Imrich Chlamtac, Hsin‐Yi Lee, Yi‐Bing Lin and Meng‐Hsun Tsai
This paper aims to propose an open service access (OSA) service capability server (SCS) architecture that supports the network capabilities to the Application Server (AS).
This paper aims to propose an open service access (OSA) service capability server (SCS) architecture that supports the network capabilities to the Application Server (AS).
Based on this architecture, the service capability feature (SCF) provides the OSA Application programming interface functions by implementing the SCF service logic module and callback module. The SCF uses the XML communication module to interact with service capability (SC), which is the bearer to realize services by implementing the SC service logic module. The SC service logic interacts with mobile core network through the session initiation protocol (SIP)‐based session control module and the SIP Callback module.
The push to talk over cellular service is used to illustrate how the proposed OSA SCS interacts with the AS and the mobile core network elements.
Practical implications
In the design, when implementing a new service (i.e. to create a new SCS), one only needs to create the Callback module and the Service Logic modules, and other SC/SCF modules can be reused.
Through this modulized SCS design, the OSA service deployment can be speeded up.