Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales

The Travel and Tourism sector is continuously changing over the years. Indeed, a wide range of interests has been evidenced worldwide. Since the beginning of the COVID-19…


The Travel and Tourism sector is continuously changing over the years. Indeed, a wide range of interests has been evidenced worldwide. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, tourists have experienced a drastic change in their expectations and necessities, demanding new kinds of services added value, among other variables. Uncertainty and COVID-conscious tourists remain evidenced after postpandemic recovery. Moreover, domestic, eco and digital tourism grow exponentially due to the current trends. The public and private sectors must understand the tourists' patterns and adapt their strategies to help the sector recover. Thus, by working together, tourism, despite being affected by COVID-19, regained its strength and continues to grow, inviting local and international tourists to travel to different destinations, adding the adaptation of those who offer services in this industry to meet the expectations of new trends and consumer behaviors.


Sustainable Management in COVID-19 Times
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-597-7


Publication date: 25 October 2021

Francisco Peco-Torres, Ana I. Polo-Peña and Dolores M. Frías-Jamilena

This study aims to determine whether the consumer’s information literacy self-efficacy plays a role in their intention to resume their consumption of tourist services …



This study aims to determine whether the consumer’s information literacy self-efficacy plays a role in their intention to resume their consumption of tourist services – specifically, hotel accommodation – in the context of the “new normal” brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.


A quantitative empirical study is performed on hotel accommodation consumers and a structural equation modeling analysis is used to verify the proposed relationships.


The findings reveal that the tourist’s information literacy self-efficacy – their ability to find the information they need, use it efficiently and discount fake news – positively influences their perception of hotel safety; and perceived hotel safety increases tourist intention to return to consuming hotel services.

Practical implications

The results show how the consumer’s intention to return to using hotel services can be enhanced because of their management of information, especially in a crisis context. Hotel firms must position the provision of safety information at the heart of their marketing and communications strategies, and adapt this information to the different processing capabilities of consumers.

Social implications

This study provides valuable insights into the hotel industry – a major contributor to gross domestic product and employment worldwide that is being particularly hard-hit by the COVID-19 crisis.


This study represents an advance in the literature as it demonstrates – as a novelty – the vital role of consumer information literacy self-efficacy in encouraging people to begin visiting hotels again in the “new normal.”


International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 33 no. 12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-6119


Publication date: 4 July 2023

Tze-Yin Lim, Choi-Meng Leong, Lucas Tee-Kiat Lim, Bibiana Chiu-Yiong Lim, Rodney Thiam-Hock Lim and Kiat-Sing Heng

This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the intention to visit community-based homestays among young adults in a developing country during the pandemic by…



This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the intention to visit community-based homestays among young adults in a developing country during the pandemic by incorporating the mediation effect of perceived values and moderation effects of safety and health concerns.


Data from young adults were gathered via a self-administered questionnaire, and 268 sets of surveys were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling.


The perceived value of community-based homestays among young adults is positively affected by relaxation, learning and entertainment. Perceived value also mediates the relationship between each of the three said motivational push factors and the intention to visit a community-based homestay. The relationship between perceived value and intention to visit community-based homestays among young adults is unaffected by safety and health concerns.

Research limitations/implications

The analysis reveals that relaxation, learning and entertainment are key drivers of intentions to visit rural community-based homestays and that perceived value mediates links between them.

Practical implications

This study benefits the tourism authorities and marketers by enabling them to promote community-based homestays in the country among the young adult market.


This study contributes to the literature by using the motivation theory and model of goal-oriented behaviour to investigate the moderating effects of health and safety concerns on young adults visiting intention. Young adults’ perceived value was also examined to study its mediating effects on visiting intention.


Young Consumers, vol. 24 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1747-3616


Open Access
Publication date: 1 November 2023

Jens Sjöberg, Cecilia Cassinger and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato

The research aim of this article is to generate novel insights into how public sector organizations (PSOs) strategically communicate with the public about critical issues on…




The research aim of this article is to generate novel insights into how public sector organizations (PSOs) strategically communicate with the public about critical issues on social media. To this end, the study explores the public's experiences of the Swedish Police's sense of safety communication on Instagram in the third largest city in Sweden, where the lack of a sense of public safety is a main societal challenge.


The research was designed as a case study employing photo-elicitation interviews as a method to collect the empirical material. A phenomenography approach was used to analyze public experiences of the Swedish Police's Instagram communication in Malmö, Sweden.


Findings show that the police's strategic communication of safety on Instagram is experienced along the dimensions of a sense of protection, a sense of proximity and a sense of ambiguity. Taken together, these dimensions broaden and develop the knowledge of what communicating a sense of safety in the public sphere entails.


This study adds to previous research on strategic communication in public sector organizations by demonstrating what strategic communication accomplishes at the receiving end outside of the organization.


Journal of Communication Management, vol. 28 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1363-254X


Publication date: 22 June 2021

Zhijun Wan, Shuyue Huang and Hwansuk Chris Choi

This study modified, revised and validated a travel safety attitude scale (TSAS) using data collected from Canadian residents with out-of-country travel experiences.



This study modified, revised and validated a travel safety attitude scale (TSAS) using data collected from Canadian residents with out-of-country travel experiences.


The authors proposed a higher component model (HCM) of TSAS, using a reflective-formative measurement model. In consultation with eight experts, a set of purified TSAS items was revised by checking wording and content. A questionnaire was administered to 531 participants using Amazon Mechanical Turk. The scale was validated with the partial least squares method of structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), and the analysis was performed using SmartPLS 3.0.


The final results suggested a five-factor solution with 27 items, with a satisfactory level of reliability and validity at the first-order (reflective) and second-order (formative) constructs. The predictive validity result showed that TSAS is negatively related to tourist risk-taking intention.

Research limitations/implications

TSAS advanced research on travel safety attitudes and demonstrated the feasibility of using PLS-SEM in examining the Type II model. Future studies can focus on replicating the study in other countries, adding more variables for predictive validity tests and examining the interrelationship with affective attitudes.

Practical implications

The authors suggested a more proactive approach to assess tourist safety attitudes based on travel safety information (TSI), health concern (HC), vulnerability to crime (VTC), personal safety (PES) and police safety (PS), listed in descending order of importance.


The study results provide directions for destination marketing organizations to allocate resources to maintain a positive travel safety attitude from potential and current tourists.


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, vol. 5 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9792


Publication date: 15 October 2024

Selim Sivrioglu and Sinan Basaran

In today’s technology, the significance of unmanned aerial vehicles is steadily increasing. Many unmanned aerial vehicles design, especially those used for military purposes, have…



In today’s technology, the significance of unmanned aerial vehicles is steadily increasing. Many unmanned aerial vehicles design, especially those used for military purposes, have achieved autonomy from human operators. Undoubtedly, one of the most crucial features of these aircraft is their vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. Inspired by quadrotor methodology, this paper aims to conduct, a modeling of an aircraft with VTOL capabilities.


The impact of releasing air-launched missiles, considered as the useful payload carried during the flight of the aircraft, has been taken into account in this modeling. The release of air-launched missiles disrupts both the symmetric structure of the system and alters the mass and inertia parameters. Simulations were conducted to investigate scenarios involving the simultaneous release of all air-launched missiles and their release at different times.


The investigation focused on determining how quickly an aircraft, aiming to consecutively hit targets, can return to its desired trajectory. The time interval between the consecutive releases of two air-launched missiles has been identified.


It is crucial for a VTOL-capable aircraft to possess a unique modeling structure to examine its capability of releasing air-launched missiles in various scenarios. This entails understanding not only the aircraft’s VTOL functionality but also its ability to effectively release missiles in different operational conditions.


Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1748-8842


Publication date: 23 February 2024

Chiara Dalle Nogare and Raffaele Scuderi

The COVID-19 pandemic has induced tourism destinations to reconsider organisational aspects related to health safety measures, as perceptions of health safety may have become…



The COVID-19 pandemic has induced tourism destinations to reconsider organisational aspects related to health safety measures, as perceptions of health safety may have become particularly important for tourists. Using data from summer 2020, the period immediately after the outbreak of the pandemic, we investigate the factors that affected tourist perceptions of health safety.


Data come from a survey of tourist-card holders in Trentino, an Italian mountain destination. Through regressions, we assess the conditional correlation between health safety measure evaluations following a holiday and a set of covariates related to the features of the tourist area and the tourists themselves, as well as COVID-19 incidence in their province of residence in the months before the holiday.


Tourist-related features seem not to impact on perceived health safety, whereas some destination- and accommodation-related elements do. In particular, the number of tourist beds affects it negatively, and staying at a hotel does it in a positive way. COVID-19 incidence in one’s home province does not affect perceptions of health safety measures, which suggests a possible sample selection effect and/or the need for more fine-grained data.


This paper is one of the few on the immediate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic using data from a large sample of actual tourists. Our findings point out the importance of the intrinsic features of some places and accommodation in influencing perceptions of safety. We discuss implications for scholars and destination managers.


Journal of Economic Studies, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-3585


Publication date: 16 November 2021

Shama Nazneen, Hong Xu, Nizam Ud Din and Rehmat Karim

The COVID-19 pandemic and the travellers’ behaviour towards travel risk is an emerging issue. Nonetheless, the travellers’ perceived COVID-19 impacts, travel risk perception…




The COVID-19 pandemic and the travellers’ behaviour towards travel risk is an emerging issue. Nonetheless, the travellers’ perceived COVID-19 impacts, travel risk perception, health and safety perception and travel avoidance concerning protection motivation theory is unnoticed. Following the protection motivation theory, the current study investigates the direct and indirect relationships between perceived COVID-19 impacts and travel avoidance. Moreover, the travellers’ cognitive perceptions of risk may vary with their demographic characteristics; therefore, the present study aims to test the differences in group-specific parameter estimates using a multi-group analysis.


The authors approached travellers from Tianjin, China using different communication services, including WeChat and email, through a snowball sampling technique. The study used 553 valid questionnaires for analysis.


The results of 553 questionnaires in structural equation modelling (SEM) with AMOS 21 indicated that travellers’ perceived Covid-19 impacts positively correlate with travel avoidance. The study model based on protection motivation theory specifies that travel risk perception and health and safety perception as a cognitive mediating process partially mediated the relationship between perceived COVID-19 impacts and travel avoidance. The findings specified that during COVID-19, travellers assessed the severity of travel risks and adopted preventive measures which influenced their travel behaviour and led to travel avoidance. The multi-group analysis results indicated no difference in perception for gender and education; however, concerning age, the significant nested p-value specifies a difference in perception.

Practical implications

The study offers implications for policymakers and the tourism industry to understand the travellers’ perceptions of travel during the pandemic and ensure health and safety measures to encourage travelling and reviving the tourism industry.


The application of protection motivation theory to analyse the travellers’ perceived COVID-19 impacts and travel avoidance in the presence of travel risk perception and health and safety perceptions as a cognitive mediating process is novel.


COVID-19大流行下的旅行风险问题日益重要。目前, 有关旅游者COVID-19影响感知、旅行风险感知以及健康安全感知与避免旅行之间关系的问题尚未引起学者广泛关注。基于保护动机理论, 本文对COVID-19影响感知与避免旅行之间的直接关系和间接关系进行深入研究。鉴于旅游者旅行风险认知因其人口特征而异, 本文采纳多组分析来检验群体间特定参数估计差异。




结构方程模型分析结果显示, 旅游者Covid-19影响感知与避免旅行之间呈正相关关系。基于保护动机理论的研究模型表明, 旅行风险感知和健康安全感知作为认知中间过程, 在COVID-19影响感知与避免旅行之间起到部分中介作用。这说明在COVID-19期间, 旅游者首先评估旅行风险等级并采取预防措施, 而这将影响他们的旅行行为, 甚至导致放弃旅行。此外, 多组分析结果表明, Covid-19影响感知在性别和受教育程度上并不存在显著差异, 但在年龄上差异显著。




基于保护动机理论, 引入旅行风险感知和健康安全感知作为中介变量来分析旅游者Covid-19影响感知对避免旅行的影响是本研究的重要创新点。此外, 本研究通过检验Covid-19影响感知在受访者人口学特征上的差异也对现有研究具有一定理论贡献。


La pandemia de COVID-19 y el comportamiento de los viajeros hacia el riesgo del viaje es un asunto emergente. No obstante, los impactos percibidos de COVID-19 por los viajeros, la percepción del riesgo de viaje, la percepción de salud y seguridad, así como la evitación de viajes con respecto a la teoría de la motivación de protección es desapercibida. Por lo tanto, el estudio actual basado en la teoría de la motivación de protección investiga las relaciones directas e indirectas entre los impactos percibidos del COVID-19 y la evitación del viaje. Las percepciones cognitivas del riesgo de los individuos varían con sus características demográficas; por lo tanto, el estudio actual que utiliza un análisis de multigrupo prueba las diferencias en las estimaciones de los parámetros de grupo específico.


Nos acercamos a los viajeros de Tianjin, China, utilizando diferentes servicios de comunicación, incluidos WeChat y email, a través de una técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve. El estudio utilizó 553 cuestionarios válidos para el análisis.


Los resultados empíricos de los 533 cuestionarios en los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (MES) indican que los impactos percibidos de Covid-19 se correlacionan positivamente con la evitación del viaje. El resultado implica que los encuestados primero evalúan los riesgos y luego toman las decisiones de viajar; por consiguiente, los hallazgos apoyaron la teoría de la motivación de protección. Los hallazgos también mostraron que la percepción del riesgo de viaje y la percepción de salud y seguridad median entre los impactos percibidos de Covid-19 y la evitación de viajes. Además, los resultados del análisis de multigrupo indican que para el género y la educación, no existe una diferencia; sin embargo, en cuanto a la edad, existe una diferencia significativa en la percepción.

Implicaciones practices

Las implicaciones del estudio son importantes para que los legisladores y la industria del turismo comprendan la percepción de los viajeros durante la pandemia y garanticen las medidas de salud y seguridad para animar a viajar.


La aplicación de la teoría de la motivación de protección para analizar los impactos percibidos de COVID-19 por los viajeros y la evitación del viaje en la presencia de la percepción de riesgo de viaje y la percepción de salud y seguridad como variables mediadoras es novedosa. También, el estudio actual contribuye a la literatura a través de probar el modelo teórico sobre las características demográficas de los encuestados.

1 – 10 of 717