Melvin C. Jose, Radha Sankararajan, Sreeja B.S. and Pratap Kumar
This paper aims to propose a laser micro-machined 4 × 4 elements microstrip array antenna suitable for 5 G millimeter wave (mm-wave) applications. Each patch element of the array…
This paper aims to propose a laser micro-machined 4 × 4 elements microstrip array antenna suitable for 5 G millimeter wave (mm-wave) applications. Each patch element of the array is excited with same amplitude and phase that is achieved with proper novel impedance matching stub. The proposed antenna achieves a simulated gain of 13.15 dBi and a measured return loss of −24.80 dB at 28.73 GHz with a total bandwidth of 7.48 GHz. The designed antenna is directional with a directivity of 15.1 dBi at 28.73 GHz, whereas fabricated on a low cost FR4 substrate with a substrate thickness of 0.074 λ mm. The antenna is realized with an aperture size of 2.24λ × 3.26λ.
The antenna structure starts from the design of single element called unit cell. The single element is designed using the transmission line model equations of a rectangular patch. To design a 28 GHz microstrip patch antenna, a dielectric material with lower permittivity and having thickness (h) less than 1 mm is required. This specification gives better gain and efficiency by reducing surface waves and mutual coupling between elements. The inset width is optimized to achieve the minimum reflection coefficient (S11). The single element has been arranged with a minimum spacing of λ/2 (5.3571 mm) in an H plane and E plane. It is connected using the microstrip lines with proper impedance matching. The four 2 × 2-sub array cell subsystems are connected with a corporate feed together formed the 4 × 4-array cell. Rectangular planar array method is used to arrange the elements in the 4 × 4 array cell.
The design concept is simple which includes the combination of corporate feed and insect feed. It is compact in size and easy to fabricate. The bandwidth of fabricated prototype antenna array is achieved as 7.48 GHz from 24.98 GHz to 32.46 GHz. The mutual coupling is very less though the antenna array is placed with minimum spacing between adjacent elements. This is because of the microstrip feeding structure with minimum phase shift. The gain can be further enhanced with increasing number of array element and proper designing of feed line. Owing to the advantages of low profile, wide bandwidth and high gain, the designed array will be potentially useful in 5 G wireless communications.
The measured antenna offers bandwidth 7.48 GHz (24.98 GHz-32.46 GHz) with centered frequency 28.73 GHz. The agreement between simulated and measured results is good. The VSWR is observed 0.32 < 2, offers good impedance matching and low mutual coupling. It gives better E-Field and H-field radiation patterns of the 4 × 4 array antenna structure at 28 GHz. The total gain of 13.14 dBi is achieved at the center frequency. The total efficiency of 63.42 per cent is achieved with FR4 substrate.
In 1969, Warren Nutter left the University of Virginia Department of Economics to serve as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Nixon…
In 1969, Warren Nutter left the University of Virginia Department of Economics to serve as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Nixon administration. During his time in the Defense Department, Nutter was deeply involved in laying the groundwork for a military coup against the democratically elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende. Although Nutter left the Pentagon several months before the successful 1973 coup, his role in Chile was far more direct than the better-known cases of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, James Buchanan, and Arnold Harberger. This chapter describes Nutter’s role in Chile policymaking in the Nixon administration. It shows how Nutter’s criticisms of Henry Kissinger are grounded in his economics, and compares and contrasts Nutter with other economists who have been connected to Pinochet’s dictatorship.
Sangok Yoo, Baek-Kyoo (Brian) Joo and Jae Hang Noh
The purposes of the study are to examine the relationships between team emergent states (TES) (i.e. compelling direction, team identity and psychological safety) and team…
The purposes of the study are to examine the relationships between team emergent states (TES) (i.e. compelling direction, team identity and psychological safety) and team effectiveness outcomes (i.e. team performance, team satisfaction and growth experience), and investigate the mediating role of knowledge sharing and the moderating role of inclusive leadership in those relationships.
This study employed hierarchical multiple regression analysis and bootstrap analyses to test the hypotheses by using data from 73 teams in eight South Korean firms.
Psychological safety was found to be a significant TES for team effectiveness outcomes. Knowledge sharing mediated the relationship between TES and team effectiveness. Lastly, inclusive leadership positively moderated (1) team identity-knowledge sharing; (2) psychological safety-knowledge sharing; and (3) team identity-team performance relationships.
Practical implications
The authors’ findings suggest that managers cultivate a psychologically safe team climate and show inclusiveness to build successful teams. This study also emphasizes the importance of knowledge sharing to turn positive TES into team effectiveness.
From a comprehensive perspective, the findings show the detailed mechanism in which TES relate to team effectiveness mediated by knowledge sharing. In particular, the authors' endeavor further determines the different roles of inclusive leadership, as a boundary condition, in the mechanism.
Yuli Su, San and Tien‐Ming Su
This paper reexamines the relationship between budget deficits and exchange rates by applying Hakkio’s (1996) model to seven Asian countries and eight Euro‐currency countries over…
This paper reexamines the relationship between budget deficits and exchange rates by applying Hakkio’s (1996) model to seven Asian countries and eight Euro‐currency countries over the years from 1951 to 2001. Applying the Time‐Series Cross‐Section Regression with the Seemingly Unrelated Regression approach to data from 15 countries, the results indicate that because of the indirect effect of the expected inflation rate, the risk premium, and the expected return rate, currency values are inversely related to budget deficits. However, the empirical results also present evidence supporting the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition that there is no direct effect of budget deficits on exchange rates.
Tom Schultheiss, Lorraine Hartline, Jean Mandeberg, Pam Petrich and Sue Stern
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the…
The following classified, annotated list of titles is intended to provide reference librarians with a current checklist of new reference books, and is designed to supplement the RSR review column, “Recent Reference Books,” by Frances Neel Cheney. “Reference Books in Print” includes all additional books received prior to the inclusion deadline established for this issue. Appearance in this column does not preclude a later review in RSR. Publishers are urged to send a copy of all new reference books directly to RSR as soon as published, for immediate listing in “Reference Books in Print.” Reference books with imprints older than two years will not be included (with the exception of current reprints or older books newly acquired for distribution by another publisher). The column shall also occasionally include library science or other library related publications of other than a reference character.
Marni E. Fisher and Kimiya Sohrab Maghzi
Written in dialogue form, the benefits and equality of Universal Design vs. Differentiated Design taking into account individual student needs will be explored while integrating…
Written in dialogue form, the benefits and equality of Universal Design vs. Differentiated Design taking into account individual student needs will be explored while integrating literature, research, and both K-12 and higher education experiences. The danger of a singular lens is highlighted as well as the need for educators to be lifelong learners. Both Universal Design and differentiation theories will be tested against and/or aligned with disability studies, multicultural education, critical pedagogy, democratic education, LGBTQ voices, and educational leadership.
Aim of the present monograph is the economic analysis of the role of MNEs regarding globalisation and digital economy and in parallel there is a reference and examination of some…
Aim of the present monograph is the economic analysis of the role of MNEs regarding globalisation and digital economy and in parallel there is a reference and examination of some legal aspects concerning MNEs, cyberspace and e‐commerce as the means of expression of the digital economy. The whole effort of the author is focused on the examination of various aspects of MNEs and their impact upon globalisation and vice versa and how and if we are moving towards a global digital economy.
The following is an annotated list of materials that discuss the ways in which librarians can provide library users with orientation to facilities and services, and instruct them…
The following is an annotated list of materials that discuss the ways in which librarians can provide library users with orientation to facilities and services, and instruct them in library information and computer skills. This is RSR's 11th annual review of this literature, and covers publications from 1984. A few items from 1983 have been included because of their significance, and because they were not available for review last year. Several items were not annotated because the compiler was unable to secure them.
Ravi K. Perry and Joseph P. McCormick
To identify the Obama administration’s policy responsiveness to the (African) American LGBT communities.
To identify the Obama administration’s policy responsiveness to the (African) American LGBT communities.
Theory development and content analysis.
Civic universalism, as a theory, can explain President Obama’s evolution on his support for marriage rights for same-sex couples. Obama employed the concept of e pluribus unum in his many approaches to LGBT responsive politics.
Research limitations
To date, theoretical development within the social sciences of LGBT policy responsiveness is limited.
Very little is written on the subject of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered) politics in the 21st century. The study of the LGBT experience generally has been devoid of political variables because of a lack of attention toward LGBT issues, until recently, in national political party agendas. In this chapter, we review some of the contours of the LGBT community’s fight for political recognition in the United States as a precursor to the election and reelection of President Obama. Drawing parallels with presidential responsiveness toward Blacks in their quest for rights, we examine the Obama administration’s LGBT public policy initiatives as administrative policy and programs. We conclude by identifying new areas of research to explore on LGBT politics.